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Trevor KriegTrevor Krieg 

Can I clone case recipients?

In production we have a "Clone" button that came with an app. The clone button close the case but does not bring over all of the case reciepents as if you would have hit reply all. It only brings over the original case contact. I need help in creating a custom clone button in Salesfore lightning in order to clone the entire case as well as all of the previous case recipients. I have tried using a custom button/URl link; /{!Case.Id}/e?clone=1&retURL=/{!Case.Id}&common.udd.actions.ActionsUtilORIG_URI=/{!Case.Id}/e&00N0g000003cSAB, e&00N70000003jXnb, e&00N0g000003Z7Wp, e&00N70000002TpM1, e&00N70000002TpM0, e&00N70000002TpLz, e&09Dm00000008slPEAQ, CcAddress, ToAddress={!Case.CaseNumber} 
But its just working as the previous clone button would. 

Thank you