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Austin GutzAustin Gutz 

Business Hours Formula Issue

I found a formula on the community to use to calculate the buiness hours between two date.

The formula works perfect... unless the created date is before our business hours.
*Business hours: 8am-5pm EST(M-F)

User-added image

(((Assigned_Time__c - CreatedDate)*1440) / 60) < 0.1, 0, 

9 *( (5*FLOOR((DATEVALUE(IF(ISNULL(Assigned_Time__c), Assigned_Time__c, Assigned_Time__c)) - DATE(1996,01,01))/7) 
MOD(DATEVALUE(IF(ISNULL(Assigned_Time__c), Assigned_Time__c, Assigned_Time__c)) - DATE(1996,01,01), 7) + 
MIN(1, 24/ 9 *(MOD(IF(ISNULL(Assigned_Time__c), Assigned_Time__c, Assigned_Time__c) - DATETIMEVALUE('1996-01-01 14:00:00'), 1))) 


(5*FLOOR((DATEVALUE(CreatedDate + MAX(DATETIMEVALUE(TEXT(DATEVALUE(CreatedDate)) & " 14:00:00") - CreatedDate,0)) - DATE(1996,01,01))/7) + 
MOD(DATEVALUE(CreatedDate + MAX(DATETIMEVALUE(TEXT(DATEVALUE(CreatedDate)) & " 14:00:00") - CreatedDate ,0)) - DATE(1996,01,01), 7) + 
MIN(1, 24/ 9 *(MOD(CreatedDate + MAX(DATETIMEVALUE(TEXT(DATEVALUE(CreatedDate)) & " 14:00:00") - CreatedDate ,0) - DATETIMEVALUE('1996-01-01 14:00:00'), 1))))) 

Andrew GAndrew G
Looking at the code , and comparing to the help page version ( , i figure the extra code is attempting to workout the start of the working day.
Given that it is the before start of day that is an issue, i would wonder if the timezone is causing an issue. For example, my start of working day is actually the evening before @ 10pm.
I had a quick play, simulating 9:30am as my start of day, hence 23:30 the prior evening (GMT).  The code below appears to resolve the start of day function, but I have not exhaustively tested the code.

(((LastModifiedDate - CreatedDate)*1440) / 60) < 0.1, 0, 

9 *( (5*FLOOR((DATEVALUE(LastModifiedDate) - DATE(1996,01,01))/7) 
MOD(DATEVALUE(LastModifiedDate) - DATE(1996,01,01), 7) + 
MIN(1, 24/ 9 *(MOD((LastModifiedDate-1) - DATETIMEVALUE('1996-01-07 22:30:00'), 1))) 


(5*FLOOR((DATEVALUE(CreatedDate + MAX(DATETIMEVALUE(TEXT(DATEVALUE(CreatedDate)) & " 22:30:00") - CreatedDate,0)) - DATE(1996,01,01))/7) + 
MOD(DATEVALUE(CreatedDate + MAX(DATETIMEVALUE(TEXT(DATEVALUE(CreatedDate -1)) & " 22:30:00") - CreatedDate ,0)) - DATE(1996,01,01), 7) + 
MIN(1, 24/ 9 *(MOD(CreatedDate + MAX(DATETIMEVALUE(TEXT(DATEVALUE(CreatedDate-1)) & " 22:30:00") - CreatedDate ,0) - DATETIMEVALUE('1996-01-07 22:30:00'), 1))))) 

Note that when comparing the date to determine start of Day , I have subtracted a day to get the prior evening's time (for GMT start of day).

Not sure if this would affect you, i can't fathom what timezone you are in and determine GMT change of day.

My other question was regarding your code 
IF(ISNULL(Assigned_Time__c), Assigned_Time__c, Assigned_Time__c)
It seems redundant as it indicates that IF Assigned Time is Blank, use Assigned Time else use Assigned Time.  However, not knowing your environment it may be valid for some reason.
