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Jacob Elliott 8Jacob Elliott 8 

Visualforce table not populating on page load

I have a Visualforce table that isn't populating on page load. It will populate after I select a picklist value from #filter, but not until then. How can I make the data populate automatically on page load?

<apex:page controller="DTTestPageController" tabStyle="Lead" lightningStylesheets="true">
    <html xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="">

<apex:form id="form">  
    <apex:pageBlock mode="inlineEdit" id="pageblock1">  
        <div id="header" class="headerborder">
            <p id="title">DT Worksheet</p>

            <p id="select">
            <apex:selectList size="1" id="filter" value="{!pickValue}">
                <apex:actionSupport event="onchange"  action="{!GetMedicals}" rerender="table1"/>
                <apex:selectOption itemLabel="All" itemValue="All" ></apex:selectOption>
                    <apex:selectOption itemLabel="Needs Review" itemValue="Review" ></apex:selectOption>
                    <apex:selectOption itemLabel="Pay" itemValue="Pay"></apex:selectOption>
                    <apex:selectOption itemLabel="Don't Pay" itemValue="Dont Pay"></apex:selectOption>
            <apex:commandButton id="alert" value="Alert" rerender=""/>

        <apex:pageBlockButtons location="bottom">  
               <apex:commandButton id="saveButton" value="Save" rerender="" action="{!saveme}"/>  
               <apex:commandButton id="cancelButton" value="Cancel" rerender=""/>  

        <div class="tableborder" id="border">
    <apex:pageBlockTable value="{!lstMedicals}" var="med" id="table1">
        <apex:column headerValue="Medical Bill Number" headerClass="headerStyle">
                <apex:actionRegion >
                      <apex:outputLink value="/{!med.Id}" styleClass="link">

            <apex:column headerValue="Provider" headerClass="headerStyle">
                <apex:actionRegion >
                      <apex:outputField value="{!med.Provider_Name__c}">

        <apex:column headerValue="Pay?" headerClass="headerStyle" id="column1">


            <apex:facet name="header">
               <!--  <apex:commandLink action="{! sortByFirstName }" 
                </apex:commandLink> -->
                <apex:actionRegion id="actionRegion1">
                      <apex:outputField value="{!med.Disburse__c}" id="pay">
                              <apex:inlineEditSupport event="ondblClick" showOnEdit="saveButton,cancelButton"/>

        <apex:column headerValue="Notes" headerClass="headerStyle">
                <apex:actionRegion >
                      <apex:outputField value="{!med.Disbursement_Note__c}">
                              <apex:inlineEditSupport event="ondblClick" showOnEdit="saveButton,cancelButton" id="note"/>


public class DTTestPageController {
    private String sortOrder = 'LastName';
    public string pickValue{get; set;}
    public litify_pm__Matter__c matterId{get; set;}
    public Id recordTypeId = Schema.SObjectType.Medical_Bill__c.getRecordTypeInfosByName().get('Medical').getRecordTypeId();
    public list<Medical_Bill__c> lstMedicals{get; set;}
    public void GetMedicals() {


        if (pickValue == 'All') {
            lstMedicals = [Select Id, Name, Provider_Name__c, Disburse__c, Disbursement_Note__c from Medical_Bill__c WHERE Matter__c =: matterId.Id AND RecordTypeId =: recordTypeId];
        else if (pickValue == 'Review') {
            lstMedicals = [Select Id, Name, Provider_Name__c, Disburse__c, Disbursement_Note__c From Medical_Bill__c WHERE Matter__c =: matterId.Id AND RecordTypeId =: recordTypeId AND Disburse__c = null];
        else if (pickValue == 'Pay') {
            lstMedicals = [Select Id, Name, Provider_Name__c, Disburse__c, Disbursement_Note__c From Medical_Bill__c WHERE Matter__c =: matterId.Id AND RecordTypeId =: recordTypeId AND Disburse__c = 'Yes'];
        else if (pickValue == 'Dont Pay') {
            lstMedicals = [Select Id, Name, Provider_Name__c, Disburse__c, Disbursement_Note__c From Medical_Bill__c WHERE Matter__c =: matterId.Id AND RecordTypeId =: recordTypeId AND Disburse__c = 'No'];
        else {
             lstMedicals = [Select Id, Name, Provider_Name__c, Disburse__c, Disbursement_Note__c from Medical_Bill__c WHERE Matter__c =: matterId.Id AND RecordTypeId =: recordTypeId];

    public pagereference saveme()
        update lstMedicals;
    catch(DmlException ex)

    return NULL;

  /*   public void sortByFirstName() {
        this.sortOrder = 'LastName';
    } */


Best Answer chosen by Jacob Elliott 8
Dushyant SonwarDushyant Sonwar
Jacob , 

You need to add the constructor(this will initialize your method and fill your data) in your class , that will do the magic :)
public DTTestPageController(){
		pickValue = 'All';

Final Code would be something like this below
public class DTTestPageController {
    private String sortOrder = 'LastName';
    public string pickValue{get; set;}
    public litify_pm__Matter__c matterId{get; set;}
    public Id recordTypeId = Schema.SObjectType.Medical_Bill__c.getRecordTypeInfosByName().get('Medical').getRecordTypeId();
    public list<Medical_Bill__c> lstMedicals{get; set;}
	public DTTestPageController(){
		pickValue = 'All';
    public void GetMedicals() {


        if (pickValue == 'All') {
            lstMedicals = [Select Id, Name, Provider_Name__c, Disburse__c, Disbursement_Note__c from Medical_Bill__c WHERE Matter__c =: matterId.Id AND RecordTypeId =: recordTypeId];
        else if (pickValue == 'Review') {
            lstMedicals = [Select Id, Name, Provider_Name__c, Disburse__c, Disbursement_Note__c From Medical_Bill__c WHERE Matter__c =: matterId.Id AND RecordTypeId =: recordTypeId AND Disburse__c = null];
        else if (pickValue == 'Pay') {
            lstMedicals = [Select Id, Name, Provider_Name__c, Disburse__c, Disbursement_Note__c From Medical_Bill__c WHERE Matter__c =: matterId.Id AND RecordTypeId =: recordTypeId AND Disburse__c = 'Yes'];
        else if (pickValue == 'Dont Pay') {
            lstMedicals = [Select Id, Name, Provider_Name__c, Disburse__c, Disbursement_Note__c From Medical_Bill__c WHERE Matter__c =: matterId.Id AND RecordTypeId =: recordTypeId AND Disburse__c = 'No'];
        else {
             lstMedicals = [Select Id, Name, Provider_Name__c, Disburse__c, Disbursement_Note__c from Medical_Bill__c WHERE Matter__c =: matterId.Id AND RecordTypeId =: recordTypeId];

    public pagereference saveme()
        update lstMedicals;
    catch(DmlException ex)

    return NULL;

  /*   public void sortByFirstName() {
        this.sortOrder = 'LastName';
    } */


Hope this helps!

All Answers

Dushyant SonwarDushyant Sonwar
Jacob , 

You need to add the constructor(this will initialize your method and fill your data) in your class , that will do the magic :)
public DTTestPageController(){
		pickValue = 'All';

Final Code would be something like this below
public class DTTestPageController {
    private String sortOrder = 'LastName';
    public string pickValue{get; set;}
    public litify_pm__Matter__c matterId{get; set;}
    public Id recordTypeId = Schema.SObjectType.Medical_Bill__c.getRecordTypeInfosByName().get('Medical').getRecordTypeId();
    public list<Medical_Bill__c> lstMedicals{get; set;}
	public DTTestPageController(){
		pickValue = 'All';
    public void GetMedicals() {


        if (pickValue == 'All') {
            lstMedicals = [Select Id, Name, Provider_Name__c, Disburse__c, Disbursement_Note__c from Medical_Bill__c WHERE Matter__c =: matterId.Id AND RecordTypeId =: recordTypeId];
        else if (pickValue == 'Review') {
            lstMedicals = [Select Id, Name, Provider_Name__c, Disburse__c, Disbursement_Note__c From Medical_Bill__c WHERE Matter__c =: matterId.Id AND RecordTypeId =: recordTypeId AND Disburse__c = null];
        else if (pickValue == 'Pay') {
            lstMedicals = [Select Id, Name, Provider_Name__c, Disburse__c, Disbursement_Note__c From Medical_Bill__c WHERE Matter__c =: matterId.Id AND RecordTypeId =: recordTypeId AND Disburse__c = 'Yes'];
        else if (pickValue == 'Dont Pay') {
            lstMedicals = [Select Id, Name, Provider_Name__c, Disburse__c, Disbursement_Note__c From Medical_Bill__c WHERE Matter__c =: matterId.Id AND RecordTypeId =: recordTypeId AND Disburse__c = 'No'];
        else {
             lstMedicals = [Select Id, Name, Provider_Name__c, Disburse__c, Disbursement_Note__c from Medical_Bill__c WHERE Matter__c =: matterId.Id AND RecordTypeId =: recordTypeId];

    public pagereference saveme()
        update lstMedicals;
    catch(DmlException ex)

    return NULL;

  /*   public void sortByFirstName() {
        this.sortOrder = 'LastName';
    } */


Hope this helps!
This was selected as the best answer
Jacob Elliott 8Jacob Elliott 8
Oh wow, duh! It worked perfectly, thanks so much!