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Kris WebsterKris Webster 


No one answered me on the previous post and I really need some help here so going for the repost. 

Hey guys, I have written this class to extend my Trigger Handler Base code, and have gotten the code to pass without any errors, however it is not doing exactly what I want it to do. 

I have a object called Project (pse__Proj__c) that has a lookup field on it called campaign (Campaign__c). I also have another object called Expense Reports (pse__Expense_Report__c) that also has the same lookup field on it, buit with a different API name (Campaign_Expense__c). Basically what I need the code to do is that when a new expense report record is created I need the value that is found in the Campaign (Campaign__c) field (on the project object) to fill the campaign object on the expense report object with the same value. 

Here is the code I have, but it is not filling the field on the expense report object with the campaign. PLEASE HELP ! 
// Name         ExpenseReportHandler 
// Description  Standard trigger handler for ExpenseReportHandler 
// Revisions    2018-Nov-20     Initial version
public without sharing class ExpenseReportHandler extends TriggerHandlerBase
    // Local catches for bulkified data
    private map<id, pse__Proj__c> projMap = new map<id, pse__Proj__c>();      // key = record id

    // Name         bulkBefore
    // Description  Standard implementation of the TriggerHandler.bulkBefore() interface method.
    public override void bulkBefore()
        if (trigger.isInsert || trigger.isUpdate)
            set<id> projIds = new set<id>();

            for (SObject so :
                pse__Expense_Report__c er = (pse__Expense_Report__c)so;
                if (er.Campaign_Expense__c != null)

            // Fetch accounts and their default attributes
            projMap = new map<Id, pse__Proj__c>(
                [SELECT Id, 
                   FROM pse__Proj__c
                  WHERE Id IN :projIds]);
    // Name         beforeInsert
    // Description  Standard implementation of the TriggerHandler.afterInsert() interface method.
    public override void beforeInsert(SObject so)
        pse__Expense_Report__c newER = (pse__Expense_Report__c)so;


    // Name         beforeUpdate
    // Description  Standard implementation of the TriggerHandler.afterUpdate() interface method.
    public override void beforeUpdate(SObject oldSo, SObject so)
        pse__Expense_Report__c newER = (pse__Expense_Report__c)so;


    // Name         queueDeliveryManagerSync
    // Description  Helper method to sync delivery manger to parent opty
    private void setcamp (pse__Expense_Report__c exprep)
            // If the expense reports's campaign is blank, we fill it with the projects campaign
            if (exprep.Campaign_Expense__c == null && projMap.containsKey(exprep.pse__Project__c))
                exprep.Campaign_Expense__c = projMap.get(exprep.pse__Project__c).Campaign__c;