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Janno RipJanno Rip 

linebreak visualforce title

Hello developers,

I have a visualforce page that includes a map with infowindows. Hovering over the marker I display (as for now) only the title.

What I want to achieve is to display also some more fields. To make it readable I want to use linebreaks (or sth else?). This is where I'm stuck.

<apex:mapMarker title="{!war.Name} {!war.ShippingStreet}">

User-added imageI want title and street to be displayed like this:


Is this possible? Every´thing I try gets display as plain text.

Thanks in Advance

Best Answer chosen by Janno Rip
SwethaSwetha (Salesforce Developers) 
HI Janno,

I believe this functionality is not supported in the title field even using JS functionality with something like

document.title = "My Custom Title";

Please consider submitting an idea on salesforce Idea exchange so that the product team can implement it in coming releases based on the number of upvotes.

Hope this helps you. Please mark this answer as best so that others facing the same issue will find this information useful.
