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How do I write test class for a method that get events?

I have a method to get events and I am trying to figure out how to write test class for that method. Please check out the method below and let me know. Thanks!
    /* Method to get events */
    public static Event mGetEvent(string recordId) {
        Event evt = [SELECT Type, Subject, IsAllDayEvent, RecurrenceActivityId, Frequency_Details__c, Location,  OwnerId,  ActivityDate, Description, DurationInMinutes, RecordTypeId, RecordType.Name,
                     EndDateTime,  EventSubtype, WhoId, isRecurrence, IsPrivate, WhatId, ShowAs, StartDateTime, SC_Responsible__c, ROC_Primary_Deployment__c,
                     RecurrenceType ,RecurrenceInterval ,Automatically_Extend_Recurring_Event__c,RecurrenceMonthOfYear,RecurrenceInstance,RecurrenceDayOfWeekMask ,RecurrenceDayOfMonth,
                     FFC_Deployment_Type__c,Inside_Support__c, ROC_Comments_for_Other_Deployment__c, Reminder_Duration_LEX__c, Additional_Attendee_Type__c, Follow_Up_Required__c, FFC_Comments_for_Other__c
                     FROM Event where id=: recordId LIMIT 1];
        if(evt.IsAllDayEvent) {            
            evt.StartDateTime = DateTime.newInstance(evt.StartDateTime.yearGMT(), evt.StartDateTime.monthGMT(), evt.StartDateTime.dayGMT(), 12, 0, 0);
            evt.EndDateTime = DateTime.newInstance(evt.EndDateTime.yearGMT(), evt.EndDateTime.monthGmt(), evt.EndDateTime.dayGMT(), 13, 0, 0);
        return evt;