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Sandilya kumarSandilya kumar 

WorkOrder's owner should assign to a user who is specific to the Region based on the country field.

Create a custom object, Work Order object. It should have a country field. When we are creating a new record for WorkOrder, The WorkOrder's owner should assign to a user who is specific to the Region based on the country field. 

Create two custom objects( Region__c ,  Region_Country__c). Region object should have User lookup. Region_Country__c should have all the countries list with Regions.
trigger WorkOrders on WorkOrder (after insert) {
    set<Country__c> con =new set<Country__c>();
    list<Workorder__C>worklist=new list<Workorder__C>();
    list<Workorder__C>work_list=new list<Workorder__C>();
    list<Region__c>Reglist=new list<Region__c>();
            Reglist = [select User__c from Workorder__C ];
    if (trigger.isdelete)                         
        for(contact con:trigger.old)
    acclist=[SELECT id,name FROM account WHERE id in:accid];
    contactlist=[SELECT id,name,accountid FROM contact WHERE accountid in:accid];


Since am new to developing am trying to solve the use case,please can anyone help me .
thanks in advance.
Best Answer chosen by Sandilya kumar
Raj VakatiRaj Vakati
try this code
trigger WorkOrders on WorkOrder (before insert) {
	Set<String> str = new Set<String>() ; 
	for(WorkOrder w :{
		str.add(w.country__c) ;
	List<Region_Country__c> regCoun = [Select Name , Id ,User__c  from Region_Country__c where Name IN  : str]; 
	Map<String , Region_Country__c> mapOf = new Map<String , Region_Country__c>() ; 
	for(Region_Country__c r : regCoun){
		mapOf.put(r.Name , r) ; 
	for(WorkOrder w :{
	Region_Country__c c = mapOf.get(w.country__c) ; 
	w.OwnerId =c.User__c;
