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@ M  Coder@ M Coder 

how to check length or size of data --- LWC

Hello folks , 
I want to show a custom message or toast message if no contacts are found for an account . could you please correct my code . 

please tell how to check the size or length of the  returned contacts .  

below code displays Contacts if present under an account . 

html code:
<lightning-card title="Apex Method With Parameters">
<lightning-layout-item flexibility="auto" padding="around-small">
<lightning-layout-item flexibility="grow">
<lightning-input label="Enter Account Name" type="search" onchange={searchContact} value={searchKey}> </lightning-input>
                <lightning-layout-item class="slds-p-left_xx-small">
<lightning-button label="Search" onclick={doSearch} ></lightning-button> </lightning-layout-item>
<lightning-layout-item class="slds-m-bottom_small">
<template if:true={contacts}>
<template for:each={contacts} for:item="contact">
<p key={contact.Id}> {contact.Name} </p>
<template if:false={contacts}>
<p> No Contacts found for this Account </p>
<template if:true={error}>

js code: 

import { LightningElement, track } from 'lwc';
import SearchContactList from '@salesforce/apex/ApexMethodWithParameters.SearchContactList';
export default class ShowContactsIMP extends LightningElement {
/* eslint-disable no-console */
/* eslint-disable no-alert */
@track contacts;
@track error;
this.searchKey =;
doSearch() {
SearchContactList({ accountName: this.searchKey })
result => {
this.contacts = result;
console.log('contacts => ', JSON.stringify(this.contacts));
alert('contacts => ', JSON.stringify(this.contacts));
this.error = undefined;
.catch(error => {
this.error = error;
this.contacts = undefined;
Hi M Coder,

Please find the below code of your controller JS. 
To find the length use JS length method.
ex:- this.contacts.length
☑import { LightningElement, track } from 'lwc';
import SearchContactList from '@salesforce/apex/ApexMethodWithParameters.SearchContactList';
import { ShowToastEvent } from 'lightning/platformShowToastEvent';
export default class ShowContactsIMP extends LightningElement {
/* eslint-disable no-console */
/* eslint-disable no-alert */
@track contacts;
@track error;
this.searchKey =;
doSearch() {
SearchContactList({ accountName: this.searchKey })
result => {
this.contacts = result;
console.log('contacts => ', JSON.stringify(this.contacts));
alert('contacts => ', JSON.stringify(this.contacts));
this.error = undefined;

if(this.contacts.length === 0){
                const evt = new ShowToastEvent({
                    title: 'No Records Found',
                    message: 'No contact record is associated with this account',
                    variant: 'Error',
.catch(error => {
this.error = error;
this.contacts = undefined;

@ M  Coder@ M Coder
hello nitish , 

 i am using this lwc component in lightning__RecordPage .  i fixed the parsing errors of your js files taken from above , but it is not working, can you please check .  can you please modify the code how to write using template if else condition insted of toast messages . 

modified code below : 

import { LightningElement, track } from 'lwc';
import SearchContactList from '@salesforce/apex/ApexMethodWithParameters.SearchContactList';
import { ShowToastEvent } from 'lightning/platformShowToastEvent';
export default class ShowContactsIMP extends LightningElement {
/* eslint-disable no-console */
/* eslint-disable no-alert */
@track contacts;
@track error;
this.searchKey =;
doSearch() {
SearchContactList({ accountName: this.searchKey })
result => {
    this.contacts = result;
    console.log('contacts => ', JSON.stringify(this.contacts));
    alert('contacts => ', JSON.stringify(this.contacts));
    this.error = undefined;
if(this.contacts.length === 0){
const evt = new ShowToastEvent({
title: 'No Records Found',
message: 'No contact record is associated with this account',
variant: 'Error',
.catch(error => {
this.error = error;
this.contacts = undefined;

Thq in Adv
Hi M Coder,

Please find the below code which i have implemented in my System and working fine. 

User-added image

User-added image

HTML file:-
    <lightning-card title="ContactListComponent" icon-name="custom:custom63">
        <div class="slds-m-around_medium">
            <lightning-input type="search" value={searchKey} onchange={searchContact}>
            <lightning-button label="Get Contact List" onclick={handleClick}></lightning-button>
            <template if:true={contacts}>
                <template for:each={contacts} for:item="contact">
                        <li key={}>{contact.Name}</li>
            <template if:true={isNoContact}>
                <p>No contact associated with account</p>

JS File:-
/* eslint-disable no-console*/ 
/* eslint-disable no-debugger*/ 
import { LightningElement,track } from 'lwc';
import findContacts from '@salesforce/apex/ContactController.findContacts';
//import { ShowToastEvent } from 'lightning/platformShowToastEvent';
export default class ContactList extends LightningElement {
   //@wire (getContactList) contacts1;
   @track contacts;
   @track isNoContact;
   @track searchKey;
    this.searchKey =;
        findContacts({searchKey : this.searchKey})
            this.contacts = result;
            this.isNoContact = false;
            if(this.contacts.length === 0){
                this.isNoContact = true;
            this.error = undefined
        .catch(error => {
            this.error = error;

Mark this question solved if given answer is helpful.

Nitish Singh,
@ M  Coder@ M Coder
hello Nitish , 

Can you please rewrite the same code using  Wire functionality , i want to see how can we write it . i tried but failed , can you please re write the same using wire concept.

Thanks in adv
Hi M Coder,

Please find the below codes for the same funtionality using @wire services. To Use the wire service make sure your apex class method is having @AuraEnabled (cacheable= true) defined.

User-added image

User-added image

Please find the sample code as well
/* eslint-disable @lwc/lwc/no-inner-html */
/* eslint-disable @lwc/lwc/no-document-query */
/* eslint-disable no-console*/ 
/* eslint-disable no-debugger*/ 
import { LightningElement,track, wire } from 'lwc';
import findContacts from '@salesforce/apex/ContactController.findContacts';
//import { ShowToastEvent } from 'lightning/platformShowToastEvent';

export default class ContactList extends LightningElement {


   @track contacts;
   @track isNoContact;
   @track searchKey;

    this.searchKey =;

    @wire (findContacts,{searchKey:'$searchKey'})
    // eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars
            this.contacts = data;
            if(this.contacts.length === 0){
            this.isNoContact = true;
        error = undefined;

*Mark this question as solved if given answer is helpful.*
Nitish Singh 
sje lseksje lsek
What is the best way to integrate this program script in dynamic hosted website ( of WordPress?
colleen camachocolleen camacho
There is no size() method available with the array. But there is a length field available in the array that can be used to find the length or size of the array.
array.length: length is a final variable applicable for arrays. With the help of the length variable, we can obtain the size of the array.
int size = arr[].length;

// length can be used 
// for int[], double[], String[] 
// to know the length of the arrays.
Below is the illustration of how to get the length of array[] in Java using length variable:
// Java program to illustrate
// how to get the length of the array
public class Test {
    public static void main(String[] args)
        // Here array is the
        // array name of int type
        int[] array = new int[4];
        System.out.println("The size of "
                           + "the array is "
                           + array.length);
The size of the array is 4
// Java program to illustrate
// how to get the length of the array
public class Test {
    public static void main(String[] args)
        // Here str is the array name
        // of String type.
        String[] str
            = { "GEEKS", "FOR" (, "GEEKS" };
        System.out.println("The size of "
                           + "the array is "
                           + str.length);
The size of the array is 3