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Use a formula to create a dynamic Regex for a Flow validation

Hello everyone.

I'm trying to create a regex that is created on the fly given two values of the record's two fields. This regex will be used as a validation of a text field input at a Flow.

For this I'm thinking of creating a Formula Text variable with the following content;
If I place it like that, saving will tell me that de syntax is wrong. By placing it between quotes it allows me to activate de flow.
When I get to the display where I have the field input, the regex seems to arrive with the literal of the field I placed instead of being replaced with the value of those fields, something like this;
The Regex with this value is not working.
Any way to be able to create this kind of regex where I can put a Field value into it?

Thank you very much.

Best Answer chosen by JGF
I just found how I should do it. I have to put the field I want as a separate part of the formula that will be used with the Text function so the final result is the regex i wanted!
"\\-?\\d{1," + TEXT({!nextrecord.First_Field__c}) + "}(\\,\\d{0,"+ TEXT({!nextRecord.Second_Field__c})+"})?"
Will give

Thank you very much.