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Peter Greenbaum 7Peter Greenbaum 7 

Einstein Analytics and Discovery Insights Specialist - Step 2

I'm stuck on step #2 of Einstein Analytics and Discovery Insights Specialist superbadge.  I'm getting this warning while checking the challenge:
Challenge #2 Not complete
The step "Churn Tenure' is in compact form, so the filter values need to be specifed as a minimum and maximum
The static step that feeds has the following the value:
"Tenure_Length": {
                "broadcastFacet": false,
                "label": "Tenure Length",
                "selectMode": "single",
                "type": "staticflex",
                "values": [
                        "display": "High Risk",
                        "value": "1 to 12 months",
                        "min": 1,
                        "max": 12

I'm using selection binding for min and max values.  The dashboard is correctly filtering:
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Any ideas? 
I've tried a non-compact form step where I inject a saql fragment into the query, as well as where I inject min/max values using a range filter serialization...All these efforts end in the same challenge failure message.

Any help/suggesitions are welcome!
Mitesh TrailblazerMitesh Trailblazer
Hi Peter,
I assume that you completed the Step one of the challenge to reach here and I am stuck at the Step 1 to create the Churn Rate field. Not able to turn my head around with all the known information specially for the quarters where there are no subscription but only cancellation like 2016 -4 and 2017-4 Can you please help with the approach you have taken? 
Peter Greenbaum 7Peter Greenbaum 7
Hi Mitesh,

Happy holidays from NYC!  In quasi-code, I did step one like this:
  1. Load the dataset into q
  2. filter q into a new stream (cancellations) by Churn (you want the number of cancellations, so set the churn bit appropriately)
  3. Group cancellations by ChurnDate year/quarter but project the date as ActivityDate year/quarter; count() as current quarter cancellations, 
  4. you then need to lag cancellations by one period, so generate again but this time collect 'cancellations' by sum and in a separate column, include a window function with sum to pick up the prior period.  I won't tell you have to do it, but read up on windowing
  5. group q by Subscription_Date  year/quarter
  6. generate a count() for "subscribers" and like above, project subscription_date year/quarter as ActiviityDate year/quarter.
  7. re-generate the stream from step 6 as a sum of "subscribers" and add lagged subscribers by the same windowing sum that you did for cancelllations.
  8. then you can either cogroup with a full join on ActivityDate year/quarter (and then generate the formula you need) or union and regroup by ActivityDate year/quarter.
Remember that the formula for churn in this step is current quarter cancellations/(current subscribers + subscribers from a quarter ago - cancellations from a quarter below)

Its super tricky but concentrate on 1) windowing to get the proper lag and 2) joining the streams to get your formula constituent parts.

Hope this helps!


Mitesh TrailblazerMitesh Trailblazer
Hi Peter,

Thanks for the detailed elaboration as the pseudo code and wishing you and your family merry christmas and Happy New Year. Will give the approach you suggested a shot and progress with my challenge :-)

Happy holidays 
Mitesh TrailblazerMitesh Trailblazer
Hi Peter 
Hope you have made good progress on the Challenge and Super badge. I am on the final step and not able to go past the step with error 

Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong: 
We couldn’t find the correct information associated with Apex trigger named SetDealPrediction. Confirm the Salesforce object and integration name
My Trigger works absolutely fine and the Custom setting name is also 'Tenure'
Can you please help.

Peter Greenbaum 7Peter Greenbaum 7
I'm not here yet.  Haven't been able to get off of step two.  Did you filter tenure before you generated the cancellation stream, so both streams (subscribers & cancellations) had the filter or after so only one or the other was filtered?  What kind of binding did you use (straight saql, or a range serialization)?
Mitesh TrailblazerMitesh Trailblazer
Hi Peter,
Just finished this Superbadge. For Step two you can try following steps:
a) Get the Toggle widget to be bound with Static step
b) For the Value of Static step kindly use range and we will use range serialixation later for the binding purpose. Eg below
 "display": "High Risk",
                        "value": "1 to 12 months",
                        "min": 1,
                        "max": 12
c) Filter first stream by binded results and another stream by Churn(Cancelation stream per your teminology) (remeber we have to provide the ratio of Churned to Subscribed.
d) The you can do group by all full

Hope it helps.

Peter Greenbaum 7Peter Greenbaum 7
Thanks.  Still failing for the same reason.  I used your approach in terms of structuring the Tenure_Length step (display= label, value = range text, min and max scalars -- as you indicated above). My Churn_Tenure step query value is:
q = load \"Beattie_Subs\";\n
q = filter q by {{row(Tenure_Length.selection, [0], [\"min\",\"max\"]).asRange(\"Tenure\")}};\n
q_B = filter q by 'Churn' == \"Yes\";\n
result = group q by all full, q_B by all;\n
result = foreach result generate (count(q_B)/ count(q))*100 as 'churnRate';
Further, the numbers actually make sense (High Risk has a larger churn rate than Medium and Low risk).  Stumped!
cheryl bunch 11cheryl bunch 11
@Peter Greenbaum 7 I could not have done Step 1 without your posting this step-by-step. Much more help than the activity itself! Thanks!
Peter Greenbaum 7Peter Greenbaum 7
I'm happy to have helped.  Still stuck on step two.  I know that I'm doing everything right because the numbers change (and make sense) when the risk level changes but it still fails me.  Can you let me know when you passed #2?
cheryl bunch 11cheryl bunch 11
@Peter, I will be going to Step 2 tomorrow so will let you know if I make progress on it. I am pretty slow - too many years out of hands on! :)
Mitesh TrailblazerMitesh Trailblazer
Hello Peter-

If thats the case and you have all the steps for Challenge # 2 complete I advice you to please check the order/sequencing of the tasks to accomplish challenge # 2 and others as well. My observation was that the app and the Churn rate or any other bindings if registered wrongly the first time will cause issue in the verification. I reached to partner support collaboration group as well for these issues and below if the link.

Feel free to reach to me for any assistance and I will be happy to help you folks.

stuck on step 1 still.   I can't figure out how to appropriately deal with the prior quarter matter where there is a gap in periods (ie. some quarters do not have either a cancellation or subscription).    for example, if there are cancellations for quarters 2016-3, 2016-4 and 2017-2... I believe the correct outcome should result with the value of cancellations in 2016-4 be the prior cancellations for period of 2017-1.     however, 2017-1 is not a period in the cancellation steam and as such is being associated with the 2017-2 grouping.   

my thought is to first cogroup both cancellation and subscription streams, then determine the prior counts based on that inclusive period stream.  though I don't seem to be able to get the windowing function to order by the grouped period set.

Sanjoy BiswasSanjoy Biswas

I am getting the error "Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong: We can't confirm the chart reference lines have the correct label and value. The reference line has to have attrition costs as its label and value, plus filter by the Tenure Length toggle." while validating challenge 3; although the reference line has the attriCost data as its label & value as given in the challenge and it is connected to be filtered by the tenure length toggle. Any suggestions?
Please see below the screenshots for the chart
Toggle at High risk
Toggle at Medium Risk
Sanjoy BiswasSanjoy Biswas
Have you seen this kind of problem. Can I reach out to someone in the concerned team who can help? Would be obledged if you can please help me with the contact who can help.
Alexandre Lachmann (SF)Alexandre Lachmann (SF)
All bindings issues are due to step name (@peter : your saql is ok)
Please follow these names :
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Alexandre Lachmann (SF)Alexandre Lachmann (SF)
idem for step 3 Sanjoy :-)
Alexandre Lachmann (SF)Alexandre Lachmann (SF)
step 1 for newbee like me !
- union churn+sub to get all quarters
- cogroup quarter+sub with coallesce for null value and windows to get sum of subscribe => TotSub
- cogroug quarter+chrun with coallesce for null value and windows to get previous => CurrentChurn and PreviousChurn
- cogroup ope2 and op3 to get result with correct formula : CurrentChurn/(TotSub-PreviousChurn) as 'Churn'
Sanjoy BiswasSanjoy Biswas
Thanks Alexandre. However please see below the step names I have used, do not see any difference:
Sanjoy BiswasSanjoy Biswas
Hi Alexandre, I made the step names exactly as you had shared and the challenge was successful. Thanks a ton for your help.
Alexandre Lachmann (SF)Alexandre Lachmann (SF)
Tenure_Length_1 !
Keith BordenKeith Borden
Hi Mitesh
How did you get past the error you encountered on Challenge 5, "We couldn’t find the correct information associated with Apex trigger named SetDealPrediction. Confirm the Salesforce object and integration name" ?
Sanjoy BiswasSanjoy Biswas
Hi Keith,

Check if you have used "Tenure" (without quotes) as the name (integration name) for your entry in the Einstein Discovery-Write Back Detail Custom Setting as well as in the Apex trigger named SetDealPrediction.
Mitesh TrailblazerMitesh Trailblazer
Hi Keith,
I have actually earlier used a random name for integration but then I recreated the Custom setting and the trigger once again for the app and that helped me completing the challenge. Hope that helps!

Mitesh TrailblazerMitesh Trailblazer
Hi RV8,

For the Step 1 I was also stuck but then the quasi code from Peter Greenbaum helped me clear the challenge. The same can be seen in this message trail. The cogroup on the period should be done prior to windowing in both the cases ie Churn or cancellation and subscription and you should be able to use the calculated column for the churn rate then.

If I share my implementation steps  that would spoil the fun :-)
If you are stuck then will be happy to help 
Keith BordenKeith Borden
Thanks Mitesh (and Sanjoy).  I deleted and re-created the custom setting and trigger.  I copied and pasted the same text that I had in there before, but this time the challenge passed. :)  Thanks!
my chart is too ugly but challenge step 1 passed!
please show me your pretty chart.
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Alexandre Lachmann (SF)Alexandre Lachmann (SF)
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oh! nice one thanks.
I am stuck on step 3
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my result image is not bad.
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how to use filter for this requirement.
"Also, make it possible for the reference line value to filter by length of tenure from the Tenure Length toggle."

my filter is wrong place?
"measureAxis1": {
    "sqrtScale": false,
    "showTitle": true,
    "showAxis": true,
    "referenceLines": [
            "color": "#E84340",
            "label": "{{cell(Attrition_Cost_1.result, 0, \"attrCost\").asString()}}",
            "value": "{{cell(Attrition_Cost_1.result, 0, \"attrCost\").asString()}}"                            
	"filters": [
	      "{{ column( Tenure_Length_1.selection, [\"Tenure\"] ).asObject() }}",
    "title": "Subscription Revenue",
    "customDomain": {
        "showDomain": false

Alexandre Lachmann (SF)Alexandre Lachmann (SF)
Filter is not needed thanks to automatic facet binding
issue comes from attrition step name : not xxx_1
Thanks Alexandre Lachmann,

I removed my hard code filters, and edit step names as you mentioned in old post.
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then, error is changed!
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automatic facet binding is not working?

filter q by {{row(Tenure_Length_1.selection, [0], [\"min\",\"max\"]).asRange(\"Tenure\")}};
After add filter to query of Attrition Cost, its worked!
Hi Peter Greenbaum 7 ,
I am stuck since several days on the step 1. I have a doubt on how I use the windowing functions to sum over the previous period. Could you please let me know what is wrong in the following SAQL code?
q = load "Beattie_Subs";

cancel = group q by ('Churn_Date_Year', 'Churn_Date_Quarter');
cancel = foreach cancel generate cancel.'Churn_Date_Year' + "~~~" + cancel.'Churn_Date_Quarter' as 'ActivityDate_Year~~~ActivityDate_Quarter', count() as 'New Quarter Cancellations';

cancel = group cancel by ('ActivityDate_Year~~~ActivityDate_Quarter');
cancel = foreach cancel generate cancel.'ActivityDate_Year~~~ActivityDate_Quarter' as 'ActivityDate_Year~~~ActivityDate_Quarter', coalesce(sum(cancel.'New Quarter Cancellations'),0) as 'New Quarter Cancellations', coalesce(sum(sum('New Quarter Cancellations')) over ([..-1] partition by all order by ('ActivityDate_Year~~~ActivityDate_Quarter')),0) as 'Previous Quarter Cancellations';

sub = group q by ('Subscription_Date_Year', 'Subscription_Date_Quarter');
sub = foreach sub generate sub.'Subscription_Date_Year' + "~~~" + sub.'Subscription_Date_Quarter' as 'ActivityDate_Year~~~ActivityDate_Quarter', count() as 'New Quarter Subcribers';

sub = group sub by ('ActivityDate_Year~~~ActivityDate_Quarter');
sub = foreach sub generate sub.'ActivityDate_Year~~~ActivityDate_Quarter' as 'ActivityDate_Year~~~ActivityDate_Quarter', coalesce(sum(sub.'New Quarter Subcribers'),0) as 'New Quarter Subcribers', coalesce(sum(sum('New Quarter Subcribers')) over ([..-1] partition by all order by ('ActivityDate_Year~~~ActivityDate_Quarter')),0) as 'Previous Quarter Subcribers';

result = cogroup sub by 'ActivityDate_Year~~~ActivityDate_Quarter' full, cancel by 'ActivityDate_Year~~~ActivityDate_Quarter';
result = foreach result generate coalesce(sub.'ActivityDate_Year~~~ActivityDate_Quarter', cancel.'ActivityDate_Year~~~ActivityDate_Quarter') as 'ActivityDate_Year~~~ActivityDate_Quarter', sum(cancel.'New Quarter Cancellations')/(sum(sub.'New Quarter Subcribers') + sum(sub.'Previous Quarter Subcribers') - sum(cancel.'Previous Quarter Cancellations')) as 'Churn Rate';

Thanks by advance for your help.
Peter Greenbaum 7Peter Greenbaum 7

Hmm.  Looks close.
Try defining the window on line 7 as [-1..-1]
Try defining the window on line 13 a [-1..0]

That's what worked for me.  Good luck
Thanks Peter for your feedback. I have followed your advises and it is working perfectly. Thank you so much :D

I see that the Churn Rate is greater than 100% on 2018-2 which lloks weird to me:
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Mathieu NobletMathieu Noblet
Hello fellow trailblazers!

I am stucked on step #2

I created my widget chart as well as my toggle with the static step.
I linked the static step with the chart and the JSON is correct but I'm gitting this error message when trying to display the chart :
"This widget can't be displayed because there is a problem with its source step:
The binding ' cell(Tenure_Length_1.selection, 0, "values").asObject() ' contains an error: No data found at row index 0, column name 'values'."

I tried with several row indexes but it still displays the same error.

Does someone have insights on this point?

Here is my JSON :
"steps": {
            "Tenure_Length_1": {
                "broadcastFacet": true,
                "label": "Tenure Length",
                "selectMode": "single",
                "type": "staticflex",
                "values": [
                        "display": "High Risk",
                        "value": [
                        "columns": [
                                "query": {
                                    "measures": [
                                    "filters": [
                                "query": {
                                    "measures": [
                                "query": {
                                    "measures": [
                                    "formula": "A/B"
                                "format": "number"
                        "filters": [
                        "display": "Medium Risk",
                        "value": [
                        "columns": [
                                "query": {
                                    "measures": [
                                    "filters": [
                                "query": {
                                    "measures": [
                                "query": {
                                    "measures": [
                                    "formula": "A/B"
                                "format": "number"
                        "filters": [
                        "display": "Low Risk",
                        "value": [
                        "columns": [
                                "query": {
                                    "measures": [
                                    "filters": [
                                "query": {
                                    "measures": [
                                "query": {
                                    "measures": [
                                    "formula": "A/B"
                                "format": "number"
                        "filters": [
            "Churn_Tenure_1": {
                "broadcastFacet": true,
                "datasets": [
                        "id": "0Fb1t000000XjFcCAK",
                        "label": "Beattie Subs",
                        "name": "Beattie_Subs",
                        "url": "/services/data/v44.0/wave/datasets/0Fb1t000000XjFcCAK"
                "isGlobal": false,
                "label": "Churn Tenure",
                "query": {
                    "measures": "{{ cell(Tenure_Length_1.selection, 0, \"values\").asObject() }}"

Mathieu NobletMathieu Noblet
The strangest part of it is that with that JSON I passed the challenge... But I'd like to understand why it doesn't display the chart.
Chintamani "CD" DeshmukhChintamani "CD" Deshmukh
@mathiew - I was struggling with the same issue for some time. my bindings were working but chart wasnt visible. I dont know the exact reason but I deleted whole thing multiple times and recreated. I spent 'a lot' of time on this step and now everything works, looks OK.
Chintamani "CD" DeshmukhChintamani "CD" Deshmukh
Challenge 5 --> Can anyone please help in step - 'Connect Einstein Discovery to Your Custom Fields' where we need to enter 'Prediction Definition Id' from ' Activation Steps'. I am not able to locate this anywhere. 
Hi Chintamani,

you need to following steps from this link.
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and then you can find Prediction Definition Id from MODEL. also be careful on label name.
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Good luck, Regards.
Chintamani "CD" DeshmukhChintamani "CD" Deshmukh
LinThaw, thank you for your help and I was able to complete superbadge today. I encountered couple of issues in challenge 5 but not much.
Peter Greenbaum 7Peter Greenbaum 7
Hi guys.  I finally finished the challenges and got the badge!  Thanks for all of your awesome help.  This was an excellent challenge and community experience for me.
Mitesh TrailblazerMitesh Trailblazer
Good to hear from you Pete! Lets hope more collaboration in time to come for Superbadge and other community experience.
Ravi LRavi L

I am struck with Step # 2

i was able to create the churn chart  with the below code, but not able to link the toggle, require help
q = load "Beattie_Subs";

q = filter q by 'Tenure' >= 0 && 'Tenure' <= 100;
q_B = filter q by 'Churn' == "Yes";
result = group q by all full, q_B by all;
result = foreach result generate (count(q_B) / count(q))*100 as 'churnRate';

Churn Chart
Chintamani "CD" DeshmukhChintamani "CD" Deshmukh
Change filter q by 'Tenure' >=0 .... row and pass your selection (Something like - filter q by {{row(Tenure_Length_1.selection,[0],[\"min\",\"max\"]).asRange (\"Tenure\")}}; Make sure you use correct step name from your widgets.
Peter Greenbaum 7Peter Greenbaum 7
I would just add that the static step that you're binding to (api name: Tenure_Length_1, label: Tenure Length), should have values of min/max that match the instructions (1/12, 13/24, 25/36):
"Tenure_Length_1": {
                "broadcastFacet": false,
                "label": "Tenure Length",
                "selectMode": "single",
                "type": "staticflex",
                "values": [
                        "display": "High Risk",
                        "value": "1 to 12 months",
                        "min": 1,
                        "max": 12

Hope this helps, Ravi
Ravi LRavi L
Thanks Chintamani & Peter, timely help. I have moved to 3rd step now...
Ravi LRavi L
I have completed till step 4, need guidence for Step 5 (Einstein Discovery part)...

help required how to get the activation id, not finding the option
Ravi LRavi L
All, thanks a lot, i am able to complete the super badge, this is very challenging and skilled. Appreciate your help.
Jean-Noel CasassusJean-Noel Casassus
Stuck with step 5
Same message appear, trigger have been deleted and created a lot of time same things with the custom settings

Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
We couldn’t find the correct information associated with Apex trigger named SetDealPrediction. Confirm the Salesforce object and integration name.

The trigger is working fine and Subscriber records are updated on edit.
In custom settings:
Name = Tenure

and the trigger contain
String CONFIG_NAME = 'Tenure';
Hi Jean-Noel Casassus,
I used this one for single object with no data transformation.
how about you?
trigger SetDealPrediction on Subscriber__c (after insert, after update) {
   if(System.isFuture()) return;
   if(ed_insights.CheckRecursive.runOnce()) {
   // custom Settings' name
   String CONFIG_NAME = 'Tenure';
Simone MouyalSimone Mouyal

Challenge #2

Anyone got binding the toggle to the chart? In my wasn't made it automatically. How can I do this?

Chintamani "CD" DeshmukhChintamani "CD" Deshmukh
Binding toglle wont be automatic, you need to do in in chart - change the filter step with toggle selection. There is answer within this thread itself if you read previous comments carefully. Let me know if you still cant do it.
Szymon Halik 7Szymon Halik 7
Hello guys, I am struggling with the first step in the super badge. The error message is:
Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong: 
We can't confirm this is the correct quarter. Records should be grouped by subscriber activity (sign ups and cancellations). A suggestion is to generate a stream for subscriber records by Subscription Date and
its counts, along with Churn Date and its counts. Ensure both streams for these date fields share a common variable then create a union of both streams.
Close errors
My query looks like this:
q = load "beattie_subs";

cancel = group q by ('Churn_Date__c_Year', 'Churn_Date__c_Quarter');
cancel = foreach cancel generate cancel.'Churn_Date__c_Year' + "~~~" + cancel.'Churn_Date__c_Quarter' as 'ActivityDate_Year~~~ActivityDate_Quarter', count() as 'New Quarter Cancellations';

cancel = group cancel by ('ActivityDate_Year~~~ActivityDate_Quarter');
cancel = foreach cancel generate cancel.'ActivityDate_Year~~~ActivityDate_Quarter' as 'ActivityDate_Year~~~ActivityDate_Quarter', coalesce(sum(cancel.'New Quarter Cancellations'),0) as 'New Quarter Cancellations', coalesce(sum(sum('New Quarter Cancellations')) over ([-1..-1] partition by all order by ('ActivityDate_Year~~~ActivityDate_Quarter')),0) as 'Previous Quarter Cancellations';

sub = group q by ('Subscription_Date__c_Year', 'Subscription_Date__c_Quarter');
sub = foreach sub generate sub.'Subscription_Date__c_Year' + "~~~" + sub.'Subscription_Date__c_Quarter' as 'ActivityDate_Year~~~ActivityDate_Quarter', count() as 'New Quarter Subcribers';

sub = group sub by ('ActivityDate_Year~~~ActivityDate_Quarter');
sub = foreach sub generate sub.'ActivityDate_Year~~~ActivityDate_Quarter' as 'ActivityDate_Year~~~ActivityDate_Quarter', coalesce(sum(sub.'New Quarter Subcribers'),0) as 'New Quarter Subcribers', coalesce(sum(sum('New Quarter Subcribers')) over ([-1..0] partition by all order by ('ActivityDate_Year~~~ActivityDate_Quarter')),0) as 'Previous Quarter Subcribers';

result = cogroup sub by 'ActivityDate_Year~~~ActivityDate_Quarter' full, cancel by 'ActivityDate_Year~~~ActivityDate_Quarter';
result = foreach result generate coalesce(sub.'ActivityDate_Year~~~ActivityDate_Quarter', cancel.'ActivityDate_Year~~~ActivityDate_Quarter') as 'ActivityDate_Year~~~ActivityDate_Quarter', sum(cancel.'New Quarter Cancellations')/(sum(sub.'New Quarter Subcribers') + sum(sub.'Previous Quarter Subcribers') - sum(cancel.'Previous Quarter Cancellations')) as 'Churn Rate';
The produced chart seems to be correct. I don't know what I am missing. Do I need to create new fields(SubscriptionDate_Year, SubscriptionDate_Quarter, ChurnDate_Year, ChurnDate_Quarter) on the Subscriber object or just use those created by EA during the dataflow as I did now?
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rahul kumar 492rahul kumar 492
Hello All,
I am struggling with the step 3 in the super badge. 
i have created Subscriber Revenue bar chart. 
Now i am Not getting next steps:
4. Create another step, with Attrition Cost as the name , that calculates subscriber attrition cost, [Churned Subscribers (Churn = ‘Yes’) x $950.00].
5. Use the projection name attrCost for your calculation in the previous step.
6. Add a reference line to the Subscriber Revenue chart. 
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Please guide me for this step!
Chintamani "CD" DeshmukhChintamani "CD" Deshmukh
@rahul kumar 492 - Create a step (Compare table for the calculation given in requirements), name the results column appropriately as suggested.
Add this to your chart as a reference line. Once done, go to SAQL and add result binding of tenure length to this so that reference line changes per your selection. 

Hope this helps.
rahul kumar 492rahul kumar 492
Thanks @Chintamani "CD" Deshmukh , it's work. I mooved to step 4.
Tim CastaTim Casta
Hi Chintamani and rahul,

I'm also stuck on step 3,

In the json, i'm trying to bind the Attrition Cost to the Subscriber Revenue reference line by doing the following :
                                "color": "#E84340",
                                "label": "Attrition cost",
                                "value": {{cell(Attrition_Cost_1.result, 0, "attrCost").asString()}}

But I have a message that the json is not valid.

Thanks for helping me.
Peter Greenbaum 7Peter Greenbaum 7
Hey Tim,

The JSON is invalid because you have to wrap the binding in quotes:  
"value": "{{cell(Attrition_Cost_1.result, 0, "attrCost").asString()}}"

Also, i think you need to serialize using asObject(), not asString().

Hope that helps!
Tim CastaTim Casta
Hi Peter,

Thanks for your help.
Just found this page :

It is working with asString() for both value and label.

Now I'm struggling with the filter using the toogle.
Tim CastaTim Casta
Thanks to LinThaw, I was able to pass this using :
filter q by {{row(Tenure_Length_1.selection, [0], [\"min\",\"max\"]).asRange(\"Tenure\")}};

as a filter to query in Attrition Cost SAQL.

Thanks a lot LinThaw !
Deepshikha Rajput 2Deepshikha Rajput 2
hey @lin Thaw. I am stuck @ the Step 2 getting error "

Could not parse binding: Parse error on line 1: ...th_1.selection,[0],[\"min\",\"max\"]).as -----------------------^ Expecting 'INTEGER', '-', 'STRING', ']', got 'IDENTIFIER'."
here is my Saql 
q = load "Beattie_Subs"; filter q by {{row(Tenure_Length_1.selection,[0],[\"min\",\"max\"]).asRange (\"Tenure\")}};q_B = filter q by 'Churn' == "Yes"; result = group q by all full, q_B by all; result = foreach result generate (count(q_B) / count(q))*100 as 'churnRate';
Maanas DesaiMaanas Desai
@Deepshikha Rajput 2 , please copy  solution carefully...
Line 2 you are missing q=filter q  ....
q = load "Beattie_Subs";
q=filter q by {{row(Tenure_Length_1.selection,[0],[\"min\",\"max\"]).asRange (\"Tenure\")}};
q_B = filter q by 'Churn' == "Yes";
result = group q by all full, q_B by all; result = foreach result generate (count(q_B) / count(q))*100 as 'churnRate';
Tim CastaTim Casta
Hi there !

I'm struggling on step 4 with the cogroup to display data from both datasets:

I'm using :
oem = load "Beattie_OEM_Survey";
subs = load "Beattie_Subs";
q = cogroup oem by 'Region', subs by 'Region';
q = foreach q generate avg(oem.'CSAT') as 'Avg of CSAT', avg(subs.'Tenure') as 'Avg of Tenure';

But i can't get to group by the region... this is driving me crazy
Peter Greenbaum 7Peter Greenbaum 7
Hi Tim,

After you co-group, you generate a stream but your stream is missing the dimension you want to group by, it only has mesures (Avg customer satisfaction and tenure).  You have to add the Region dimension to your stream.  So, something like this would work:
q = load "Beattie_Subs";
s = load "Beattie_OEM_Survey";
r = cogroup q by 'Region', s by 'Region';
r = foreach r generate q.'Region' as 'Region', round(avg(s.CSAT),0) as 'avg_CSAT', round(avg(q.'Tenure'),0) as 'avg_Tenure';
r = order r by 'avg_CSAT' asc;

Hope this helps.

Tim CastaTim Casta
Thanks A LOT Peter !
This has done the trick !
Dave ParadiseDave Paradise
Just finished this one. Was pretty fun though building the SAQL queries was defintiely the hardest part since it felt like they really threw us into the deep end with those. Thanks to everyone in the thread for sharing their questions and insights!
Maanas DesaiMaanas Desai
Yes indeed it was one ot the most trickiest challenge Being a beginner, Lets play Salesforce videos helped me alot  Also thanks a lot to all the people in this forum. CHEERS :-)
Johan KarlsteenJohan Karlsteen
Thanks to this thread I made it through this superbadge, it was one of the hardest so far given my limited experience with Einstein Analytics. You guys rock!
Juray HudakJuray Hudak
Hi All you passed this superbadge, congrats!, with help from this thread especially from Peter Greenbaum 7 explanations I did steps 1 - 4 
I am stuck on step #5 now, what they mean on 
Create a story in Einstein Discovery
 4.Name your final prediction Predicted Tenure.  Name the Story Predicted Tenure ? Because I  have everything working even on edit 
Subscriber object In salesforce  I get: Tenure Outcome 16 and Tenure Explanation +0.435 because Modem Age is 1 - 2 Years and Tenure Prescription +3.568 if you change Modem Age to New (with many more rows)
So Subscriber object is fine, trigger is working also , but still getting error:
Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong: 
We can't find your recommendation. Confirm a 'Predicted Tenure' recommendation exists.

Juray HudakJuray Hudak
Thank you all, I did it:You've earned yourself the most super of badges, and a ton of points.
The problem vas the deploy model name this should follow Predicted tenure . But thanks all guys !
Glad to hear! you all can do it. Let's rock all superbadges!!
Ryan Tretter 9Ryan Tretter 9
Hi, All.

I am stuck on step 1 of this superbadge.  My chart looks exactly as the sample in the challenge and I have my chart marker set on the first quarter that is showing a Churn Rate; however, I keep getting the error message below:
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Here is my chart and saql:
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q = load "Beattie_Subs";

Subscribers = group q by ('Subscription_Date_Year', 'Subscription_Date_Quarter');
Subscribers = foreach Subscribers generate 'Subscription_Date_Year' + "-" + 'Subscription_Date_Quarter' as 'ActivityDate_Year-ActivityDate_Quarter', count() as 'Current Quarter Subscribers';

Churns = group q by ('Churn_Date_Year', 'Churn_Date_Quarter');
Churns = foreach Churns generate 'Churn_Date_Year' + "-" + 'Churn_Date_Quarter' as 'ActivityDate_Year-ActivityDate_Quarter', count() as 'Current Quarter Churns';

Result = group Subscribers by 'ActivityDate_Year-ActivityDate_Quarter' full, Churns by 'ActivityDate_Year-ActivityDate_Quarter';
Result = foreach Result generate coalesce(Subscribers.'ActivityDate_Year-ActivityDate_Quarter', Churns.'ActivityDate_Year-ActivityDate_Quarter') as 'ActivityDate_Year-ActivityDate_Quarter', sum(Subscribers.'Current Quarter Subscribers') as 'Current Quarter Subscribers', sum(Churns.'Current Quarter Churns') as 'Current Quarter Churns';
Result = group Result by ('ActivityDate_Year-ActivityDate_Quarter', 'Current Quarter Subscribers', 'Current Quarter Churns');
Result = foreach Result generate 'ActivityDate_Year-ActivityDate_Quarter', sum('Current Quarter Subscribers') as 'Current Quarter Subscribers', 'Current Quarter Churns', sum('Current Quarter Subscribers') over ([..-1] partition by all order by 'ActivityDate_Year-ActivityDate_Quarter') - coalesce(sum('Current Quarter Churns') over ([-1..-1] partition by all order by 'ActivityDate_Year-ActivityDate_Quarter'),0) as 'Previous Quarter Subscribers';
Result = foreach Result generate 'ActivityDate_Year-ActivityDate_Quarter', 'Current Quarter Churns'/(coalesce('Previous Quarter Subscribers',0) + coalesce('Current Quarter Subscribers',0)) as 'Churn Rate';

I know that Q3 2016 has to be the first quarter with a churn rate because I also pulled the dataset into Excel and pivoted the data on Churn Date Year/Quarter and that is the first quarter with any cancellations.  Any thoughts or suggestions would be really appreciated as I'm getting a bit frustrated with this one.

Sandeep Ramineni 21Sandeep Ramineni 21
I am stuck on challenge 3. I created a new step and named it Attrition Cost and my code initially before binding it to toggle widget is 
q = load "Beattie_Subs";
q = filter q by 'Tenure' >= 0 && 'Tenure' <= 100;
q_B = filter q by 'Churn' == "Yes";
result = group q by all full, q_B by all;
result = foreach result generate count((q_B))*950 as 'attrCost';

After adding the attrition cost as reference line and updating the JSON as below:
"referenceLines": [
                                    "color": "#E84340",
                                    "label": "Attrition Cost",
                                    "value": "{{cell(Attrition_Cost_1.result, 0, \"attrCost\").asObject()}}"

I am updating the JSON for Attrition Cost to:
q = load \"Beattie_Subs\";
q = filter q by{{row(Tenure_Length_1.selection,[0],[\"min\",\"max\"]).asRange (\"Tenure\")}};

q_B = filter q by 'Churn' == \"Yes\";
result = group q by all full, q_B by all;
result = for each result generate count((q_B))*950 as 'attrCost';

I am still unable to go to next challenge. Sometimes it throws an error for Attrition Cost and sometimes it doesn't. could anyone help me here?
Hi Everyone -

I am stuck on the challenge 3 and getting the error : 

query :

"query": "beattieSubscribers = load \"Beattie_Subs\"; \ntenuredSubscribers = filter beattieSubscribers by{{row(Tenure_Length_1.selection,[0],[\"min\",\"max\"]).asRange (\"Tenure\")}}; \nchurnedSubscribers = filter tenuredSubscribers by 'Churn' == \"Yes\"; \ngroupedSubscribers = group tenuredSubscribers by all full, churnedSubscribers by all;\nattrCost = foreach groupedSubscribers generate count(churnedSubscribers)*950 as 'attrCost';",

adding attrition cost as refernce line in JSON: 

"referenceLines": [
                                "color": "rgb(0, 161, 224)",
                                "label": " attrition costs",
                                "value": "{{cell(Attrition_Cost_1.result,0,\"attrCost\").asString()}}"

Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong: 
We can't confirm the chart reference lines have the correct label and value. The reference line has to have attrition costs as its label and value, plus filter by the Tenure Length toggle.

Please help guys, i want to complete this superbadge.

Akash Garg
Hi @Sandeep Ramineni, 

I found the workaround please update the refernceLines JSON as below :

"referenceLines": [
                                "color": "#E84340",
                                "label": "{{cell(Attrition_Cost_1.result,0,\"attrCost\").asString()}}",
                                "value": "{{cell(Attrition_Cost_1.result,0,\"attrCost\").asString()}}"

It helped me to go to the next challenge, I hope it would work for you too.
Sandeep Ramineni 21Sandeep Ramineni 21
Hi Akash,

I tried updating the label as well and the value field in JSON but it didn't work. I am not getting any error but when I save and click preview, the toggle changes for Churn Tenure and does nothing for Subscriber Count. I am getting the same error as you got when I check the challenge.
Sandeep Ramineni 21Sandeep Ramineni 21
Hi @LinThaw,

Could you help me with Challenge 3? I tried all changes I can think of and still not able to move ahead.

Sandeep Ramineni 21Sandeep Ramineni 21
Finally was able to clear Challenge 3. 
Hi Sandeep,

I am not sure what step did you wrong, please check these.
In my case my step name is Attrition_Cost_1

[Attrition Cost]
q = load "Beattie_Subs";
q = filter q by 'Tenure' in all;
result = filter q by 'Churn' == "Yes";
result = group result by all;
result = foreach result generate count() as 'count', count()*950 as attrCost;
result = limit result 2000;
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[Reference Line]
"referenceLines": [
        "color": "#E84340",
        "label": "{{cell(Attrition_Cost_1.result, 0, \"attrCost\").asString()}}",
        "value": "{{cell(Attrition_Cost_1.result, 0, \"attrCost\").asString()}}"
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Congrats :)
Sandeep Ramineni 21Sandeep Ramineni 21
Hi @LinThaw,
I found the issue, the code was correct, I forgot to run the query in Attrition Cost step and it caused the problem. I deleted the step and reference lines and saved it and then started from beginning and then it worked. Now onto Challenge 4.
Great, it helps other too.
Sandeep Ramineni 21Sandeep Ramineni 21
Finally finished the Super Badge.. Thanks a lot for all who contributed to this page. 
Felipe LuqueFelipe Luque
Hi all,
I did it, my first super badge!!
Thanks Peter, Alexandre, LinTaw, Mathieu,Chintamani and the rest of fellows.
Peter Greenbaum 7Peter Greenbaum 7
Congratulations Felipe!  It was a fun badge, wasn't it?
Ryan Tretter 9Ryan Tretter 9
I finally completed the superbadge!  I had a major issue with the entire thing because I had done all of the steps first as I was reading through it all and then tried to validate the steps after.  I'm guessing that was throwing everything off so I had to go back and start over doing one step at a time.  I literally didn't change a thing in the steps I had done the first time, I just think it wasn't able to correctly validate each step since I had worked ahead.  Just thought I would mention this in case anyone else has done the same thing and is stuck.
Felipe LuqueFelipe Luque
It was funny in deed, I'll try to help trailblazers who need as I would have never done it without this collaboration thread
Punit MinaPunit Mina

Hi All,

I am getting following error beacuse i am unable to bind widget and chart->


Display Churn by Tenure

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Any thought or advise would be apprecitable!!

Felipe LuqueFelipe Luque
Hi Punit,

Can you post the jsons of churn_tenure and tenure_length steps?, I had some different errors: sometimes the json generates two slashes (\\), the index in the binding line must be in brackets ([0]) and so on
Punit MinaPunit Mina
Hi Felipe,

Following is the json section of churn_tenure and tenure_length: Please have a look and let me know where am i doing mistake..

 "steps":{"Tenure_Length_1":{"broadcastFacet":false,"label":"Tenure Length","selectMode":"single","start":{"display":[]},"type":"staticflex","values":[{"display":"High Risk","value":"1 to 12 months"},{"display":"Medium Risk","value":"13 to 24 months"},{"display":"Low Risk","value":"25 to 36 months"}],"numbers":[],"strings":[],"groups":[]},"Churn_Tenure_1":{"broadcastFacet":true,"groups":[],"label":"Churn Tenure","numbers":[],"query":"q = load \"Beattie_Subs\";\r\n\r\nq = filter q by 'Tenure' >= 0 && 'Tenure' <= 100;\r\nq_B = filter q by 'Churn' == \"Yes\";\r\nresult = group q by all full, q_B by all;\r\nresult = foreach result generate (count(q_B) / count(q))*100 as 'churnRate';","receiveFacet":true,"selectMode":"single","strings":[],"type":"chart","useGlobal":true,"parameters":{"autoFitMode":"keepLabels","showValues":true,"bins":{"breakpoints":{"high":100,"low":0},"bands":{"high":{"color":"#008000","label":""},"low":{"color":"#B22222","label":""},"medium":{"color":"#ffa500","label":""}}},"legend":{"descOrder":false,"showHeader":true,"show":true,"customSize":"auto","position":"right-top","inside":false},"axisMode":"multi","tooltip":{"showBinLabel":true,"measures":"","showNullValues":true,"showPercentage":true,"showDimensions":true,"showMeasures":true,"customizeTooltip":false,"dimensions":""},"visualizationType":"hbar","title":{"fontSize":14,"subtitleFontSize":11,"label":"","align":"center","subtitleLabel":""},"binValues":false,"trellis":{"flipLabels":false,"showGridLines":true,"size":[100,100],"enable":false,"type":"x","chartsPerLine":4},"showActionMenu":true,"measureAxis2":{"sqrtScale":false,"showTitle":true,"showAxis":true,"title":"","customDomain":{"showDomain":false}},"measureAxis1":{"sqrtScale":false,"showTitle":true,"showAxis":true,"title":"","customDomain":{"showDomain":false}},"theme":"wave","dimensionAxis":{"showTitle":true,"customSize":"auto","showAxis":true,"title":"","icons":{"useIcons":false,"iconProps":{"fit":"cover","column":"","type":"round"}}},"applyConditionalFormatting":true}}}}
Felipe LuqueFelipe Luque
Hi Punit

I see a couple of things, you have to connect/bind the two steps through the query in churn_tenure, this is what I have:
"query": "q = load \"Beattie_Subs\";\nq = filter q by {{row(Tenure_Length_1.selection,[0],[\"min\",\"max\"]).asRange (\"Tenure\")}}; \nq_B = filter q by 'Churn' == \"Yes\";\nresult = group q by all full, q_B by all;\nresult = foreach result generate (count(q_B) / count(q))*100 as 'churnRate';",

I also have 2 additional labels in tenure length step, min an max:
 "values": [
                        "display": "Low Risk",
                        "value": "1 to 12 months",
                        "min": 1,
                        "max": 12
                        "display": "Medium Risk",
                        "value": "1 to 12 months",
                        "min": 13,
                        "max": 24
                        "display": "High Risk",
                        "value": "1 to 12 months",
                        "min": 25,
                        "max": 36
Punit MinaPunit Mina
Thanks to Felipe, I was able to pass this using :
filter q by {{row(Tenure_Length_1.selection, [0], [\"min\",\"max\"]).asRange(\"Tenure\")}};
as a filter to query and min/max.
Felipe LuqueFelipe Luque
You´re welcomed
Punit MinaPunit Mina
Hi Felipe,

I am getting following error in step3. where i need to add tenure length toggle .

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And My Visual :
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Query part:
   "query": "q = load \"Beattie_Subs\";\r\nq = filter q by 'Tenure' in all;\r\nresult = filter q by 'Churn' == \"Yes\";\r\nresult = group result by all;\r\nresult = foreach result generate count() as 'count', count()*950 as attrCost;\r\nresult = limit result 2000;",

 "referenceLines": [
                                        "color": "#E84340",
                                        "label": "{{cell(Attrition_Cost_1.result, 0, \"attrCost\").asString()}}",
                                        "value": "{{cell(Attrition_Cost_1.result, 0, \"attrCost\").asString()}}"

Please advise....
Felipe LuqueFelipe Luque
Hi Punit,

More binding needed, ;), and perhaps single quotes around attrcost, here´s my query for attrition_cost step:

"query": "q = load \"Beattie_Subs\";\r\nq= filter q by {{row(Tenure_Length_1.selection,[0],[\"min\",\"max\"]).asRange (\"Tenure\")}};\r\nq_B = filter q by 'Churn' == \"Yes\";\r\nresult = group q by all full, q_B by all;\r\nresult = foreach result generate count((q_B))*950 as 'attrCost';",

Apart from this, where did you locate referencelines?, I had some doubts regarding this, it worked for me putting reference tag in chart_4/chart_5 tags
Maanas DesaiMaanas Desai
All solutions are already provided on top! Still people are not able to copy paste.... This superbadge has just become a copy paste affair now lost its worth! ,😑
Felipe LuqueFelipe Luque
Actually, the value of this badge is more or less 100$
Punit MinaPunit Mina
Hi Felipe | Anyone,

Do you have any dumps or quiz related matterial for this certification(Salesforce Certified Einstein Analytics & Discovery Consultant (WI19))?
if you have, Please provide the details.


Silvina Garrido Matos 2Silvina Garrido Matos 2

I am stuck on Step #4 can someone help me with the names of the Steps? It seems that I have a misspelling somewhere.
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Many thanks! 
Felipe LuqueFelipe Luque
Hi Silvina,

Did you add the reference in beattie survey chart?
Silvina Garrido Matos 2Silvina Garrido Matos 2
Hi Felipe, 

Many thanks! I don't really know what caused the error but I signed in again, it was fixed. I've already finished the Superbadge. 

Kind regards, 
Felipe LuqueFelipe Luque
Ramesh YeddulaRamesh Yeddula
Can any one help me in completing Challenge 3,I suspect the value is different from what every one is getting because of region Massachusetts.I am getting the following error and also attaching the JSON of my dashboard.Challenge Error

                "type": "saql",
                "query": "q = load \"Beattie_Subs\";\r\nq= filter q by {{row(Tenure_Length_1.selection,[0],[\"min\",\"max\"]).asRange (\"Tenure\")}};\r\nq_B = filter q by 'Churn' == \"Yes\";\r\nresult = group q by all full, q_B by all;\r\nresult = foreach result generate count((q_B))*950 as 'attrCost';",
                "useGlobal": true,
                "numbers": [],
                "groups": [],
                "strings": [],
                "label": "Attrition Cost",
                "visualizationParameters": {
                    "type": "chart",
                    "parameters": {
                        "visualizationType": "hbar",
                        "autoFitMode": "keepLabels",
                        "theme": "wave",
                        "title": {
                            "label": "",
                            "fontSize": 14,
                            "subtitleLabel": "",
                            "subtitleFontSize": 11,
                            "align": "center"

 "referenceLines": [
                                "color": "#E84340",
                                "label": "{{cell(Attrition_Cost_1.result, 0, \"attrCost\").asString()}}",
                                "value": "{{cell(Attrition_Cost_1.result, 0, \"attrCost\").asString()}}"
                        "title": "Subscription Revenue",
                        "customDomain": {
                            "showDomain": false
Ramesh YeddulaRamesh Yeddula
@ Felipe Luque : Could you please help me on this?
Peter Dirksen 7Peter Dirksen 7
I'd like to see the values in the table form first, and then merge them together.  What do I need to do to the following code (just for cancels) to have it coalesce the proper zero values for quarters first.

q = load "Beattie_Subs";

cancel = group q by ('Churn_Date_Year', 'Churn_Date_Quarter');
cancel = foreach cancel generate cancel.'Churn_Date_Year' + "~~~" + cancel.'Churn_Date_Quarter' as 'ActivityDate_Year~~~ActivityDate_Quarter', count() as 'New Quarter Cancellations';

cancel = group cancel by ('ActivityDate_Year~~~ActivityDate_Quarter');
cancel = foreach cancel generate cancel.'ActivityDate_Year~~~ActivityDate_Quarter' as 'ActivityDate_Year~~~ActivityDate_Quarter', coalesce(sum(cancel.'New Quarter Cancellations'),0) as 'New Quarter Cancellations', coalesce(sum(sum('New Quarter Cancellations')) over ([-1..-1] partition by all order by ('ActivityDate_Year~~~ActivityDate_Quarter')),0) as 'Previous Quarter Cancellations';

As you can see the data skips quarter 2017-1. 
Daniel Stange (dst14)Daniel Stange (dst14)
The coalesce has no effect here because Churn_Date is always linked to a churned subscriber. Coalesce would set the value to 0 in case there was a row created by at all. What you're doing is a different piece of cake:

cancel = foreach cancel generate cancel.'Churn_Date_Year' + "~~~" + cancel.'Churn_Date_Quarter' as 'ActivityDate_Year~~~ActivityDate_Quarter', count() as 'New Quarter Cancellations';
cancel = group cancel by ('ActivityDate_Year~~~ActivityDate_Quarter');

"cancel" now contains a row for each Quarter someone churned, but it doesn't have a row for Quarter w/o chruned subscribers.

What you'd need is one stream (e.g. "active") that contains all subscribers per unit of time, while cancel contains churned subscribers per unit of time. If you cogroup both now on quarters, coalesce would set rows to zero where there are active scubscribers but no chruned subscribers. But as you don't have the date information for quarter without churned subscribers, there's no row count and not even a row. so coalesce won't have an effect
Felipe LuqueFelipe Luque
Hi Ramesh,

Did you got it?, your json is exactly the same as mine´s
If not, I would face one error at a time, leave/delete the reference line for now and check if the binding it´s not working in the user interface.
Felipe LuqueFelipe Luque
Hi again,

I apologize, what I told you is a non sense
Hi Everyone,

I got stuck at Step 1 with a weird EM : 

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The query is there, the field is created (with the name Churn Rate), the chart displays correctly, the dashboard is saved. I deleted my dashboard and started over, I received the same error, I created a brand new org, set up the dashboard again and received the same error. Finally, I reached out to Trailhead Support and they directed me to this thread.

Would anyone be able to give me a hand? I would really like to continue with this Superbadge.. Thanks in advance!
Shahbaz Chandarki 8Shahbaz Chandarki 8
I am stuck in Step 5. Gettig the below error : 
Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong: 
We can't find your recommendation. Confirm a 'Predicted Tenure' recommendation exists.
Close errors.
What exactly I am missing here.
Shahbaz Chandarki 8Shahbaz Chandarki 8
Step 5 : I have completed almost all the steps related to the story. I can see the 3 custom field values being populated wit values in the Subscribers Details page as soon as i Update the record. I just dont understand the last step :  'Name your final prediction Predicted Tenure.' What exactly do they mean by this step.
I am getting the same error while checking the chages.
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Can you please help me with this. I am stuck with only the last step for this super badge.
Mathieu NobletMathieu Noblet
Hi @Shahbaz

I just finished the superbadge! The workaround is to go in the model manager and create a brand new model called Predicted Tenure. After that you should be able to complete the challenge.
Hi All,

I am also following the Analytics Insight Specialist superbadge and I am stuck in the Challenge 3. I did everything and can able to create the bar chart as follows that is similler to the expected one in the challenge. But I got the following error,

We can't confirm the Subscriber Revenue chart is filtering by the Tenure Length toggle. Confirm there's a binding that filters attrition costs displayed in the reference line.

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Thank you All who contributed here. Was able to finish this superbadge after a long time. Learned a lot with this one. :)
Ruth ForeroRuth Forero
Guys I'm so confused right now, I can't find Model Manager, can you  please tell me if there is any permission that I'm missing? I reviewed everywhere and I can't resolve it :(
Hi @Ruth,
Do you have Einstein Discovery enabled? Also please verify if you have Einstein Plus Admin user permission enabled.
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Vijay Ramesh 19Vijay Ramesh 19
Hi @Mathieu / Nehashri,

I tried create new modal, create new story and deploy modal, created custom setting record again, deleted and re-created trigger again...  But still no luck facing same error 'Cannot find information related in the trigger.  Please confirm object and integration name'.

Any help
Vijay Ramesh 19Vijay Ramesh 19
Hi @LinThaw will you be in position to help me.

I tried create new modal, create new story and deploy modal, created custom setting record again, deleted and re-created trigger again...  But still no luck facing same error 'Cannot find information related in the trigger.  Please confirm object and integration name'.

Any help
Hi Vijay Ramesh,

Please try to check what is going wrong in debug log.

<steps to check debug log>
1. open developer console
2. run verify step in trailhead
3. open log in developer console
4. use ctrl+p to open [Select Panels]
5. mark [Source] checkbox

<sample screen capture>
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Shantanu Buwa 5Shantanu Buwa 5

step 1- using union worked for me however the chart looks weird, churn rate in negative anyone have any idea of any function which can turn negative value to positive?

q = load "Beattie_Subs";
q1 = group q by ('Subscription_Date_Year', 'Subscription_Date_Quarter');
q1 = foreach q1 generate 'Subscription_Date_Year' + "-" + 'Subscription_Date_Quarter' as 'ActivityDate_Year-ActivityDate_Quarter', sum(count()) over ([-1..0] partition by all order by (Subscription_Date_Year, Subscription_Date_Quarter)) as'current and previous sub';

q2 = group q by ('Churn_Date_Year', 'Churn_Date_Quarter');
q2 = foreach q2 generate 'Churn_Date_Year' + "-" + 'Churn_Date_Quarter' as 'ActivityDate_Year-ActivityDate_Quarter', count() as 'current cancellation', sum(count()) over([-1..-1] partition by all order by (Churn_Date_Year,Churn_Date_Quarter) ) as 'prev_cancellation' ;

q3= union q1,q2;
q3 = group  q3 by ('ActivityDate_Year-ActivityDate_Quarter');
q3 = foreach q3 generate 'ActivityDate_Year-ActivityDate_Quarter' as ' subscriber activity',(coalesce(sum('current cancellation'),0)/( coalesce(sum('current and previous sub'),0) -  coalesce(sum('prev_cancellation'),0) )) *100 as 'Churn_Rate';

Vijay Ramesh 19Vijay Ramesh 19
Hi @LinThaw

After all regenerating Beattie Subs dataset, custom setting integration name 'Tenure', Process Builder and Trigger, still facing the issue.  

I could see records getting updated by the trigger and populating the three Tenure field values., however challenge throws below error still.

We couldn’t find the correct information associated with Apex trigger named SetDealPrediction. Confirm the Salesforce object and integration name.

In the debug log transaction is as follows., i could not figure the not.

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Hi Vijay Ramesh,

Please try to delete and re-created the trigger and custom setting.
If possible please switch to Lightning Experience before verify.

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how many log file did you see after verify from Trailhead?
have you any workflow in your org?
did you complete all steps from business requirement?

Vijay Ramesh 19Vijay Ramesh 19
Hi @LinThaw,

a) Log file is not generateing while verifying the challenge.   The log file which posted for your reference, from when updating the subscriber record.
b) No, I do not have any workflows.
c) Yes I did complete steps from business requirement.

This challenges focus on Managed Package component, Trigger, Subscriber Object & Fields, and Custom Settings right., Everything looks good but still i face that  issue.  

Vijay Ramesh 19Vijay Ramesh 19

I am once again done with Custom Settings & Apex Trigger delete and recreation.

Following are the components.

Custom SettingsApex TriggerProcess Builder

Gone to lightning experience before verifying the challenge.

Verify Challenge -  Still No Luck for me.

Hi Vijay Ramesh, I am not sure, please deactivate process and try verify again.
Dmitry Dmitriev 5Dmitry Dmitriev 5
Having same error as Vijay on Challenge 5, "We couldn’t find the correct information associated with Apex trigger named SetDealPrediction. Confirm the Salesforce object and integration name" 
Recreating trigger and custom setting, as well as redeploying predictive model didn't help.
I am wondering if something went wrong and I need to start all over again from step 1
Ruth ForeroRuth Forero
Hi, I'm having same error on Challenge 5. Any clue about how to resolve it?
Shantanu Buwa 5Shantanu Buwa 5

Hi @Peter Greenbaum 7 I am facing same issue. step names are right almost everything is as you have mentioned still face the error 


Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong: 
We can't find the 'Churn Tenure" chart. Check the step name and spelling.
Close errors

Please help.

Shantanu Buwa 5Shantanu Buwa 5

Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong: 
We can't confirm the binding syntax for the Churn Tenure chart. Check that toggle widget selections are updating the Churn Tenure chart. Confirm the binding is using the correct step.
Close errors
Josh WatkinsJosh Watkins
I'm super confused by Step 2, I just don't see why it's not working. What's strange is that the trailhead validation actually recognised this challenge as correct, but the toggle just doesn't affect the data in the chart and I wouldn't like to continue until I understand why this isn't working. What's more, the chart containing the Chart_Tenure step doesn't display and presents the following error:

"Analytics encountered a problem with this step [churn_tenure].
Could not parse binding: Parse error on line1: ...th_1.selection,[0],[\"min\",\"max\"]).as ------------------^ Expecting 'INTEGER', '-', 'STRING', '}' got 'IDENTIFIER'."

Here's my code:

Tenure Length Static Step:
            "Tenure_Length_1": {
                "broadcastFacet": true,
                "label": "Tenure Length",
                "selectMode": "single",
                "type": "staticflex",
                "values": [
                        "display": "High Risk",
                        "value": "1 to 12 months",
                        "min": 1,
                        "max": 12
                        "display": "Medium Risk",
                        "value": "13 to 24 months",
                        "min": 13,
                        "max": 24
                        "display": "Low Risk",
                        "value": "25 to 36 months",
                        "min": 25,
                        "max": 36

Chart Tenure Step

q = load "Beattie_Subs";
q = filter q by {{row(Tenure_Length_1.selection,[0],[\"min\",\"max\"]).asRange(\"Tenure\")}};
q2 = filter q by 'Churn' == \"Yes\";
result = group q by all full, q2 by all;
result = foreach result generate (count(q2) / count(q))*100 as 'churnRate';

Any help would be appreciated!
Shantanu Buwa 5Shantanu Buwa 5

Hi Josh,

In you dashboard JSON as you view the querry is the binding enclosed in "{{row(Tenure_Length_1.selection,[0],[\"min\",\"max\"]).asRange(\"Tenure\")}} " ?

If yes it might give the error expecting integer got string.

Josh WatkinsJosh Watkins

Hi Shantanu,

Do you mean is the binding enclosed in quotation marks? If that is your question, the answer is no. here is the dashboard JSON:


steps": {
            "churn_tenure": {
                "broadcastFacet": true,
                "groups": [],
                "label": "Churn Tenure",
                "numbers": [],
                "query": "q = load \"Beattie_Subs\";\nq = filter q by {{row(Tenure_Length_1.selection,[0],[\\\"min\\\",\\\"max\\\"]).asRange(\\\"Tenure\\\")}};q2 = filter q by 'Churn' == \"Yes\";\nresult = group q by all full, q2 by all;\nresult = foreach result generate (count(q2) / count(q))*100 as 'churnRate';",

Is this wrong?

Josh WatkinsJosh Watkins
I figured it out. For some reason when saving the binding in the step, the dashboard JSON was putting an extra two back-slashes around the 'min', 'max' and 'Tenure' strings like below:

"query": "q = load \"Beattie_Subs\";\nq = filter q by {{row(Tenure_Length_1.selection, [0], [\\\"min\\\",\\\"max\\\"]).asRange(\\\"Tenure\\\")}};q2 = filter q by 'Churn' == \"Yes\";\nresult = group q by all full, q2 by all;\nresult = foreach result generate (count(q2) / count(q))*100 as 'churnRate';",

I deleted them so that there was only one, and it worked fine. Any idea why the JSON might have done this? I certainly didn't put those extra slashes in, I just assumed at first it was something the JSON needed.

Anyway, solved :)
Hi Lin Thaw,

I completed all steps for Challenge 5 still seems to experience the attached error, can you help please?ErrorPredictions got written to SF record
Deepesh Dubey 7Deepesh Dubey 7
Hi N17,
I think you'll need to go to your story click the improvements tab and create another story with the name "predicted tenure". then create a data model through that story again naming "predicted tenure" and change the prediction id in the custom setting as well. 

also in my case the fields tenure output etc are not getting populated like yours. what should i do for that.
Hi N17,

I assumed that you followed this link ( to do all the prerequisite for this challenge. After creating the story with any name just click the drop down arrow button which is exist in right top corner. Click Deploy Model -> In the first screen just give the name 'predicted tenure' as Goal Title -> next screen select Subscriber object -> Map Fields -> No segment filter -> Add variable(Tick the variables) -> Reveiw -> Deploy.

It will work because that's what I did to overcome the exact issue you mentioned above
Dmitry Dmitriev 5Dmitry Dmitriev 5
Anyone had an error "We couldn’t find the correct information associated with Apex trigger named SetDealPrediction. Confirm the Salesforce object and integration name" on the final step of the superbadge? And found a solution?
Please share)!
Kalidas PonrajKalidas Ponraj
If anyone share step by step solution of Challenge 3 in Einstein Analytics and Discovery Insights Specialist
I am stuck on this challenge more number of weeks.
Alex van der MerweAlex van der Merwe
Can someone please let me know how I bind code to have the reference line in challenge number 3. Also I am getting an error 
We can't find the Subscriber Revenue step. Check step name and spelling. even though I have the step and the spelling is correct. 

Teo PopaTeo Popa
With regard to Step 4, if anyone is struggling adding chart markers to the Beattie Survey, I was having trouble finding an area to click on the chart to trigger adding a marker. I had to go into the JSON, copy the structure of the marker added in the Churn Rate chart, and then modify the parameters. After a few modifications, the chart marker showed up on my Beattie Survey chart, and then I was able to click on it and add the further parameters in the UI, thereby updating the JSON. Final JSON looked like this: 
"markers": [
                            "measure": "Beattie Survey",
                            "row": [
                            "properties": {
                                "backgroundColor": "#193F61",
                                "borderColor": "#193F61",
                                "measures": [
                                    "Beattie Survey"
                                "customText": [],
                                "isBlinking": false,
                                "defaultShow": true,
                                "showDimensions": true,
                                "showMeasures": true,
                                "dimensions": [
                            "measure": "avg_CSAT",
                            "row": [
                            "properties": {
                                "backgroundColor": "#193F61",
                                "borderColor": "#193F61",
                                "measures": [
                                "customText": [],
                                "isBlinking": false,
                                "defaultShow": true,
                                "showDimensions": true,
                                "showMeasures": true,
                                "dimensions": [
                            "measure": "avg_Tenure",
                            "row": [
                            "properties": {
                                "backgroundColor": "#193F61",
                                "borderColor": "#193F61",
                                "measures": [
                                "customText": [],
                                "isBlinking": false,
                                "defaultShow": true,
                                "showDimensions": true,
                                "showMeasures": true,
                                "dimensions": [
Saheli Ghosh 7Saheli Ghosh 7
Hi @LinThaw,
I was just following the steps you mentioned..But still getting an error..Just check it out and help me with some solutions..
Error what I am getting
SOQL for Subcriber Revenue:

q = load "Beattie_Subs";
q = group q by 'Region';
q = foreach q generate 'Region' as 'Region', sum('Total_Charges') as 'Sum of Total Charges';
q = order q by 'Region' asc;
q = limit q 2000;

SOQL for Attrition Cost:User-added image

q = load "Beattie_Subs";
q = filter q by 'Tenure' in all;
result = filter q by 'Churn' == "Yes";
result = group result by all;
result = foreach result generate count() as 'count', count()*950 as attrCost;
result = limit result 2000;
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Thank You
Neeta JainNeeta Jain
Iam still haveing issue with same error: 
We can't confirm the Subscriber Revenue chart is filtering by the Tenure Length toggle. Confirm there's a binding that filters attrition costs displayed in the reference line.

Any ideas?
Ilija StojicIlija Stojic
I passed Challenge 5 (Step #5) despite getting an error when updating a cancelled subscriber.  Does anyone know if the latest managed package for the write-back has any issues?  I followed the steps defined in the help ( (installed package, configured, created custom fields, deployed the story etc.) but receive some bizarre system errors.

Configuration of Write Back:
Write Back Field settings

Apex class errors

The Apex classes mentioned are managed so I'm unable to view the lines in question.  This isn't as frustrating as thinking you have absolutely correct and not passing the challenge, but it is fairly aggravating to not know why something broke.  
Stéphane MiretStéphane Miret
Hi @Ilija Stojic,

I'm Having the exact same issue here. Did you find any kind of solution / workaround ?
Does anyone have an idea why this might occur ?

Thanks in advance

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Stéphane MiretStéphane Miret
Update : I have done challenge 5 again starting from a brand new org. The same error occured but the challenge passed.
Robert NoceraRobert Nocera
Anybody figure out the Apex Trigger error?  I am getting the same error Stephanie and
Ilija did.  I passed the certificaiton but it doesn't actually work.
Saritha K 1Saritha K 1
Hi Saheli, I am also facing the same issue & Reference Line amount is showing 3420000 instead of 3038100. Can you pls help how to resolve if you have done with this step.
Maurice KooijMaurice Kooij
Hey community, I'm still getting the error after following the appropriate steps:
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While the bindings are okay:
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And if we look at the step names, we can see this:

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I've been working on this challenge for a couple of days now but can't complete step 2.

Maurice KooijMaurice Kooij
Okay this was annoying. I've created a new org and saved the same query and it worked.
This thread was really helpful. I could reach till the Challenge 4. Thanks to everyone who has shared the comments.

I am stuck with challenge 4. Here are the screenshots for the error and the charts.

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Please let me know if anyone has come across with similar error.

Brad WiseBrad Wise
A few thoughts, first off this thread is very helpful.. but I don't think the majority of users on here are not approaching this challenge from the perspective of a SF consultant, but rather looking to complete the challenges programmatically like a developer of SQL expert.

This creates a ton of confusion for people looking for guidance on how to create dashboards intuitively without deep SAQL or SQL backgrounds.  

For example: Step 1 in the superbadge is a challenge that seems to be all about understanding the windowing SAQL functions used to create the chart that creates a few of the subscriber activity. I was barely able to understand how to create this dataset from the responses on here, but eventually I got it. E.g. Some people are calling "Current quarter cancellations" as "New Quarter Cancellations" whihc is not how it is described in teh activity and in general the problem for me comes from the way people use developer lingo to describe their solutions and no one seems to comment their code which is really confusing to me. 
q = load "Beattie_Subs";

-- Current Quarter Cancellations
cancelled = group q by ('Churn_Date_Year', 'Churn_Date_Quarter');
cancelled = foreach cancelled generate cancelled.'Churn_Date_Year' + "~~~" + cancelled.'Churn_Date_Quarter' as 'ActivityDate_Year~~~ActivityDate_Quarter', count() as 'Current Quarter Cancellations';

-- New Quarter Subscribers
subs = group q by ('Subscription_Date_Year', 'Subscription_Date_Quarter');
subs = foreach subs generate subs.'Subscription_Date_Year' + "~~~" + subs.'Subscription_Date_Quarter' as 'ActivityDate_Year~~~ActivityDate_Quarter', count() as 'New Quarter Subcribers';

-- Previous Quarter Subscribers
subs = group subs by ('ActivityDate_Year~~~ActivityDate_Quarter');
subs = foreach subs generate subs.'ActivityDate_Year~~~ActivityDate_Quarter' as 'ActivityDate_Year~~~ActivityDate_Quarter', coalesce(sum(subs.'New Quarter Subcribers'),0) as 'New Quarter Subcribers', coalesce(sum(sum('New Quarter Subcribers')) over ([-1..-1] partition by all order by ('ActivityDate_Year~~~ActivityDate_Quarter')),0) as 'Previous Quarter Subcribers';

-- Previous Quarter Cancellations
cancelled = group cancelled by ('ActivityDate_Year~~~ActivityDate_Quarter');
cancelled = foreach cancelled generate cancelled.'ActivityDate_Year~~~ActivityDate_Quarter' as 'ActivityDate_Year~~~ActivityDate_Quarter', coalesce(sum(cancelled.'Current Quarter Cancellations'),0) as 'Current Quarter Cancellations', coalesce(sum(sum('Current Quarter Cancellations')) over ([-1..-1] partition by all order by ('ActivityDate_Year~~~ActivityDate_Quarter')),0) as 'Previous Quarter Cancellations';

-- Churn Rate is Current Quarter Cancellations / (New Quarter Subscribers + Previous Quarter Subscribers - Previous Quarter Cancellations)
resultchurn = cogroup subs by 'ActivityDate_Year~~~ActivityDate_Quarter' full, cancelled by 'ActivityDate_Year~~~ActivityDate_Quarter';
resultchurn = foreach resultchurn generate coalesce(subs.'ActivityDate_Year~~~ActivityDate_Quarter', cancelled.'ActivityDate_Year~~~ActivityDate_Quarter') as 'ActivityDate_Year~~~ActivityDate_Quarter', sum(cancelled.'Current Quarter Cancellations')/(sum(subs.'New Quarter Subcribers') + sum(subs.'Previous Quarter Subcribers') - sum(cancelled.'Previous Quarter Cancellations')) as 'Churn Rate';

Now I am definitely stuck on Step 2 and I would like to know how the Dashboard tools are intended to be used, not how you can use SAQL and JSON to force the solutions into the validation checker to complete the step.  

Here’s my question: 
Using the toggle from the Dashboard tools, how exactly does one define a custom query with user defined values (which is also called a static step I think) 
It would seem that you define the filters like this 
Tenure Length

I have researched this topic and there’s very little guidance on trailblazer community KB for this Create a Custom Query with User-Defined Values ( its also very poorly described in the developer bindings guide on page 35   (

With that said I hope someone can help this non developer understand how to use these great tools.
Mohammad Nadeem 9Mohammad Nadeem 9
Challenge 4

Please help I am stucked on this step
Done till this
above is the step i have done till now
Pramod V 3Pramod V 3

Tried various combinations to get rid of this error, but couldn't eradicate. What am I missing here?
We can't find a 'Churn Rate' step. Confirm the step name and spelling.

Here is my code:
q = load "Beattie_Subs"; cancel = group q by ('Churn_Date_Year', 'Churn_Date_Quarter'); cancel = foreach cancel generate cancel.'Churn_Date_Year' + "~~~" + cancel.'Churn_Date_Quarter' as 'ActivityDate_Year~~~ActivityDate_Quarter', count() as 'New Quarter Cancellations'; cancel = group cancel by ('ActivityDate_Year~~~ActivityDate_Quarter'); cancel = foreach cancel generate cancel.'ActivityDate_Year~~~ActivityDate_Quarter' as 'ActivityDate_Year~~~ActivityDate_Quarter', coalesce(sum(cancel.'New Quarter Cancellations'),0) as 'New Quarter Cancellations', coalesce(sum(sum('New Quarter Cancellations')) over ([-1..-1] partition by all order by ('ActivityDate_Year~~~ActivityDate_Quarter')),0) as 'Previous Quarter Cancellations'; sub = group q by ('Subscription_Date_Year', 'Subscription_Date_Quarter'); sub = foreach sub generate sub.'Subscription_Date_Year' + "~~~" + sub.'Subscription_Date_Quarter' as 'ActivityDate_Year~~~ActivityDate_Quarter', count() as 'New Quarter Subcribers'; sub = group sub by ('ActivityDate_Year~~~ActivityDate_Quarter'); sub = foreach sub generate sub.'ActivityDate_Year~~~ActivityDate_Quarter' as 'ActivityDate_Year~~~ActivityDate_Quarter', coalesce(sum(sub.'New Quarter Subcribers'),0) as 'New Quarter Subcribers', coalesce(sum(sum('New Quarter Subcribers')) over ([-1..0] partition by all order by ('ActivityDate_Year~~~ActivityDate_Quarter')),0) as 'Previous Quarter Subcribers'; result = cogroup sub by 'ActivityDate_Year~~~ActivityDate_Quarter' full, cancel by 'ActivityDate_Year~~~ActivityDate_Quarter'; result = foreach result generate coalesce(sub.'ActivityDate_Year~~~ActivityDate_Quarter', cancel.'ActivityDate_Year~~~ActivityDate_Quarter') as 'ActivityDate_Year~~~ActivityDate_Quarter', sum(cancel.'New Quarter Cancellations')/(sum(sub.'New Quarter Subcribers') + sum(sub.'Previous Quarter Subcribers') - sum(cancel.'Previous Quarter Cancellations')) as 'Churn Rate';

Pramod V
Siddharth Bhargava 7Siddharth Bhargava 7
@Pramod V - While creating a query/step please ensure you label it correctly 'Churn Rate'. Delete the existing one and creat a new query.. 
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Manish Yadav 44Manish Yadav 44
Would like to thank everyone on this thread for having such a valuable discussion.

Peter Greenbaum 7Peter Greenbaum 7
Little did I know when I posted the question that started this thread a little over a year ago that it would serve as a venue to help so many.  Over the past year I have acheived more than I ever expected. I've earned the two Analytics superbadges, passed the Einstein Cerification and was named one of the first Einstein Analytics Champions.  I just wanted to take this opportunity to wish everyone a happy and healthy new year and sincerely hope that all your wishes are met and your goals obtained.
Analytics QuintoAnalytics Quinto
My most sincere congratulations @Peter Greenbaum 7
Arvind SaiArvind Sai
@LinThaw getting the error " Compile Error: Variable does not exist: ed_insights". Could you please help.
Rodrigo Jimenez RiosRodrigo Jimenez Rios
The same here! " Compile Error: Variable does not exist: ed_insights" Any help please??
Jim Taber 2Jim Taber 2
Stuck on challenge 5, step 3, "Connect Einstein Discovery to Your Custom Fields" 

When I go to Setup and type 'develop' in the search box, nothing comes up.  So I looked for 'Custom Settings' and that brought up a page, but there are no listings.  Not sure where to go from here, any suggestions?

Rodrigo Jimenez RiosRodrigo Jimenez Rios
Hi Jim Taber 2, 

Thats is because you have to install the Einstein Discovery Prediction package before, then go to Setup -> Custom Settings and right there is going to show you the "Einstein Discovery - Write Back" record, where you can edit and manage it. From there is where you have to follow the steps written by LinThaw in this thread above but still i can't complete the challenge because is show me the bellow error: "Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
We couldn’t find the correct information associated with Apex trigger named SetDealPrediction. Confirm the Salesforce object and integration name." I think i am not able to call ed_insights from the trigger and i don't know why... Some help?
victor mitra 17victor mitra 17
I am completely stuck in the Step 4 of this challange,marking the chart step
I am getting this error 

"Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
We can't confirm this is the state with the lowest CSAT or we couldn't find your result. Make sure a marker was added to your chart. Evaluate how the two datasets were grouped, and which fields were used. Also, confirm the chart is sorted by CSAT in ascending order.
Close errors"

I have done till the treemap chart,how to do the next steps

and I thank one and all for providing steps with explaination,it has helped immensly atleast till now!
Chris Price 28Chris Price 28
@Rodrigo Jimenez Rios where you able to correct your error? I too get it.
Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
We couldn’t find the correct information associated with Apex trigger named SetDealPrediction. Confirm the Salesforce object and integration name.

All is working, when editing a Subscriber record the fields get values.
Akhil SattirajuAkhil Sattiraju
Hi All,
I am Struck at Step 2 of  Einstein Analytics and Discovery Insights Specialist.I am new to the binding concepts and I am not able to understanad what should we do next .I have created a rating chart calculating Churn/total no of Subscribers .Please help me from this step.

q = load "Beattie_Subs";

churn=filter q by 'Churn'=="Yes";
churn=group churn by all;
churn=foreach churn generate count() as 'Churn Subscribers';

q = group q by all;
q = foreach q generate count() as 'Total Subscribers';

result=cogroup churn by all,q by all;
result=foreach result generate sum(churn.'Churn Subscribers')/sum(q.'Total Subscribers') as 'Churn_Tenure';

Camilo Andres Gamarra TorroledoCamilo Andres Gamarra Torroledo
Hello everybody
I need some help with the challenge 3, I'm stuck trying to validate it

I have created each of the required steps as follows, including the bars chart, and the reference line which depends on the Attrition Cost step

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As you could see, my attrition cost step contains the binding controlled by the static step with the risks.
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It works, in fact when I run the dashboard and click on the toggle step, the value in the reference line changes and it moves through the bars. That's why I consider It is enough. 
Trying to complete the challenge, I got the error message "Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
We can't confirm the chart reference lines have the correct label and value. The reference line has to have attrition costs as its label and value, plus filter by the Tenure Length toggle."

I read in some forums that the json of the line reference should be modified too (Don´t understand why if the binding works), also I see that the structure of my reference line is different that the ones the people suggest. So I don't know where the binding must be located 

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Could you plese guide me and explain me the process? or indicate me what I am missing?

Thanks a lot

Pedro PradaPedro Prada

Hi Everyone, I am stuck on Step One but I am not sure if its because of a change on Salesforce Analytics Dashboards....

I know that recently Einstein Analytics changed "Step" for Query.  When I attempt Challenge 1 I am getting the following error even though I followed what others have done successfully...

This is the Error Messge
Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
We can't find a 'Churn Rate' step. Confirm the step name and spelling.

Can someone tell me if they have been able to clear Step One after it was changed to Query?

I would highly appreciate your feedback as I think its a bug from Trailhead.

Thank you


PS: I also tried to create another org but noticed that when I switch to Analytics it will go to my original org.... so i could not test this on a second environment

Elkin CordobaElkin Cordoba

The binding should be located in the Label and the Value of the Reference Line.
Gabriel AlindoganGabriel Alindogan

hi . I have been reviewing the step 1 in the superbadge after passing it with the help of the people here. I do think there might be an issue with some of the solutions here even thoiugh it passed the SF review (ie given the 500 pts for step 1) In most of these solutions, the churn rate only  is calculated when there are actual cancellations for the quarter because the numerator is not zero. However, if you explore the dataset,there are 61 cancellations in q4-2016. This means that there ought to be a churn rate on q4-2016 BUT in the codes posted here the churn rate is null. Can anyone help me. I have been at this for days.  Thanks.


Akhil Naga 8Akhil Naga 8
Hi Community,
i have started the Superbadge and i am facing this error which is 'we cant't find "churn rate"' . Please help me in clearing this error.
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Gabriel AlindoganGabriel Alindogan
show the code so i can debug.
Tripti JaiswalTripti Jaiswal
Stuck in step 3
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Attrition Cost Code: 
q = load "Beattie_Subs";
q = filter q by 'Tenure' >= 0 && 'Tenure' <= 100;
q_B = filter q by 'Churn' == "Yes";
result = group q by all full, q_B by all;
result = foreach result generate count((q_B))*950 as 'attrCost';

Damien Joffres 20Damien Joffres 20

On the step 4, i am trying to facet the treemap chart on selections from the pyramid chart and i am a stil stuck.
I tried this in OEM step: 

q = load "Beattie_OEM_Survey";
s = load "Beattie_Subs";
q = group q by 'OEM';
q = filter q by {{column(Beattie_Survey_1.selection, [\"Region\"])).asEquality(\"Region\")}};
q = foreach q generate 'OEM' as 'OEM', count() as 'count';
q = order q by 'OEM' asc;

but this line seems to be not ok since I cannot upate the query or save it,
q = filter q by {{column(Beattie_Survey_1.selection, [\"Region\"])).asEquality(\"Region\")}}; 

Have you any ideas please?

Kind regards,
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Prerna Agrawal 33Prerna Agrawal 33

I am stuck with challenge (step 2). I am trying all the solutions provided but it is still incomplete. The query I am using is - 

q = load \"Beattie_Subs\";\n
q = filter q by {{row(Tenure_Length.selection, [0], [\"min\",\"max\"]).asRange(\"Tenure\")}};\n
q_B = filter q by 'Churn' == \"Yes\";\n
result = group q by all full, q_B by all;\n
result = foreach result generate (count(q_B)/ count(q))*100 as 'churnRate';

but this is not working for me. Could anybody help me please for this.

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I am getting this error on Challenge 5 . Can anyone please help me with this. Is there any trick while creating story. I tried it multiple times with different orgs. But it still get fails. If I am missing anyhting then please let me know. 
Steps I followed:-

  • Created Story to Maximise tenure.> Insights & Predicts > Automated  > Create Story.
  • Install the Einstein Discovery Managed Package
  • Created custom fields on Subscriber Object.
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  • Created Record for Einstein Discovery - Write Back custom Setting.User-added image
  • Created Apex Trigger following the link :-
  • Upon saving and editing the record of subscriber record, I am getting this record.

Anyhelp would be highly appreciated.

Mallika Bannaravuri 17Mallika Bannaravuri 17

I am getting an error in step 3:

We can't find the Subscriber Revenue step. Check step name and spelling.
Close errors

I don't know why this is getting!

My Reference line code is:

"referenceLines": [
"color": "#B50E03",
"label": {
"data": "{{cell(Attrition_Cost_2.result, 0, \"attrCost\").asString()}}",
"type": "static"
"value": {
"data": "{{cell(Attrition_Cost_2.result, 0, \"attrCost\").asString()}}",
"type": "static"

Attrition Cost:

q = load "Beattie_Subs";
q = filter q by 'Tenure' in all;
result = filter q by 'Churn' == "Yes";
result = group result by all;
result = foreach result generate count() as 'count', count()*950 as attrCost;
result = limit result 2000;

Please help me with this.

i am getting below error for step two : -

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How to bind toggle widget section are updating the Churn Tenure chart. Please let me know.
Marite FerreroMarite Ferrero

It all depends on your code. 

Please post your code for:

SAQL or  JSON Query for your Churn Rate 
JSON for Tenure_Length toggle widget

then I can recommend what you need to do.

Basically, you need to replace the filter by 'Tenure'  in your JSON under your Churn_Tenure query with something like this:

"query": "q = load \"Beattie_Subs\";\nq = filter q by {{row(Tenure_Length_1.selection,[0],[\"min\",\"max\"]).asRange (\"Tenure\")}}; \nq_B = filter q by 'Churn' == \"Yes\";\nresult = group q by all full, q_B by all;\nresult = foreach result generate (count(q_B) / count(q))*100 as 'churnRate';",

But it depends on how you built your Tenure_Length toggle widget...
Marite FerreroMarite Ferrero
Hi @Mallika Bannaravuri 17

Did you resolve your problem? Did you create a query named "Subscriber Revenue"?
If yes, you don't really need to change the code in your JSON to set up the reference line. 
You can set it up with these settings (see below) and that should connect your Attrition_Cost to the Reference Line

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Carlos MaestreCarlos Maestre

He won't let me install the Einstein Discovery WriteBack package
How did you get it installed?

When I open the link from it always asks me to log out and log in.

And when I log in from Salesforce, I get blocked when checking the account.
Marite FerreroMarite Ferrero
Hi @ Carlos Maestre

Open the link in an incognito browser. Log-in with the same trailhead account you are using for this superbadge. And remember to "INSTALL FOR ADMINS ONLY".
Carlos MaestreCarlos Maestre

I'm still making the same mistake.

Every time I open the link and log in, when I push Get it Now it always comes out "You need a Salesforce account
Already have an account? Log out of AppExchange. Log in to AppExchange with your Salesforce credentials and install the package in your org. Only admins can install products from AppExchange, so ask your admin if you need help."
Marite FerreroMarite Ferrero
Can you go to setup and look at users; look for your name under USERS and see if you are defined as "System Administrator".
If yes, make sure you are logging in using the USERNAME shown in your trailhead Einstein Developer account which you used to pass steps 1 - 4.
I do remember that it is recommended get and install packages from incognito browsers. If it still does not work, I think you might want to try another browser (such as firefox)?
Carlos MaestreCarlos Maestre


My problem was that i did log in with my email and not with my username.

Marite Ferrero 36Marite Ferrero 36
@Damien Joffres 20

The solution is actually much simpler. No need to change JSON.

Below is the SAQL for the chart on the left:
oem = load "Beattie_OEM_Survey";
subs = load "Beattie_Subs";
q = cogroup oem by ('Region', 'Account_Manager'), subs by ('Region', 'Account_Manager');
q = foreach q generate oem.'Region' as 'Region', round(avg(oem.'CSAT')) as 'avg_CSAT', round(avg(subs.'Tenure')) as 'avg_Tenure';
q = order q by 'avg_CSAT' asc;

Below is the SAQL for the chart on the right:
q = load "Beattie_OEM_Survey";
q = group q by 'OEM';
q = foreach q generate 'OEM' as 'OEM', count() as 'count';
q = order q by 'OEM' asc;
q = limit q 2000;

THEN IN ORDER TO FACET, all you need to do is to clicks on the left chart; then click on QUERY (see picture below) and set these settings.
Do the same thing for the OEM chart. Click on the OEM chart, click on QUERY and set the faceting the same way.

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Marite Ferrero 36Marite Ferrero 36
Hello @Mahak_b and everyone else who's working on this superbadge. (http://Mahak_b)

For step 5, I also encountered issues but I debugged it using the developer's console. To be brief, I set up my writeback incorrectly, I typed: Subscriber as my object.  The correct entry should be Subscriber__c

I was then able to edit Cancelled Subscribers and the Predicted Tenure, explanation, etc. were automatically put into the Cancelled Subscriber's Tenure fields.

I also passed Step 5 and got another superbadge. 

Anyway, below is a checklist of what you might want to check if you are getting errors in Step 5.

1. Did you deploy your model and when you look at  Model Manager, do you see the Prediction that was created from deploying your Model?

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2. Did you also set your Prediction Setting to "No prediction field"?
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3. Is your writeback's Tenure / Prediction Definition ID showing the same ID as shown when you look at the URL of your Prediction Name?
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4. Is your Apex Trigger like this?
trigger SetDealPrediction on Subscriber__c (after insert, after update) {
   if(System.isFuture()) return;
   if(ed_insights.CheckRecursive.runOnce()) {
   // custom Settings' name
   String CONFIG_NAME = 'Tenure';

5. Is your Process Flow like this and is it activated?

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6. Then, Editing a cancelled Subscribing should result to this:
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Rajib Kumar MaityRajib Kumar Maity

I am stuck at Einstein Analytics and Discovery Insights Specialist: Challenge 2. I am trying to bind “Tenure_Length_1” and “Churn_Tenure_1”. I am getting issue when I modified “Churn_Tenure_1” Step by the below Query. The query is not running it is showing loading image.
q = load "Beattie_Subs";
q = filter q by {{row(Tenure_Length_1.selection, [0], [\"min\",\"max\"]).asRange(\"Tenure\")}};
q_B = filter q by 'Churn' == \"Yes\";
result = group q by all full, q_B by all;
result = foreach result generate (count(q_B)/ count(q))*100 as 'churnRate';

Tenure_Length_1 JSON : 
"broadcastFacet": true,
"columns": {},
"label": "Tenure Length",
"selectMode": "single",
"type": "staticflex",
"values": [
"display": "High Risk",
"value": "1 to 12 months",
"min": 1,
"max": 12
"display": "Medium Risk",
"value": "13 to 24 months",
"min": 13,
"max": 24
"display": "Low Risk",
"value": "25 to 36 months",
"min": 25,
"max": 36
"numbers": [],
"strings": [],
"groups": []

Marite Ferrero 36Marite Ferrero 36
Rajib Kumar Maity

You may revise your SAQL from:

q = filter q by {{row(Tenure_Length_1.selection, [0], [\"min\",\"max\"]).asRange(\"Tenure\")}};
q_B = filter q by 'Churn' == \"Yes\";

q = filter q by 'Tenure' >= 0 && 'Tenure' <= 100;
q_B = filter q by 'Churn' == "Yes";

THEN, the way you bind is through the JSON. You should look at the query code under "Churn_Tenure_1 in your JSON. The query should show something similar, especifically this: {{row(Tenure_Length_1.selection,[0],[\"min\",\"max\"]).asRange (\"Tenure\")}}

Mine looks like this:
"Churn_Tenure_1": {
"broadcastFacet": true,
"groups": [],
"label": "Churn Tenure",
"numbers": [],
"query": "q = load \"Beattie_Subs\";\nq = filter q by {{row(Tenure_Length_1.selection,[0],[\"min\",\"max\"]).asRange (\"Tenure\")}};\nq_B = filter q by 'Churn' == \"Yes\";\nresult = group q by all full, q_B by all;\nresult = foreach result generate (count(q_B) / count(q))*100 as 'churnRate';",
"receiveFacetSource": {
"mode": "all",
"steps": []

It should then work. Please upvote if this answer helps you.
Rajib Kumar MaityRajib Kumar Maity
Thanks Marite Ferrero!
I have completed Challenge 2.
Rajib Kumar MaityRajib Kumar Maity
I am stuck at Einstein Analytics and Discovery Insights Specialist: Challenge 3. Showing error message when I am trying to save Dashnoard, after adding reference line. Please help me.

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Attrition_Cost_1 JSON :
    "groups": [],
    "label": "Attrition Cost",
    "numbers": [],
    "query": "q = load \"Beattie_Subs\";\r\nq = filter q by {{row(Tenure_Length_1.selection,[0],[\"min\",\"max\"]).asRange (\"Tenure\")}};\nresult = filter q by 'Churn' == \"Yes\";\r\nresult = group result by all;\r\nresult = foreach result generate count() as 'count', count()*950 as attrCost;\r\nresult = limit result 2000;",
    "receiveFacetSource": {
        "mode": "all",
        "steps": []

Reference Lines JSON:
    "parameters": {
        "autoFitMode": "keepLabels",
        "showValues": true,
        "bins": {
            "breakpoints": {
                "high": 100,
                "low": 0
            "bands": {
                "high": {
                    "color": "#008000",
                    "label": ""
                "low": {
                    "color": "#B22222",
                    "label": ""
                "medium": {
                    "color": "#ffa500",
                    "label": ""
        "legend": {
            "descOrder": false,
            "showHeader": true,
            "show": true,
            "customSize": "auto",
            "position": "right-top",
            "inside": false
        "axisMode": "multi",
        "tooltip": {
            "showBinLabel": true,
            "measures": "",
            "showNullValues": true,
            "showPercentage": true,
            "showDimensions": true,
            "showMeasures": true,
            "customizeTooltip": false,
            "dimensions": ""
        "visualizationType": "hbar",
        "exploreLink": true,
        "title": {
            "fontSize": 14,
            "subtitleFontSize": 11,
            "label": "",
            "align": "center",
            "subtitleLabel": ""
        "binValues": false,
        "trellis": {
            "flipLabels": false,
            "showGridLines": true,
            "size": [
            "enable": false,
            "type": "x",
            "chartsPerLine": 4
        "showActionMenu": true,
        "measureAxis2": {
            "sqrtScale": false,
            "showTitle": true,
            "showAxis": true,
            "title": "",
            "customDomain": {
                "showDomain": false
        "measureAxis1": {
            "sqrtScale": false,
            "showTitle": true,
            "showAxis": true,
            "title": "",
            "customDomain": {
                "showDomain": false
            "referenceLines": [
                    "color": "#E84340",
                    "label": "{{cell(Attrition_Cost_1.result,0,\"attrCost\").asString()}}",
                    "value": "{{cell(Attrition_Cost_1.result,0,\"attrCost\").asString()}}"
        "theme": "wave",
        "step": "Subscriber_Revenue_1",
        "dimensionAxis": {
            "showTitle": true,
            "customSize": "auto",
            "showAxis": true,
            "title": "",
            "icons": {
                "useIcons": false,
                "iconProps": {
                    "fit": "cover",
                    "column": "",
                    "type": "round"
        "applyConditionalFormatting": true
    "type": "chart"

Subscriber_Revenue_1 JSON:
    "broadcastFacet": true,
    "groups": [],
    "label": "Subscriber Revenue",
    "numbers": [],
    "query": "q = load \"Beattie_Subs\";\r\nq = group q by 'Region';\r\nq = foreach q generate 'Region' as 'Region', sum('Total_Charges') as 'Sum of Total Charges';\r\nq = order q by 'Region' asc;\r\nq = limit q 2000;",
    "receiveFacetSource": {
        "mode": "all",
        "steps": []

Dashboard is workinng with Toggle :

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Marite Ferrero 36Marite Ferrero 36
Hi Rajib Kumar Maity

Please look for my post of April 9, 2020 to @Mallika Bannaravuri 17.
I posted this:
"You don't need to change your JSON to set up the reference line. You can set it up with these settings (see picture I shared on 9 April) and that should connect your Attrition_Cost to the Reference Line"

Rajib Kumar MaityRajib Kumar Maity
Thanks Marite Ferrero!
It works!
Damien Joffres 20Damien Joffres 20
@Marite Ferrero 36

I followed your steps to facet both charts. I updated the second one too with the same properties but the faceting only wok on way. If i select something on the second one it will facet he first one, but if select a bar in the first one, the second one is not updated.

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Marite Ferrero 36Marite Ferrero 36
Hi Damien Joffres 20

First diagnosis would be that there might be something wrong with your query for the left chart. You need to cogroup. Below is your query; then below that is my query:

Your query:
q = load "Beattie_OEM_Survey";
s = load "Beattie_Subs";
q = group q by 'OEM';
q = filter q by {{column(Beattie_Survey_1.selection, [\"Region\"])).asEquality(\"Region\")}};
q = foreach q generate 'OEM' as 'OEM', count() as 'count';
q = order q by 'OEM' asc;

My queries:
Below is the SAQL for the chart on the left:
oem = load "Beattie_OEM_Survey";
subs = load "Beattie_Subs";
q = cogroup oem by ('Region', 'Account_Manager'), subs by ('Region', 'Account_Manager');
q = foreach q generate oem.'Region' as 'Region', round(avg(oem.'CSAT')) as 'avg_CSAT', round(avg(subs.'Tenure')) as 'avg_Tenure';
q = order q by 'avg_CSAT' asc;

Below is the SAQL for the chart on the right:
q = load "Beattie_OEM_Survey";
q = group q by 'OEM';
q = foreach q generate 'OEM' as 'OEM', count() as 'count';
q = order q by 'OEM' asc;
q = limit q 2000;
Damien Joffres 20Damien Joffres 20
Damien Joffres 20
Hi @Marite Ferrero,

Indead, my two queries were:

q = load "Beattie_Subs";
s = load "Beattie_OEM_Survey";
r = cogroup q by 'Region', s by 'Region';
r = foreach r generate s.'Region' as 'Region', round(avg(s.CSAT),0) as 'avg_CSAT', round(avg(q.'Tenure'),0) as 'avg_Tenure';
r = order r by 'avg_CSAT' asc;


q = load "Beattie_OEM_Survey";
s = load "Beattie_Subs";
q = group q by 'OEM';
q = foreach q generate 'OEM' as 'OEM', count() as 'count';
q = order q by 'OEM' asc;
q = limit q 2000;

Using yours in my first chart works, and when i select a bar, the second chart is faceted. But when i try just to adapt my query in first chart, with my notations, and yours, it doesn't work. I investigated but can't find why, maybe you would have an idea? Thank you for your help.

(I tried to add, the cogroup with the Account Manager as you did, i tried to rename some elements but i cannot see why it doesn't work.)
Marite Ferrero 36Marite Ferrero 36
Hi Damien,

Without seeing your JSON for these 2 charts, the only other difference I see is that your code does not deploy the 2 lines of requirement which are:
  • Beattie Media’s Account Managers are assigned to an OEM partner and oversees the relationship.
  • Group the datasets using the Account Manager and Region fields.
Your cogroup is only against Region: 
r = cogroup q by 'Region', s by 'Region';

while this is my cogroup:
q = cogroup oem by ('Region', 'Account_Manager'), subs by ('Region', 'Account_Manager');

The link between the 2 datasets  (2 charts) is based on both Region and Account Manager.
Damien Joffres 20Damien Joffres 20
I cannot exactly explain why I tried with the manager in the cogroup but it did not work as expected. Anyway thank your for your help!
Praveen Shankar 23Praveen Shankar 23
I am facing below error in completing step#2 . Please help me out .

Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
We can't confirm the binding syntax for the Churn Tenure chart. Check that toggle widget selections are updating the Churn Tenure chart. Confirm the binding is using the correct step

Marite Ferrero 36Marite Ferrero 36
Hi Praveen,

Did you check my April 12, 2020 post to Rajib Kumar Maity for Challenge 2?
Praveen Shankar 23Praveen Shankar 23
This worked @Marite Ferrero 36 

Thank You

Jill Heiremans 44Jill Heiremans 44
I'm stuck on step #2

At validation I get the following error message:
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This is how it looks like on my Dashboard:
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The chart seems to be correct, but the toggle doesn't. Nothing happens when clicking on "High Risk", "Medium Risk", "Low Risk":

This is my Query for Churn Tenure:
q = load "Beattie_Subs";

q = filter q by 'Tenure' >= 0 && 'Tenure' <= 100;
q_B = filter q by 'Churn' == "Yes";
result = group q by all full, q_B by all;
result = foreach result generate (count(q_B) / count(q))*100 as 'churnRate';
This is my Query for Tenure Length
"broadcastFacet": true,
"columns": {},
"label": "Tenure Length",
"selectMode": "single",
"type": "staticflex",
"values": [
"display": "High Risk",
"value": "1 to 12 months",
"min": 1,
"max": 12
"display": "Medium Risk",
"value": "13 to 24 months",
"min": 13,
"max": 24
"display": "Low Risk",
"value": "25 to 36 months",
"min": 25,
"max": 36
"numbers": [],
"strings": [],
"groups": []

Those are the names of my different Queries:
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Tenure Length: 
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Anyone who sees what I'm missing? 

Thank you! 
Marite Ferrero 36Marite Ferrero 36
@Jill Heiremans 44

You need to implement the BIND in your JSON. You need to replace the Filter of your query for your chart in order for toggle to work.
Please check my April 12, 2020 post to Rajib Kumar Maity for Challenge 2. 
Jill Heiremans 44Jill Heiremans 44
@Marite Ferrero 36 

Thank you for your prompt answer! I've implemented the BIND in my JSON, by replacing the "old" filter by {{row(Tenure_Length_1.selection,[0],[\"min\",\"max\"]).asRange (\"Tenure\")}}. However, my chart is not displaying now, I get an error when trying to edit it, and my Query has also "disappeared" from tle list: 

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Marite Ferrero 36Marite Ferrero 36
Please check the spelling of your Tenure_Length. I see you transposed it to Tenure_Lenght
Marite Ferrero 36Marite Ferrero 36
you just need to correct your static label from "Tenure_Lenght_1" to "Tenure_Length_1"
Jill Heiremans 44Jill Heiremans 44
Glad you noticed! Thanks a lot. Works like a charm now:
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DJ MaheshwariDJ Maheshwari
This is my Error, Don't know why?
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This is my chart and I believe that T had done some mistake because output is different as compared other one's and trailhead chart.
I think there is no filter of tenure and I don't recognize if there is filter then what is criteria?

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Here is my JSON of Subscribe Revenue.
    "parameters": {
        "autoFitMode": "keepLabels",
        "showValues": true,
        "bins": {
            "breakpoints": {
                "high": 100,
                "low": 0
            "bands": {
                "high": {
                    "color": "#008000",
                    "label": ""
                "low": {
                    "color": "#B22222",
                    "label": ""
                "medium": {
                    "color": "#ffa500",
                    "label": ""
        "legend": {
            "descOrder": false,
            "showHeader": true,
            "show": true,
            "customSize": "auto",
            "position": "right-top",
            "inside": false
        "axisMode": "multi",
        "tooltip": {
            "showBinLabel": true,
            "measures": "",
            "showNullValues": true,
            "showPercentage": true,
            "showDimensions": true,
            "showMeasures": true,
            "customizeTooltip": false,
            "dimensions": ""
        "visualizationType": "hbar",
        "title": {
            "fontSize": 14,
            "subtitleFontSize": 11,
            "label": "",
            "align": "center",
            "subtitleLabel": ""
        "binValues": false,
        "trellis": {
            "flipLabels": false,
            "showGridLines": true,
            "size": [
            "enable": false,
            "type": "x",
            "chartsPerLine": 4
        "columnMap": {
            "trellis": [],
            "dimensionAxis": [
            "plots": [
        "showActionMenu": true,
        "measureAxis2": {
            "sqrtScale": false,
            "showTitle": true,
            "showAxis": true,
            "title": "",
            "customDomain": {
                "showDomain": false
        "measureAxis1": {
            "sqrtScale": false,
            "showTitle": true,
            "showAxis": true,
            "referenceLines": [
                    "color": "#B50E03",
                    "label": {
                        "data": "{{cell(Attrition_Cost_1.result, 0, \"attrCost\").asString()}}",
                        "type": "static"
                    "value": {
                        "data": "{{cell(Attrition_Cost_1.result, 0, \"attrCost\").asString()}}",
                        "type": "static"
            "title": "",
            "customDomain": {
                "showDomain": false
        "theme": "wave",
        "step": "Subscriber_Revenue_1",
        "dimensionAxis": {
            "showTitle": true,
            "customSize": "auto",
            "showAxis": true,
            "title": "",
            "icons": {
                "useIcons": false,
                "iconProps": {
                    "fit": "cover",
                    "column": "",
                    "type": "round"
        "applyConditionalFormatting": true,
        "exploreLink": true
    "type": "chart"

Here is my Query of Attrition Cost
q = load "Beattie_Subs";
q = filter q by 'Tenure' in all;
result = filter q by 'Churn' == "Yes";
result = group result by all;
result = foreach result generate count() as 'count', count()*950 as attrCost;
result = limit result 2000;
And if I put following filter in the query and I run it, it doesn't respond
q = filter q by {{row(Tenure_Length_1.selection,[0],[\"min\",\"max\"]).asRange (\"Tenure\")}};

And Here is my Tenure Toggle Query.
    "broadcastFacet": true,
    "columns": {},
    "label": "Tenure Length",
    "selectMode": "single",
    "type": "staticflex",
    "values": [
            "display": "High Risk",
            "value": "1 to 12 months"
            "display": "Medium Risk",
            "value": "13 to 24 months"
            "display": "Low Risk",
            "value": "25 to 36 months"
    "numbers": [],
    "strings": [],
    "groups": []

Don't know what mistake I did?
Please Help

Thanks in Advance
Marite Ferrero 36Marite Ferrero 36

Your filters come from the chart on the left side. 

You need to implement the BIND in your JSON. You need to replace the Filter of your query for your chart in order for toggle to work.

Please check my April 12, 2020 post to Rajib Kumar Maity for Challenge 2.  It shows what and where you need to place the BIND.
DJ MaheshwariDJ Maheshwari
Hey Marite,

I am not stuck at Challenge 2 I am stuck at Challenge 3
Marite Ferrero 36Marite Ferrero 36
Hi DJ Maheshwari, 

For step 3, please check my post to Mallika Bannaravuri 17 on April 9, 2020. You don't need to change your JSON for Attrition. 
My post on April 9, 2020 explains it.
DJ MaheshwariDJ Maheshwari
Hey Marite Is there any filter in Subscribe Revenue.?
Marite Ferrero 36Marite Ferrero 36
Here is the query for Subscriber_Revenue

q = load "Beattie_Subs";
q = group q by 'Region';
q = foreach q generate 'Region' as 'Region', sum('Total_Charges') as 'sum_Total_Charges';
q = order q by 'Region' asc;
q = limit q 2000;

It translates into this JSON:

"Subscriber_Revenue_1": {
"broadcastFacet": true,
"groups": [],
"label": "Subscriber Revenue",
"numbers": [],
"query": "q = load \"Beattie_Subs\";\nq = group q by 'Region';\nq = foreach q generate 'Region' as 'Region', sum('Total_Charges') as 'sum_Total_Charges';\nq = order q by 'Region' asc;\nq = limit q 2000;",
"receiveFacetSource": {
"mode": "all",
"steps": []
"selectMode": "single",
"start": [],
"strings": [],
"type": "saql",
"useGlobal": true,

-------  This is the JSON for Attrition_Cost (But like I said in my previous post, you don't need to touch the JSON for the Attrition_Cost - You just need to set it up in the chart itself

"Attrition_Cost_1": {
"broadcastFacet": true,
"groups": [],
"label": "Attrition Cost",
"numbers": [],
"query": "q = load \"Beattie_Subs\";\nq_A = filter q by {{row(Tenure_Length_1.selection,[0],[\"min\",\"max\"]).asRange (\"Tenure\")}} && 'Churn' == \"Yes\";\nresult = group q_A by all;\nresult = foreach result generate count(q_A) as 'A';\nresult = foreach result generate 'A', A*950.00 as 'attrCost';\nresult = limit result 2000;\n",
"receiveFacetSource": {
"mode": "all",
"steps": []
"selectMode": "single",
"strings": [],
"type": "saql",
"useGlobal": true,

Please mark this if it helps you, so the next person can also use it. Thanks.
Marite Ferrero 36Marite Ferrero 36
step 3 - attrition costUser-added image
DJ MaheshwariDJ Maheshwari
Don't know why this error came?
Don't know why this error came?
Marite Ferrero 36Marite Ferrero 36
My SaQL for attrition:

q = load "Beattie_Subs";

q_A = filter q by 'Tenure' >= 0 && 'Tenure' <= 100 && 'Churn' == “Yes”;
result = group q_A by all;
result = foreach result generate count(q_A) as 'A';
result = foreach result generate 'A', A*950.00 as 'attrCost';
result = limit result 2000;
Marite Ferrero 36Marite Ferrero 36
did you define a reference line? If yes, did you bind it to the attrition_cost via the chart - like below?User-added image
DJ MaheshwariDJ Maheshwari
Yes MariteUser-added image
DJ MaheshwariDJ Maheshwari
can you please send your subscribe revenue JSON
Marite Ferrero 36Marite Ferrero 36
Your previous Reference line's JSON looked like this:
  "referenceLines": [
088                {
089                    "color": "#B50E03",
090                    "label": {
091                        "data": "{{cell(Attrition_Cost_1.result, 0, \"attrCost\").asString()}}",
092                        "type": "static"
093                    },
094                    "value": {
095                        "data": "{{cell(Attrition_Cost_1.result, 0, \"attrCost\").asString()}}",
096                        "type": "static"
097                    }
098                }
099            ],

AFTER you changed it so that you bound the reference line to Attrition_Cost via the chart, your JSON should now look like this:
  "referenceLines": [
                                "color": "#E74340",
                                "label": {
                                    "data": {
                                        "displayTemplate": "[attrCost]",
                                        "sourceType": "result",
                                        "step": "Attrition_Cost_1"
                                    "type": "dynamic"
                                "value": {
                                    "data": {
                                        "field": "attrCost",
                                        "sourceType": "result",
                                        "step": "Attrition_Cost_1"
                                    "type": "dynamic"
DJ MaheshwariDJ Maheshwari
User-added imageUser-added image

Again Error after update JSON of Reference Line
Marite Ferrero 36Marite Ferrero 36
please post your QUERIES and JSON for the following:
Attrition Cost
Subscription Revenue
Reference Line
Marite Ferrero 36Marite Ferrero 36
Check that your JSON for Attrition Cost shows this. This is where you need to bind the filters to attrition cost (see below in bold). It should work after you do this bind.

"query": "q = load \"Beattie_Subs\";\nq_A = filter q by {{row(Tenure_Length_1.selection,[0],[\"min\",\"max\"]).asRange (\"Tenure\")}} && 'Churn' == \"Yes\";\nresult = group q_A by all;\nresult = foreach result generate count(q_A) as 'A';\nresult = foreach result generate 'A', A*950.00 as 'attrCost';\nresult = limit result 2000;\n",
Marite Ferrero 36Marite Ferrero 36
I posted my subscriber revenue JSON awhile ago (look at a few posts before this).
DJ MaheshwariDJ Maheshwari
Attrition Cost Query
q = load "Beattie_Subs";
q_A = filter q by 'Tenure' >= 0 && 'Tenure' <= 100 && 'Churn' == "Yes";
result = group q_A by all;
result = foreach result generate count(q_A) as 'A';
result = foreach result generate 'A', A*950.00 as 'attrCost';
result = limit result 2000;

Attrition Cost JSON
    "type": "saql",
    "query": "q = load \"Beattie_Subs\";\r\nq_A = filter q by 'Tenure' >= 0 && 'Tenure' <= 100 && 'Churn' == \"Yes\";\r\nresult = group q_A by all;\r\nresult = foreach result generate count(q_A) as 'A';\r\nresult = foreach result generate 'A', A*950.00 as 'attrCost';\r\nresult = limit result 2000;",
    "groups": [],
    "label": "Attrition Cost",
    "numbers": [],
    "strings": [],
    "useGlobal": true,
    "visualizationParameters": {
        "parameters": {
            "visualizationType": "hbar",
            "autoFitMode": "keepLabels",
            "theme": "wave",
            "title": {
                "label": "",
                "fontSize": 14,
                "subtitleLabel": "",
                "subtitleFontSize": 11,
                "align": "center"
            "showValues": true,
            "axisMode": "multi",
            "binValues": false,
            "bins": {
                "breakpoints": {
                    "low": 0,
                    "high": 100
                "bands": {
                    "low": {
                        "label": "",
                        "color": "#B22222"
                    "medium": {
                        "label": "",
                        "color": "#ffa500"
                    "high": {
                        "label": "",
                        "color": "#008000"
            "dimensionAxis": {
                "showAxis": true,
                "showTitle": true,
                "title": "",
                "customSize": "auto",
                "icons": {
                    "useIcons": false,
                    "iconProps": {
                        "column": "",
                        "fit": "cover",
                        "type": "round"
            "measureAxis1": {
                "sqrtScale": false,
                "showAxis": true,
                "customDomain": {
                    "showDomain": false
                "showTitle": true,
                "title": ""
            "measureAxis2": {
                "sqrtScale": false,
                "showAxis": true,
                "customDomain": {
                    "showDomain": false
                "showTitle": true,
                "title": ""
            "legend": {
                "show": true,
                "showHeader": true,
                "inside": false,
                "descOrder": false,
                "position": "right-top",
                "customSize": "auto"
            "tooltip": {
                "customizeTooltip": false,
                "showDimensions": true,
                "dimensions": "",
                "showMeasures": true,
                "measures": "",
                "showPercentage": true,
                "showNullValues": true,
                "showBinLabel": true
            "trellis": {
                "enable": false,
                "showGridLines": true,
                "flipLabels": false,
                "type": "x",
                "chartsPerLine": 4,
                "size": [
            "applyConditionalFormatting": true,
            "showActionMenu": true
        "type": "chart"
    "selectMode": "none",
    "broadcastFacet": true,
    "receiveFacetSource": {
        "mode": "all",
        "steps": []

Subscription Revvenue JSON
    "type": "chart",
    "parameters": {
        "visualizationType": "hbar",
        "title": {
            "label": "",
            "fontSize": 14,
            "subtitleLabel": "",
            "subtitleFontSize": 11,
            "align": "center"
        "theme": "wave",
        "showValues": true,
        "axisMode": "multi",
        "autoFitMode": "keepLabels",
        "binValues": false,
        "bins": {
            "breakpoints": {
                "low": 0,
                "high": 100
            "bands": {
                "low": {
                    "label": "",
                    "color": "#B22222"
                "medium": {
                    "label": "",
                    "color": "#ffa500"
                "high": {
                    "label": "",
                    "color": "#008000"
        "dimensionAxis": {
            "showAxis": true,
            "showTitle": true,
            "title": "",
            "customSize": "auto",
            "icons": {
                "useIcons": false,
                "iconProps": {
                    "column": "",
                    "fit": "cover",
                    "type": "round"
        "measureAxis1": {
            "sqrtScale": false,
            "showAxis": true,
            "customDomain": {
                "showDomain": false
            "showTitle": false,
            "title": "",
            "referenceLines": [
                    "color": "#B50E03",
                    "label": {
                        "data": "{{cell(Attrition_Cost_1.result, 0, \"attrCost\").asString()}}",
                        "type": "static"
                    "value": {
                        "data": "{{cell(Attrition_Cost_1.result, 0, \"attrCost\").asString()}}",
                        "type": "static"
        "measureAxis2": {
            "sqrtScale": false,
            "showAxis": true,
            "customDomain": {
                "showDomain": false
            "showTitle": true,
            "title": ""
        "legend": {
            "show": true,
            "showHeader": true,
            "inside": false,
            "descOrder": false,
            "position": "right-top",
            "customSize": "auto"
        "tooltip": {
            "customizeTooltip": false,
            "showDimensions": true,
            "dimensions": "",
            "showMeasures": true,
            "measures": "",
            "showPercentage": true,
            "showNullValues": true,
            "showBinLabel": true
        "trellis": {
            "enable": false,
            "showGridLines": true,
            "flipLabels": false,
            "type": "x",
            "chartsPerLine": 4,
            "size": [
        "applyConditionalFormatting": true,
        "showActionMenu": true,
        "exploreLink": true,
        "columnMap": {
            "trellis": [],
            "plots": [
            "dimensionAxis": [
        "step": "Subscriber_Revenue_1"

Subscription Revenue Query
q = load "Beattie_Subs";
q = group q by 'Region';
q = foreach q generate 'Region' as 'Region', sum('Total_Charges') as 'sum_Total_Charges';
q = order q by 'Region' asc;
q = limit q 2000;

Marite Ferrero 36Marite Ferrero 36
You need to make your Attrition_Cost dynamic. You need to change your JSON 
from this:
003    "query": "q = load \"Beattie_Subs\";\r\nq_A = filter q by 'Tenure' >= 0 && 'Tenure' <= 100 && 'Churn' == \"Yes\";\r\nresult = group q_A by all;\r\nresult = foreach result generate count(q_A) as 'A';\r\nresult = foreach result generate 'A', A*950.00 as 'attrCost';\r\nresult = limit result 2000;",

to this (see what I bolded):
"query": "q = load \"Beattie_Subs\";\nq_A = filter q by {{row(Tenure_Length_1.selection,[0],[\"min\",\"max\"]).asRange (\"Tenure\")}} && 'Churn' == \"Yes\";\nresult = group q_A by all;\nresult = foreach result generate count(q_A) as 'A';\nresult = foreach result generate 'A', A*950.00 as 'attrCost';\nresult = limit result 2000;\n",

Then you need to set up the reference line via the chart and BIND the reference line to the Attrition_Cost using the chart (as I have shown in the photos). SAVE your work in your DASHBOARD.

Next, look at your JSON and see if your JSON for your reference line has changed. It should show DYNAMIC not STATIC.

Yours currently look like this:
"referenceLines": [
060                {
061                    "color": "#B50E03",
062                    "label": {
063                        "data": "{{cell(Attrition_Cost_1.result, 0, \"attrCost\").asString()}}",
064                        "type": "static"
065                    },
066                    "value": {
067                        "data": "{{cell(Attrition_Cost_1.result, 0, \"attrCost\").asString()}}",
068                        "type": "static"
069                    }
070                }
071            ]

It should look like this:
"referenceLines": [
                                "color": "#E74340",
                                "label": {
                                    "data": {
                                        "displayTemplate": "[attrCost]",
                                        "sourceType": "result",
                                        "step": "Attrition_Cost_1"
                                    "type": "dynamic"
                                "value": {
                                    "data": {
                                        "field": "attrCost",
                                        "sourceType": "result",
                                        "step": "Attrition_Cost_1"
                                    "type": "dynamic"

DJ MaheshwariDJ Maheshwari
User-added imageUser-added image
Hey Marite I did same as you told me but don't know why mine not working
Marite Ferrero 36Marite Ferrero 36
did you change your JSON for your Attrition_Cost with the "   filter q by {{row(Tenure_Length_1.selection,[0],[\"min\",\"max\"]).asRange (\"Tenure\")}}  " ?
DJ MaheshwariDJ Maheshwari
User-added image
Marite Ferrero 36Marite Ferrero 36
your chart with the reference line shows this entry - which my chart does not have 

 "columnMap": {
115            "trellis": [],
116            "plots": [
117                "sum_Total_Charges"
118            ],
119            "dimensionAxis": [
120                "Region"
121            ]
DJ MaheshwariDJ Maheshwari
I remove these lines, doesn't make any difference. Still shows same error
Marite Ferrero 36Marite Ferrero 36
you get that message when you click on the "Check Challenge" but when you test it, what do you see?
When you click on the High Risk (left chart), does your reference line move? And when you click on Medium Risk, Low Risk?
User-added image
Marite Ferrero 36Marite Ferrero 36
Try putting back your reference line to static. If this works for you, then I think it's a Salesforce glitch. 

"referenceLines": [ { "color": "#B50E03", "label": { "data": "{{cell(Attrition_Cost_1.result, 0, \"attrCost\").asString()}}", "type": "static" }, "value": { "data": "{{cell(Attrition_Cost_1.result, 0, \"attrCost\").asString()}}", "type": "static" } } ],
DJ MaheshwariDJ Maheshwari

User-added imageUser-added imageUser-added image
Yes Line is move but not percentage and also it not move as per requirement
Marite Ferrero 36Marite Ferrero 36
then you need to take a look at your code from step 2. the percentage should change.
DJ MaheshwariDJ Maheshwari
Now it's working my reference li ne move correctly but still same error on challenge 3
Marite Ferrero 36Marite Ferrero 36
if you are still getting message 550 - try putting your reference line as static. 
There seems to be a glitch in trailhead challenge and it forces some people to use the static. 

"referenceLines": [
060                {
061                    "color": "#B50E03",
062                    "label": {
063                        "data": "{{cell(Attrition_Cost_1.result, 0, \"attrCost\").asString()}}",
064                        "type": "static"
065                    },
066                    "value": {
067                        "data": "{{cell(Attrition_Cost_1.result, 0, \"attrCost\").asString()}}",
068                        "type": "static"
069                    }
070                }
071            ]
DJ MaheshwariDJ Maheshwari
Hey Marite,
If I use Static content then it shows followinng Error:

Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
We can't confirm the Subscriber Revenue chart is filtering by the Tenure Length toggle. Confirm there's a binding that filters attrition costs displayed in the reference line.
Marite Ferrero 36Marite Ferrero 36
Are you seeing the same 96.71%; 26.36% and 49.4% and the reference line moving when you click High, Med, Low?
DJ MaheshwariDJ Maheshwari
User-added imageUser-added imageUser-added image

Yes Marite
Praveen Shankar 23Praveen Shankar 23
Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong: We can't confirm the Subscriber Revenue chart is filtering by the Tenure Length toggle. Confirm there's a binding that filters attrition costs displayed in the reference line.

Facing above error and not getting any clue on this .
Marite Ferrero 36Marite Ferrero 36
Can you check that you are using labels and names as per the challenge? Trailhead is quite sensitive to the labels and names as it is how it automates its verification. Otherwise, perhaps you can share the JSON for the 2 charts; the toggle; and the reference line?
Marite Ferrero 36Marite Ferrero 36
Oh I just looked at the picture you shared. Your reference line isn't correct.
DJ MaheshwariDJ Maheshwari
How can I correct it. I mean I have no idea can you please help me out to corrwct my reference line, because as you provide the JSON fot reference Line. I put the same.
DJ MaheshwariDJ Maheshwari
Entire JSON of which component?
Garima Agarwal 81Garima Agarwal 81
This is my Error for 'Einstein Analytics and Discovery Insights Specialist - Step#4', Don't know why?

User-added imageUser-added image
User-added image

Marite Ferrero 36Marite Ferrero 36
It said that you need to add the marker (like this)
User-added image
Marite Ferrero 36Marite Ferrero 36
check that your query is similar to this:
oem = load "Beattie_OEM_Survey";
subs = load "Beattie_Subs";
q = cogroup oem by ('Region', 'Account_Manager'), subs by ('Region', 'Account_Manager');
q = foreach q generate oem.'Region' as 'Region', round(avg(oem.'CSAT')) as 'avg_CSAT', round(avg(subs.'Tenure')) as 'avg_Tenure';
q = order q by 'avg_CSAT' asc;
Aimee ShenAimee Shen
Hi Marite,

I'm stuck with challenge 5.  Can you please help with below error? Thanks

Here are the steps I've done

1. created a story with name "Beattie Subs".
2. created below fields in object "Subscriber"

Tenure Outcome (Number)
Tenure Explanation (Text Area (Long))
Tenure Prescription (Text Area (Long))

After creating the story with any name just click the drop-down arrow button which is exist in right top corner. Click Deploy Model -> In the first screen just give the name 'predicted tenure' as Prediction Title -> next screen select Subscriber object -> Map Fields -> No prediction field -> No segment filter -> Add variable(Tick the variables) -> Reveiw -> Deploy.

4. Create a custom setting
User-added image
5. Create a trigger in object "Subscriber"
User-added image

6. create process builder 
User-added image

7. Error before save cancelled subscriber record 
User-added image
Marite Ferrero 44Marite Ferrero 44
Hi Aimee Shen,
Could you taka a look at my post to Mahaq_b on April 10, 2020? Could you please confirm what you see for checklist items 1, 2, 3 and 6?
Sudharsan CSudharsan C
Einstein Analytics and Discovery Insights Specialist - CHALLENGE2
@Marite Ferrero
As you mentioned above i followed the steps. I cant see the {{row(Tenure_Length_1.selection,[0],[\"min\",\"max\"]).asRange (\"Tenure\")}} in my JSON under Churn_Tenure_1
User-added image

Kindly help me to find out.
Marite Ferrero 44Marite Ferrero 44

Hi Sudharsan C

The way you deploy your bind is through the JSON. Your snapshot shows the correct JSON code under "Churn_Tenure_1.
Look at your Line 135.

'Tenure' >= 0 && 'Tenure' <= 100

with this:

{{row(Tenure_Length_1.selection,[0],[\"min\",\"max\"]).asRange (\"Tenure\")}}

So then it will look like this:
"Churn_Tenure_1": {
"broadcastFacet": true,
"groups": [],
"label": "Churn Tenure",
"numbers": [],
"query": "q = load \"Beattie_Subs\";\nq = filter q by {{row(Tenure_Length_1.selection,[0],[\"min\",\"max\"]).asRange (\"Tenure\")}};\nq_B = filter q by 'Churn' == \"Yes\";\nresult = group q by all full, q_B by all;\nresult = foreach result generate (count(q_B) / count(q))*100 as 'churnRate';",
"receiveFacetSource": {
"mode": "all",
"steps": []

It should then work. Please upvote if this answer helps you.

Aimee ShenAimee Shen
Hi Marite, I have same setup as you mentioned in checklist item 1 - 5 but I can't get item 6 as it's showing error before I can save the subscriber record. 
Marite Ferrero 44Marite Ferrero 44
Hi Aimee Shen

Can you take a snapshot of the error and share? Thanks.
Aimee ShenAimee Shen
Hi Marite,

Here is the error message when I click "Save" in any subscriber record.

SetDealPrediction: execution of AfterUpdate caused by: System.UnexpectedException: Salesforce System Error: 962948501-17954 (-651761767) (-651761767) Class.ConnectApi.SmartDataDiscovery.predict: line 404, column 1 Class.ed_insights.PredictionUtil.predict: line 49, column 1 Class.ed_insights.PredictionUtil.predict: line 3, column 1 Class.ed_insights.PredictionIntegration.setPredictionMain: line 26, column 1 Class.ed_insights.PredictionIntegration.setPrediction: line 6, column 1 Class.ed_insights.TriggerHandler.insertUpdateHandle: line 34, column 1 Trigger.SetDealPrediction: line 6, column 1

Ranjith Shetty PRanjith Shetty P
Hi Team,

I need the JSON for challenge 2.
Marite FerreroMarite Ferrero
Hi Aimee,

I checked your Apex Trigger and your Custom Settings of your Einstein Discovery - Write Back Edit  and they both seem to be good.

Can you just share your  Custom Settings Definition Detail for your Einstein Discovery Writeback? You can do that by right-clicking into a new tab - on "Einstein Discovery - Write Back" on your "Custom Settings page".User-added image

right-clicking on this will show this:
User-added image
Marite FerreroMarite Ferrero
Hi Aimee,

And just so to make it easier to diagnose, can you also ensure that you just have 1 active model (see my snapshot below)?
User-added image
Aimee ShenAimee Shen
Hi Marite,

Here is the screenshot for custom setting
Custom Setting
There is only 1 model in this org as it's a newly created dev org with Einstein enabled for this superbadge only
User-added image

However, I passed the challenge without resolving this error. 
Marite FerreroMarite Ferrero
I was going to say you would probably pass it regardless of the error. 
Marite FerreroMarite Ferrero
it might be something you should refer to salesforce. I looked at their code but it says this (below), which makes it difficult to debug the problem.

This file is generated and isn't the actual source code for this
managed global class.

This read-only file shows the class's global constructors,
methods, variables, and properties.
To enable code to compile, all methods return null.
global class PredictionIntegration {
    global PredictionIntegration() {

    global static void setPrediction(String configName, String entityIdsStr, Boolean isNotTest) {

    global static void setPredictionWithFieldValues(String configName, String fieldValuesJson, Boolean isNotTest) {

    global static void setPredictionWithFieldValues(ed_insights__SDDPredictionConfig__c config, List<ConnectApi.SmartDataDiscoveryPredictInputRowObject> rows, List<String> columnNames, List<Id> entityIdsStr, Boolean isNotTest) {

    global static void setPredictionWithFieldValues(ed_insights__SDDPredictionConfig__c config, List<ConnectApi.SmartDataDiscoveryPredictInputRowObject> rows, Set<String> columnNames, List<Id> entityIdsStr, Boolean isNotTest) {

    global static void setPrediction(ed_insights__SDDPredictionConfig__c config, List<Id> entityIdsStr, Boolean isNotTest) {

global class PredictionIntegrationException extends Exception {
Sumanth reddy 26Sumanth reddy 26
can someone help with challenge 3 of insights specialist

Here is my json for attrition cost

"query": "q = load \"Beattie_Subs\";\r\nq = filter q by{{row(Tenure_Length_1.selection,[0],[\"min\",\"max\"]).asRange (\"Tenure\")}};\r\nq_B = filter q by 'Churn' == \"Yes\";\r\nresult = group q by all full, q_B by all;\r\nresult = foreach result generate count((q_B))*950 as 'attrCost';\r\n\r\n",

when I update my json for ref line as this I am getting error as my dashboard is not saving my work..

"referenceLines": [
                                "color": "#E84340",
                                "label": "{{cell(Attrition_Cost_1.result,0,\"attrCost\").asString()}}",
                                "value": "{{cell(Attrition_Cost_1.result,0,\"attrCost\").asString()}}"

Can Someone help me.
Marite Ferrero 36Marite Ferrero 36
Hi @Sumanth reddy

you don't really need to change the code in your JSON to set up the reference line. 
You can set it up with these settings (see below) and that should connect your Attrition_Cost to the Reference Line

User-added image

OR try this - change your JSON to below (I don't see your JSON as having the  "type": "static" for both "label" and "value".
062                    "label": {
063                        "data": "{{cell(Attrition_Cost_1.result, 0, \"attrCost\").asString()}}",
064                        "type": "static"
065                    },
066                    "value": {
067                        "data": "{{cell(Attrition_Cost_1.result, 0, \"attrCost\").asString()}}",
068                        "type": "static"
Frank BogutFrank Bogut
User-added image

I'm getting this error when trying to create the attrition step? What am I doing wrong? I cant seem to figure out how to do the second part in the 3rd step 
Marite FerreroMarite Ferrero
Frank Bogut,
Change the quotes enclosing "Yes" to straight quotes. If you look closely, those quotes you have enclosing YES are a bit curly quotes.
Frank BogutFrank Bogut
Thank you! It went through.. What am I doing wrong when creating this attrition cost chart, etc? Sifting through 270+ replies to see many examples adds to confusion. Isn't there a straight forward answer? Lol. Here is what my chart looks like now 

It created another chart. That wasn't the goal, right? Wasn't it supposed to do something with my original chart?User-added imageUser-added image
Frank BogutFrank Bogut
Honestly, I don't want to copy and paste a query. I want to know how to do it the way the training laid it out for me. I'm sure I can figure out how to edit and paste queries and JSON's, etc.. I know less about that then actually creating the proper tables and how
Marite FerreroMarite Ferrero
Hi Frank,

You're on the right track. Revise the Title of "Sum of Total Charges" Chart to "Subscription Revenue"
Then it says, create another step  - Attrition Cost (It didn't say create a chart) - which you did as I see your SaQL.

Next, you need to go to your JSON to implement the binding.
Look for the code that shows this query related to churnRate

'Tenure' >= 0 && 'Tenure' <= 100

with this:
{{row(Tenure_Length_1.selection,[0],[\"min\",\"max\"]).asRange (\"Tenure\")}}

So then it will look like this:
"Churn_Tenure_1": {
"broadcastFacet": true,
"groups": [],
"label": "Churn Tenure",
"numbers": [],
"query": "q = load \"Beattie_Subs\";\nq = filter q by {{row(Tenure_Length_1.selection,[0],[\"min\",\"max\"]).asRange (\"Tenure\")}};\nq_B = filter q by 'Churn' == \"Yes\";\nresult = group q by all full, q_B by all;\nresult = foreach result generate (count(q_B) / count(q))*100 as 'churnRate';",
"receiveFacetSource": {
"mode": "all",
"steps": []

To create a results binding that displays attrition cost in the reference line and to make it possible for the reference line value to filter by length of tenure from the Tenure Length toggle:

1. Look in your JSON for your code that produces attrcost so you can set the binding here as well. This is done by changing your filter by to this: {{row(Tenure_Length_1.selection,[0],[\"min\",\"max\"]).asRange (\"Tenure\")}} 
Notice that this is similar to the bind for churnRate.

Then to add a reference line - go click on teh Subscription Revenue Chart, on the right side where you can configure the chart settings, you will see that you can add a reference line.

If you click on the "Subscription Revenue" vertical bar chart; you will see that you can add a reference line.
You can then link the reference line's value and label to the attribution cost (see my post dated April 28 2020 to Sumanth Reddy.

Try this. Let me know if it works.
Frank BogutFrank Bogut
Thank you for the quick response. I've managed to find and insert your response into my JSON, but I think I'm doing something wrong either before or a slight change needs to happen to pass. 

I pressed Ctrl-E to input the correct code into my JSON. All good there, I believe.

My Query for Attrition:
q = load "Beattie_Subs1";
q = group q by 'Region';
q = foreach q generate 'Region' as 'Region', sum('Total_Charges') as 'sum_Total_Charges';
q = order q by 'Region' asc;
q = limit q 2000;

When I went to implement a value it was asking for a numeric value (somehow it accepted the manual entry I mimic'd from April 28th). 

What am I missing here (see pictures)? Beyond grateful and appreciate for your feedback and help :)User-added imageUser-added imageUser-added image

JSON (I believe for the area we are working on):

"Attrition_Cost_1": {
"broadcastFacet": true,
"groups": [],
"label": "Attrition Cost",
"numbers": [],
"query": "q = load \"Beattie_Subs1\";\r\nq = filter {{row(Tenure_Length_1.selection,[0],[\"min\",\"max\"]).asRange (\"Tenure\")}};\r\nresult = filter q by 'Churn' == \"Yes\";\r\nresult = group result by all;\r\nresult = foreach result generate count() as 'count', count()*950 as attrCost;\r\nresult = limit result 2000;",
"receiveFacetSource": {
"mode": "all",
"steps": []
"selectMode": "single",
"strings": [],
"type": "saql",
"useGlobal": true,
"visualizationParameters": {
"parameters": {
"autoFitMode": "keepLabels",
"showValues": true,
"bins": {
"breakpoints": {
"high": 100,
"low": 0
"bands": {
"high": {
"color": "#008000",
"label": ""
"low": {
"color": "#B22222",
"label": ""
"medium": {
"color": "#ffa500",
"label": ""
"legend": {
"descOrder": false,
"showHeader": true,
"show": true,
"customSize": "auto",
"position": "right-top",
"inside": false
"axisMode": "multi",
"tooltip": {
"showBinLabel": true,
"measures": "",
"showNullValues": true,
"showPercentage": true,
"showDimensions": true,
"showMeasures": true,
"customizeTooltip": false,
"dimensions": ""
"visualizationType": "hbar",
"title": {
"fontSize": 14,
"subtitleFontSize": 11,
"label": "",
"align": "center",
"subtitleLabel": ""
"binValues": false,
"trellis": {
"flipLabels": false,
"showGridLines": true,
"size": [
"enable": false,
"type": "x",
"chartsPerLine": 4
"showActionMenu": true,
"measureAxis2": {
"sqrtScale": false,
"showTitle": true,
"showAxis": true,
"title": "",
"customDomain": {
"showDomain": false
"measureAxis1": {
"sqrtScale": false,
"showTitle": true,
"showAxis": true,
"title": "",
"customDomain": {
"showDomain": false
"theme": "wave",
"dimensionAxis": {
"showTitle": true,
"customSize": "auto",
"showAxis": true,
"title": "",
"icons": {
"useIcons": false,
"iconProps": {
"fit": "cover",
"column": "",
"type": "round"
"applyConditionalFormatting": true
"type": "chart"

Hopefully the dump of information helps provide direction.
Frank BogutFrank Bogut
When I clicked my chart and selected "query" instead of Widget then clicking "advanced editor" I was able to find the code to change the April 28th: 

062                    "label": {
063                        "data": "{{cell(Attrition_Cost_1.result, 0, \"attrCost\").asString()}}",
064                        "type": "static"
065                    },
066                    "value": {
067                        "data": "{{cell(Attrition_Cost_1.result, 0, \"attrCost\").asString()}}",
068                        "type": "static"

Saved and good to go, but unable to pass. Aslo, my X-Axis looks like this :
User-added image
Marite FerreroMarite Ferrero
Hi Frank,
It says that it cannot find your Subscriber Revenue chart /query.

1. You said: "When I went to implement a value it was asking for a numeric value (somehow it accepted the manual entry I mimic'd from April 28th".  Remove this. 
2. The Subscriber Revenue chart and the red reference line depend on the Churn_Tenure_1 chart as well as the pillbox (High Risk/ Medium Risk / Low Risk) on top of it.
Can you check your JSON for Churn_Tenure_1 and confirm that you also have set up the binding there? Like this below:
User-added image
3. Go back to your dashboard and click on any block that does not have a chart/element. Look at the right side showing the list of queries and static.

Check that you have the following queries:
  • Attrition Cost (no chart required)
  • Churn Tenure (left chart)
  • Subscriber Revenue (right horizontal bar chart)
4. Check that you have static: Tenure Length 

If you look at the snapshot below, you will see all these on the right side.

User-added image

5. Click on the 'properties' of Tenure Length; then click on Advanced Editor. Is your JSON for Tenure Length like this:
"broadcastFacet": true,
"columns": {
"Display": {
"type": "string"
"label": "Tenure Length",
"selectMode": "single",
"start": {
"display": []
"type": "staticflex",
"values": [
"display": "High Risk",
"value": "1 to 12 months",
"min": 1,
"max": 12
"display": "Medium Risk",
"value": "13 to 24 months",
"min": 13,
"max": 24
"display": "Low Risk",
"value": "25 to 36 months",
"min": 25,
"max": 36
"numbers": [],
"strings": [],
"groups": []

6. click on your Subscriber Revenue chart. Make sure you apply 'red' as the colour for your reference line.User-added image

let me know if it work.
Marite FerreroMarite Ferrero
let me know if it works.
Frank BogutFrank Bogut
Okay, I had to go back and edit and fix some errors I made somewhere along the lines. My Low/Medium/High Risk toggle wasn't working and it is now. Everything to this point is good to go (you'll see that I have changes to names like "Tenure_Length_2" etc because I had to recreate them to work. 
Anyway, your explanations were extremely helpful as I carefully went back through everything. 

I believe where I'm stuck now is that I'm creating an incorrect Attrition Query. What is the query for that? I believe once I have this I'll be able to link them.

I have the Query Attrition_Cost, however, when I goto reference them I can select my Attrition_Cost as a Interaction Source, but my Reference Line Value is "Sum of Total Charges."
I found this by clicking my Subscription Revenue Chart > X-Axis (Top) > + Reference Line then clicking the blue box/arrow guy. See Pictures below for reference.
User-added imageUser-added image
Marite FerreroMarite Ferrero
can you click on PROPERTIES of your Attrition Cost; then click on advanced editor to look at the JSON?

You should also have your binding here (like this - see snapshot):
You change the filter so that it also uses this: {{row(Tenure_Length_1.selection,[0],[\"min\",\"max\"]).asRange (\"Tenure\")}} 

User-added image

Then click on Subscriber Chart and see if you can link your reference line to the attrition cost like I have previously showed
Marite FerreroMarite Ferrero
you might want to remove one of your churn rate charts. it will be very difficult to diagnose problems and confusing to have 2 of these.
Frank BogutFrank Bogut
Maybe, I was able to move forward. I found LinThaw's query above:
q = load "Beattie_Subs";
q = filter q by 'Tenure' in all;
result = filter q by 'Churn' == "Yes";
result = group result by all;
result = foreach result generate count() as 'count', count()*950 as attrCost;
result = limit result 2000;

added this to my query. And now have the correct line. Went to try and complete the challenge and got this error:
User-added image

Do I need to change something from dynamic to static? What do you think?

Marite FerreroMarite Ferrero
click on the subscriber chart, click on advance editor to look at the JSON for the widget until you see referenceLines
then conform you level and value to this:

User-added image

let me know if this works.
Marite FerreroMarite Ferrero
clean up and remove the 2nd churn rate chart before submitting.
Marite FerreroMarite Ferrero
label and value; not level and value
Frank BogutFrank Bogut
Did as you said, done. Had to delete the subscription chart (Not the query) due to a "binding error." Applied the same Subscrition Chart and binded the Attrition_Cost and adjusted the color. Bam.

Challenge 3 Completed. YOU.ARE.AWESOME. Litterally went to sleep and woke up thinking about this challenge. Much love and appreciation. 

Moving onto Challenge 4!
Marite FerreroMarite Ferrero
glad it worked.
Saif Alam 15Saif Alam 15
Hi All, Prediction Definition Id is not getting generated for Step 5 in Einstein Analytics and Discovery Insights Specialist. Please help. Please let me know the steps.
I have created the custom field for subscriber object
Installed the Managed Packaged
Created the Custom setting
Created the trigger
Created the Process Builder.
Marite FerreroMarite Ferrero
Hi Saif,
did you set up the prediction id correctly?
Benedikt RuppertBenedikt Ruppert

Hi All.

I´m kind of struggling on chellenge 2 since two days. I have already gone through the entire thread but couldnt find the right answer for my problem.

I think my toggle for the widget is wrong.

Thats how I did it:
1: I clicked on Create Query
2: Create Custom Query
3:thats how my toggle looks like:
User-added image

Can some help on this? Really appreaciate your help!



Marite FerreroMarite Ferrero
Hi Ben,

your Tenure_Length should be set up this way:
User-added image
Click on Tenure_Length_1 down arrow and click on properties; then click on advanced editor to see the JSON (query) and you should see this:

"broadcastFacet": true,
"columns": {
"Display": {
"type": "string"
"label": "Tenure Length",
"selectMode": "single",
"start": {
"display": []
"type": "staticflex",
"values": [
"display": "High Risk",
"value": "1 to 12 months",
"min": 1,
"max": 12
"display": "Medium Risk",
"value": "13 to 24 months",
"min": 13,
"max": 24
"display": "Low Risk",
"value": "25 to 36 months",
"min": 25,
"max": 36
"numbers": [],
"strings": [],
"groups": []
Hi @Marite Ferrero 36

Thanks for your anwer. I completed my superbadge. The writeback package was installed correctly. The problem was with the name that I was giving to the story. I was givingan incorrect name to the model whihc was required to be deployed. 
Marite FerreroMarite Ferrero
Glad it helped and that you were able to work it out on your own, Mahak.
Benedikt RuppertBenedikt Ruppert

Hi @Marite Ferrero 36,

Thank you for your answer. I still don´t have the right Toggle.

Thats how my create custom query looks like in default:

User-added image
I think theres something wrong with it...


Marite FerreroMarite Ferrero
Hey Ben,
1. you actually do not need to define the value column (1 to 12 months, etc.).  All you need are the min and max columns.
2. for the 'min' column, select '123 number' and label it as 'min'.
3. do the same for the max column.

User-added image

Then when you are done defining the Tenure Length static, go to your Churn Tenure chart and click on the 'advanced editor'; then select 'query'.
here, you will have to bind your toggle selection (Tenure Length) to your Churn Tenure chart,

You bind it by changing this:
"query": "q = load \"Beattie_Subs\";\nq = filter q by 'Tenure' >= 0 && 'Tenure' <= 100;\nq_B = filter q by 'Churn' == \"Yes\";\nresult = group q by all full, q_B by all;\nresult = foreach result generate (count(q_B) / count(q))*100 as 'churnRate';\n",

to this:

: "q = load \"Beattie_Subs\";\nq = filter q by
{{row(Tenure_Length_1.selection,[0],[\"min\",\"max\"]).asRange (\"Tenure\")}};\nq_B = filter q by 'Churn' == \"Yes\";\nresult = group q by all full, q_B by all;\nresult = foreach result generate (count(q_B) / count(q))*100 as 'churnRate';\n",

Let me know if you got it.
Rohit Verma 47Rohit Verma 47
I am stuck at step 2 of this superbadge.

When i add this query to Chrun Tenure query and click on run query. It keeps on running
q = load "Beattie_Subs”;
q = filter q by {{row(Tenure_Length_1.selection,[0],[\"min\",\"max\"]).asRange (\"Tenure\")}};
q_B = filter q by 'Churn' == "Yes";
result = group q by all full, q_B by all; 
result = foreach result generate (count(q_B) / count(q))*100 as 'churnRate';

Can anyone help me here
Marite FerreroMarite Ferrero
Hi Rohit,

Of course it will keep on running. This query is looking for variables (min and Max) passed on by this: " {{row(Tenure_Length_1.selection,[0],[\"min\",\"max\"]).asRange (\"Tenure\")}} "

You first need to write your query as such - and then run it.
q = load "Beattie_Subs";
q = filter q by 'Tenure' >= 0 && 'Tenure' <= 100;
q_B = filter q by 'Churn' == "Yes";
result = group q by all full, q_B by all;
result = foreach result generate (count(q_B) / count(q))*100 as 'churnRate';

then after you define your Tenure Length (toggle), you then go back to above query's  JSON and update the filter  with:
{{row(Tenure_Length_1.selection,[0],[\"min\",\"max\"]).asRange (\"Tenure\")}}

see my post to Ben on May 6, 2020.

Please click thumbs up if this works for you.
Rohit Verma 47Rohit Verma 47
Hi Marite,

Yes i saw that post and this fixed my issue and completed this step
Rohit Verma 47Rohit Verma 47
I am stuck on step 7 of challange 3 i.e. Create a results binding that displays attrition cost in the reference line. Also, make it possible for the reference line value to filter by length of tenure from the Tenure Length toggle.

Any Help
Marite FerreroMarite Ferrero
1. You need to create a Subscriber Revenue Query.
2. Then push the Subscriber Revenue Query onto the dashboard as a horizontal bar chart.
3. Then you need to create another Query called Attrition Cost

q = load "Beattie_Subs";
q = filter q by 'Tenure' >= 0 && 'Tenure' <= 100;
result = filter q by 'Churn' == "Yes";
result = group result by all;
result = foreach result generate count() as 'count', count()*950 as attrCost;
result = limit result 2000;

4. click on your Subscriber Revenue Chart, while you're under "WIDGET", go down till you see X-Axis (Top). Here you will add the Reference Line. like this below. When you add the reference line label, make sure to select 'attrcost' so that the numbers show up in the reference line.
User-added image

User-added image

5. then click on an empty spot in your dashboard. go to to Attribution Cost on the right hand bar. Click on the down arrow of Attribution Cost, click on Properties. Then click on advanced editor.  To bind your toggle to the Attribution Cost, you will need to revise the JSON that you see for your Attribution Cost. Change the filter by to (see what's bolded below):

"query": "q = load \"Beattie_Subs1\";\r\nq = filter by {{row(Tenure_Length_1.selection,[0],[\"min\",\"max\"]).asRange (\"Tenure\")}};\r\nresult = filter q by 'Churn' == \"Yes\";\r\nresult = group result by all;\r\nresult = foreach result generate count() as 'count', count()*950 as attrCost;\r\nresult = limit result 2000;",

Click on thumbs up please if this works for you. It should work.
Benedikt Ruppert 9Benedikt Ruppert 9

@Marite Ferrero
Thank you for your effort! I highly appreciate it! I did all the things you told me and it worked!


Marite FerreroMarite Ferrero
Hey Rohit,

Sorry Attrition not Attribution (was working on something else)... Just be aware to use the right labels/names.
  • Attrition Cost
  • Subscriber Revenue
Marite FerreroMarite Ferrero
Hi Ben,  Glad it worked out for you. Best is to understand why and how. cheers
Rohit Verma 47Rohit Verma 47
Hi Marite Ferrero,

Thanks a lot, it resolved my issue. Issue was that i was trying to update JSON after adding reference line to the Chart. It was not working. Finally resolved it, thanks a lot for your inputs
Rohit Verma 47Rohit Verma 47
Any one has steps to complete Challange 4, i am not able to understand it 
Marite FerreroMarite Ferrero
Hi Rohit,
1. Create a Query which will require Multiple Datasets. Name this query: Beattie Survey
when creating this query, you would use a cogroup:
oem = load "Beattie_OEM_Survey";
subs = load "Beattie_Subs";
q = cogroup oem by ('Region', 'Account_Manager'), subs by ('Region', 'Account_Manager');
[you can do the rest of the query from here...]
2. click on the chart mode after you finished writing your query. Use the Pyramid Chart. The Left Axis is: "Avg of CSAT"; Right Axis is: "Avg of Tenure"; Bars would be "Region"

3. The right side chart is a lot easier. It uses only the Beattie OEM Survey. You create your query for this.
4. on the chart mode, you use a Treemap.

5. push "Beattie Survey" into the dashboard (left side chart)
6. push "Beattie OEM Survey" into the dashboard (right side chart)

7. make the 2 charts (left side and right side charts interact). You do this with faceting. Click on "Beattie Survey" chart. then click on "Query" right next to "Widget". Here you can set your faceting. I'll let you do faceting..
8. do the same thing for the right side chart. Click on right side chart. then click on "Query" right next to "Widget". Here you can set your faceting. I'll let you do faceting..  (NOTE that requirements say to allow user to select 1 to many bars of the left side chart and that it should reflect on the right side chart)
Rohit Verma 47Rohit Verma 47
thanks as lot 
Marite Ferrero
Rohit Verma 47Rohit Verma 47
Hi Marite Ferrero,

Cna you help me with steps for Challange 5
Marite FerreroMarite Ferrero
Hi Rohit,
Check out my post to Mahak on April 10, 2020. It shows a checklist. let me know if that helps.
Rohit Verma 47Rohit Verma 47
Hi Marite Ferrero,

What i am not able to understand is the sequence of activities, this is what i did till now:
1. I created 3 fields on subscriber object i.e. Tenure Outcome, Tenure Explanation, Tenure Prescription
2. I installed the managed package (it took me lot of time but finally was able to do it)
3. I created a story named Predicted Tenure on Beattie Subs dataset
4. In analytics studio, i went to Model Manager and i am not able to find active model

Is this the write way or i messed up the steps

I am yet to create a tenure custom setting
Rohit Verma 47Rohit Verma 47
Hi Marite Ferrero,

I completed my Superbadge, this is really cool place to test your skills.

Thanks everyone who contributed

Gunjan Aswani 1Gunjan Aswani 1
@Marite Ferrero you are the star really with your help only I was able to complete step 2 Thanks a lot! 
Marite FerreroMarite Ferrero
@Gunjan, you're welcome.
Radhika VarakaviRadhika Varakavi
Following is my JSON after completing Challene 3. But, am getting following error

User-added image


"Attrition_Cost_1": {
"broadcastFacet": true,
"groups": [],
"label": "Attrition Cost",
"numbers": [],
"query": "q = load \"Beattie_Subs\";\nq_A = filter q by {{row(Tenure_Length_1.selection,[0],[\"min\",\"max\"]).asRange (\"Tenure\")}} && 'Churn' == \"Yes\";\nresult = group q_A by all;\nresult = foreach result generate count(q_A) as 'A';\nresult = foreach result generate 'A', A*950.00 as 'attrCost';\nresult = limit result 2000;\n",
"receiveFacetSource": {
"mode": "all",
"steps": []
"selectMode": "single",
"strings": [],
"type": "saql",
"useGlobal": true,
"visualizationParameters": {
"parameters": {
"autoFitMode": "keepLabels",
"showValues": true,
"bins": {
"breakpoints": {
"high": 100,
"low": 0
"bands": {
"high": {
"color": "#008000",
"label": ""
"low": {
"color": "#B22222",
"label": ""
"medium": {
"color": "#ffa500",
"label": ""

"referenceLines": [
"color": "#E74340",
"label": {
"data": {
"displayTemplate": "[attrCost]",
"sourceType": "result",
"step": "Attrition_Cost_1"
"type": "dynamic"
"value": {
"data": {
"field": "attrCost",
"sourceType": "result",
"step": "Attrition_Cost_1"
"type": "dynamic"
Marite FerreroMarite Ferrero
Hi Radhika,

1. Can you try relaunching your trailhead playground and then check the challenge step to see if you'd still get an error?
2. If yes (if you still see an error), can you go to your dashboard, double-click on your Subscription Revenue Chart and then click/select "Query Mode" and copy and paste your query for Subscriber Revenue?

3. go back to your dashboard, click on any empty spot. then click once on your subscription revenue chart. On the right side, you will see the settings panel. Click on "Query".  Is 'Apply Global Filters' checked?  What did you select for "Faceting"? What did you select for "Selection Type"? Is 'Broadcast selections as facets' checked?

4. can you click on 'WIDGET' which is on the left-side of "QUERY" and take a snapshot of your X-Axis (Top) and share the snapshot here?
Shubham Shah 21Shubham Shah 21
Hi Marite,

Receiving the below error while completing challenge #3 of the supernadge

There was an unhandled exception. Please reference ID: VTREZLDW. Error: Restforce::ResponseError. Message: 550: Cannot convert dynamic parameters of a reference line in chart widgets

Code for Subscriber Revenue Widget:
"referenceLines": [
"color": "#B50E03",
"label": {
"type": "dynamic",
"data": {
"step": "Attrition_Cost_1",
"sourceType": "result",
"displayTemplate": "[attrCost]"
"value": {
"type": "dynamic",
"data": {
"step": "Attrition_Cost_1",
"field": "attrCost",
"sourceType": "result"

Attrition Cost Query:
"query": "q = load \"Beattie_Subs\";\nq = filter q by 'Churn' == \"Yes\" && {{row(Tenure_Length_1.selection,[0],[\"min\",\"max\"]).asRange(\"Tenure\")}};\nq = group q by all;\nq = foreach q generate count()*950 as 'attrCost';\nq = limit q 2000;",

Please suggest me steps to get rid of the error.
Marite FerreroMarite Ferrero
Hi Shubham,

1. Can you click on your Subscriber Revenue chart, then under WIDGET (on the right side panel) - look at your X-Axis (TOP) and see if it looks like this?
2. Click on 'Attrition_Cost_1' under value; and confirm that your Interaction Source shows 'Attrition_Cost_1' and that your reference value shows 'attrCost' and you have 'result' checked as your Interaction Type?
3. Click on 'Attrition_Cost_1' under label; and confirm that your Interaction Source shows 'Attrition_Cost_1' and that your reference value shows 'attrCost' and you have 'result' checked as your Interaction Type?
User-added image

4. save your changes and check the challenge again.
5. If you are still getting the same error, then change your label and value in your JSON to this:

"label": {
"data": "{{cell(Attrition_Cost_1.result, 0, \"attrCost\").asString()}}",
"type": "static"
"value": {
"data": "{{cell(Attrition_Cost_1.result, 0, \"attrCost\").asString()}}",
"type": "static"

6. Let me know what worked for you.
Shubham Shah 21Shubham Shah 21
Hi Marite,

After applying the above steps and Now the error message has changed to We can't find the Subscriber Revenue step. Check step name and spelling.

Please suggest solution.

Shubham shah
Marite FerreroMarite Ferrero
Hi Shubham,
1. click on your Subscription Revenue chart.
2. click on "WIDGET" on the righthand panel. Make sure your chart TITLE is "Subscription Revenue"
3. click on "QUERY" which on the right side of "WIDGET". Your query id should be Subscriber_Revenue_1 and your Display label should be Subscriber Revenue
User-added image

Let me know if this works.
kisorekumar mohanraj 4kisorekumar mohanraj 4
Hi @Marite Ferrero , Stuck in challange 4 , Please help!

Beattie Survey : SAQL :
oem = load "Beattie_OEM_Survey";
subs = load "Beattie_Subs";
q = cogroup oem by ('Region', 'Account_Manager'), subs by ('Region', 'Account_Manager');
q = foreach q generate oem.'Region' as 'Region', round(avg(oem.'CSAT')) as 'avg_CSAT', round(avg(subs.'Tenure')) as 'avg_Tenure';
q = order q by 'avg_CSAT' asc;

q = load "Beattie_OEM_Survey";
q = group q by 'OEM';
q = foreach q generate 'OEM' as 'OEM', count() as 'count';
q = order q by 'OEM' asc;
q = limit q 2000;

User-added image

Pleaes help how to proceed. !
Marite FerreroMarite Ferrero
Hi kisorekumar mohanraj,

It's complaining that you have not set the chart marker as per requirements.

7. Add a chart marker to the Beattie Survey chart for the first state with the lowest average CSAT score. It will be a hard-coded marker to help validation assess your solution.

You do this by:
a. clicking on the left side chart. then go to the right-side panel under "WIDGET". Go down till you see "CHART MARKERS".
c. Then go back to your left side chart and click on the first vertical bar under "Avg of CSAT" (That would be Illinois)
d. then you can set your chart marker like this
User-added image

Let me know if this works for you.
Shubham Shah 21Shubham Shah 21
Thanks Marite,

It did work. Great help.

Thank you
kisorekumar mohanraj 4kisorekumar mohanraj 4
Thanks Marite,

It did work. Great help.

Thank you
Amit Agrawal 106Amit Agrawal 106
Challange # 3 is not working. Can someone please help.


"query": "q = load \"Beattie_Subs\";\r\nq= filter q by {{row(Tenure_Length_1.selection,[0],[\"min\",\"max\"]).asRange (\"Tenure\")}};\r\nq_B = filter q by 'Churn' == \"Yes\";\r\nresult = group q by all full, q_B by all;\r\nresult = foreach result generate count((q_B))*950 as 'attrCost';\r\nresult = limit result 2000;",

Reference Lines tried with multiple approaches -
Approach 1:
"referenceLines": [
                                "color": "#E74340",
                                "label": "{{cell(Attrition_Cost_1.result,0,\"attrCost\").asString()}}",
                                "value": "{{cell(Attrition_Cost_1.result,0,\"attrCost\").asString()}}"

I get the Validation for Reference lines error

Approach 2:
"referenceLines": [
                                "color": "#B50E03",
                                "label": {
                                    "data": "{{cell(Attrition_Cost_1.result, 0, \"attrCost\").asString()}}",
                                    "type": "static"
                                "value": {
                                    "data": "{{cell(Attrition_Cost_1.result, 0, \"attrCost\").asString()}}",
                                    "type": "static"

I get the following while checking challenge 
Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
We can't confirm the chart reference lines have the correct label and value. The reference line has to have attrition costs as its label and value, plus filter by the Tenure Length toggle.

Approach 3:
Setting it from Widget - X-Axis (top) - Adding the Reference lines

Still the challange does not get complete. Please advice.
Marite FerreroMarite Ferrero
Hi Amit,

Did you look at my May 7, 2020 post? It's a post between Benedikt's and Rohit's posts?
It starts with this:
1. You need to create a Subscriber Revenue Query.
2. Then push the Subscriber Revenue Query onto the dashboard as a horizontal bar chart.
3. Then you need to create another Query called Attrition Cost

When you tried approach 3, what exactly is the challenge error message?
Amit Agrawal 106Amit Agrawal 106
Hello Marite,

I Created a Subscriber Revenue Query
1. Subscriber_Revenue_1
q = load "Beattie_Subs";
q = group q by 'Region';
q = foreach q generate 'Region' as 'Region', sum('Total_Charges') as 'sum_Total_Charges';
q = order q by 'Region' asc;
q = limit q 2000;
2. Added Subscriber_Revenue_1 to the dashboard
3. Then created a new query - Attrition_Cost_1
q = load "Beattie_Subs";
q = filter q by 'Tenure' >= 0 && 'Tenure' <= 100;
result = filter q by 'Churn' == "Yes";
result = group result by all;
result = foreach result generate count() as 'count', count()*950 as attrCost;
result = limit result 2000;
 4. Then Added the reference lines as suggested in your 7th May Post using X-Axis (Top)
5. Now, I’m able to save it and preview it.
6. Now I start with the binding

"query": "q = load \"Beattie_Subs\";\r\nq= filter q by {{row(Tenure_Length_1.selection,[0],[\"min\",\"max\"]).asRange (\"Tenure\")}};\r\nresult = filter q by 'Churn' == \"Yes\";\r\nresult = group result by all;\r\nresult = foreach result generate count() as 'count', count()*950 as attrCost;\r\nresult = limit result 2000;",
7. Now when I preview, I see that the binding is working.
8. Finally, I check the challenge and following error

There was an unhandled exception. Please reference ID: BGVQOCTW. Error: Restforce::ResponseError. Message: 550: Cannot convert dynamic parameters of a reference line in chart widgets

9. When I check the Reference Lines, I see the following
"referenceLines": [
                    "value": {
                        "type": "dynamic",
                        "data": {
                            "step": "Attrition_Cost_1",
                            "field": "attrCost",
                            "sourceType": "result"
                    "label": {
                        "type": "dynamic",
                        "data": {
                            "step": "Attrition_Cost_1",
                            "sourceType": "result",
                            "displayTemplate": "[attrCost]"
                    "color": "#E74340"

Can you please help?

Marite FerreroMarite Ferrero
Hi Amit,

Can you check how you have set up your reference value and label interaction?
1. Can you click on your Subscriber Revenue chart, then under WIDGET (on the right side panel) - look at your X-Axis (TOP) and see if it looks like this?
2. Click on 'Attrition_Cost_1' under value; and confirm that your Interaction Source shows 'Attrition_Cost_1' and that your reference value shows 'attrCost' and you have 'result' checked as your Interaction Type?
3. Click on 'Attrition_Cost_1' under label; and confirm that your Interaction Source shows 'Attrition_Cost_1' and that your reference value shows 'attrCost' and you have 'result' checked as your Interaction Type?

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4. save your changes and check the challenge again.
5. If you are still getting the same error (550), then change your label and value in your JSON to this:

"label": {
"data": "{{cell(Attrition_Cost_1.result, 0, \"attrCost\").asString()}}",
"type": "static"
"value": {
"data": "{{cell(Attrition_Cost_1.result, 0, \"attrCost\").asString()}}",
"type": "static"

6. Let me know what worked for you. Steps 1-4 is the ideal but if it does not work and if it is step 5 that works - then it could be a Salesforce glitch.
But steps 1-5  or  Step 6 should work.
Amit Agrawal 106Amit Agrawal 106
Hi Marite,

After 1 to 4 above, I changed the reference line as follows. Dashboard wors fine but when I check challange, again the new error.

"referenceLines": [
                    "value": {
                        "type": "static",
                        "data": "{{cell(Attrition_Cost_1.result, 0, \"attrCost\").asString()}}"
                    "label": {
                        "type": "static",
                        "data": "{{cell(Attrition_Cost_1.result, 0, \"attrCost\").asString()}}"
                    "color": "#E74340"

Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
We can't confirm the chart reference lines have the correct label and value. The reference line has to have attrition costs as its label and value, plus filter by the Tenure Length toggle.
Marite FerreroMarite Ferrero
Hi Amit,
Can you check what settings you have against this?
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You either do steps 1 to 4 (then check challenge). Or, if that does not work, then do step 5 (then check challenge).

Let me know what challenge result you get when you do Steps 1-4.
Let me know if steps 1-4 did not work. Try Step 5 and then check challenge. Let me know the challenge result.
Marite FerreroMarite Ferrero
Hi Amit,

Also always remember to save your changes; then try your dashboard first using the Preview to make sure it works before checking the challenge.
Amit Agrawal 106Amit Agrawal 106
Hi Marite,

After step 1 to 4, Saved and previewed the dashboard, It was working and bindings happened but when I check the challange, I get the following error -

There was an unhandled exception. Please reference ID: XCBLEUBX. Error: Restforce::ResponseError. Message: 550: Cannot convert dynamic parameters of a reference line in chart widgets

Now, I make the change to reference list as step-5, again, I save the dashboard and preview, It works well in preview.
When I check the challange, it gives the following error.

Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
We can't confirm the chart reference lines have the correct label and value. The reference line has to have attrition costs as its label and value, plus filter by the Tenure Length toggle.

All the names are as per the screenshot that you suggested.

Still no luck to clear the challange.

Marite FerreroMarite Ferrero
Hi Amit,
Can you take a snapshot of your dashboard with the right hand panel showing all the queries and static you have defined?
Also can you share the entire JSON for your Subscriber Revenue WIDGET? Thanks.
Amit Agrawal 106Amit Agrawal 106
Hi Marite,

Please find the screenshot of Dashboard and Queries.

Subscription Revenue JSON -
    "parameters": {
        "autoFitMode": "keepLabels",
        "showValues": true,
        "bins": {
            "breakpoints": {
                "high": 100,
                "low": 0
            "bands": {
                "high": {
                    "color": "#008000",
                    "label": ""
                "low": {
                    "color": "#B22222",
                    "label": ""
                "medium": {
                    "color": "#ffa500",
                    "label": ""
        "legend": {
            "descOrder": false,
            "showHeader": true,
            "show": false,
            "customSize": "auto",
            "position": "right-top",
            "inside": false
        "axisMode": "multi",
        "tooltip": {
            "showBinLabel": true,
            "measures": "",
            "showNullValues": true,
            "showPercentage": true,
            "showDimensions": true,
            "showMeasures": true,
            "customizeTooltip": false,
            "dimensions": ""
        "visualizationType": "hbar",
        "exploreLink": true,
        "title": {
            "fontSize": 14,
            "subtitleFontSize": 11,
            "label": "Subscription Revenue",
            "align": "center",
            "subtitleLabel": ""
        "binValues": false,
        "trellis": {
            "flipLabels": false,
            "showGridLines": true,
            "size": [
            "enable": false,
            "type": "x",
            "chartsPerLine": 4
        "columnMap": {
            "trellis": [],
            "dimensionAxis": [
            "plots": [
        "showActionMenu": true,
        "measureAxis2": {
            "sqrtScale": false,
            "showTitle": true,
            "showAxis": true,
            "title": "",
            "customDomain": {
                "showDomain": false
        "measureAxis1": {
            "sqrtScale": false,
            "showTitle": false,
            "showAxis": true,
            "referenceLines": [
                    "color": "#E74340",
                    "label": {
                        "data": "{{cell(Attrition_Cost_1.result, 0, \"attrCost\").asString()}}",
                        "type": "static"
                    "value": {
                        "data": "{{cell(Attrition_Cost_1.result, 0, \"attrCost\").asString()}}",
                        "type": "static"
            "title": "",
            "customDomain": {
                "showDomain": false
        "theme": "wave",
        "step": "Subscriber_Revenue_1",
        "dimensionAxis": {
            "showTitle": true,
            "customSize": "auto",
            "showAxis": true,
            "title": "",
            "icons": {
                "useIcons": false,
                "iconProps": {
                    "fit": "cover",
                    "column": "",
                    "type": "round"
        "applyConditionalFormatting": true
    "type": "chart"

Amit Agrawal 106Amit Agrawal 106
Also, adding static screenshot
Marite FerreroMarite Ferrero
Hi Amit,
Can you try this? 
1. Remove lines 65 - 73; save it; preview that it works; then check the challenge?
065        "columnMap": {
066            "trellis": [],
067            "dimensionAxis": [
068                "Region"
069            ],
070            "plots": [
071                "sum_Total_Charges"
072            ]
073        },

I don't have columnMap in mine. I have 2 versions of the chart with reference line (dynamic and static) and both versions do not have this columnMap. I also have read that columnMap can cause bind problems.

Let me know if this solves your problem.
Amit Agrawal 106Amit Agrawal 106
Hi Marite,

I made the change, saved and previewed. In preview it works but when I check challange the error is as follows

Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
We can't confirm the chart reference lines have the correct label and value. The reference line has to have attrition costs as its label and value, plus filter by the Tenure Length toggle.

Below is the JSON after removing columnMap.
    "parameters": {
        "autoFitMode": "keepLabels",
        "showValues": true,
        "bins": {
            "breakpoints": {
                "high": 100,
                "low": 0
            "bands": {
                "high": {
                    "color": "#008000",
                    "label": ""
                "low": {
                    "color": "#B22222",
                    "label": ""
                "medium": {
                    "color": "#ffa500",
                    "label": ""
        "legend": {
            "descOrder": false,
            "showHeader": true,
            "show": false,
            "customSize": "auto",
            "position": "right-top",
            "inside": false
        "axisMode": "multi",
        "tooltip": {
            "showBinLabel": true,
            "measures": "",
            "showNullValues": true,
            "showPercentage": true,
            "showDimensions": true,
            "showMeasures": true,
            "customizeTooltip": false,
            "dimensions": ""
        "visualizationType": "hbar",
        "exploreLink": true,
        "title": {
            "fontSize": 14,
            "subtitleFontSize": 11,
            "label": "Subscription Revenue",
            "align": "center",
            "subtitleLabel": ""
        "binValues": false,
        "trellis": {
            "flipLabels": false,
            "showGridLines": true,
            "size": [
            "enable": false,
            "type": "x",
            "chartsPerLine": 4
        "showActionMenu": true,
        "measureAxis2": {
            "sqrtScale": false,
            "showTitle": true,
            "showAxis": true,
            "title": "",
            "customDomain": {
                "showDomain": false
        "measureAxis1": {
            "sqrtScale": false,
            "showTitle": false,
            "showAxis": true,
            "referenceLines": [
                    "color": "#E74340",
                    "label": {
                        "data": "{{cell(Attrition_Cost_1.result, 0, \"attrCost\").asString()}}",
                        "type": "static"
                    "value": {
                        "data": "{{cell(Attrition_Cost_1.result, 0, \"attrCost\").asString()}}",
                        "type": "static"
            "title": "",
            "customDomain": {
                "showDomain": false
        "theme": "wave",
        "step": "Subscriber_Revenue_1",
        "dimensionAxis": {
            "showTitle": true,
            "customSize": "auto",
            "showAxis": true,
            "title": "",
            "icons": {
                "useIcons": false,
                "iconProps": {
                    "fit": "cover",
                    "column": "",
                    "type": "round"
        "applyConditionalFormatting": true
    "type": "chart"

Shubham Shah 21Shubham Shah 21
Hi Marite,

While trying to save the subscriber record after having deployed the trigger SetDealPrediction and process builder, the update operation is getting error out as
setDealPrediction: execution of AfterUpdate caused by: System.UnexpectedException: Salesforce System Error: 1744431917-29361 (-70898661) (-70898661) Class.ConnectApi.SmartDataDiscovery.predict: line 404, column 1 Class.ed_insights.PredictionUtil.predict: line 49, column 1 Class.ed_insights.PredictionUtil.predict: line 3, column 1 Class.ed_insights.PredictionIntegration.setPredictionMain: line 26, column 1 Class.ed_insights.PredictionIntegration.setPrediction: line 6, column 1 Class.ed_insights.TriggerHandler.insertUpdateHandle: line 34, column 1 Trigger.SetDealPrediction: line 6, column 1 .

Do you know what i am doing wrong here.

Shubham Shah
Marite FerreroMarite Ferrero
Hi Shubham,

I also encountered this error if I recall. Did you read my post on April 10, 2020 to Mahak in which I posted a checklist of things to check?

On my part, what I did wrong is that I set up my writeback incorrectly, I typed: Subscriber as my object.  The correct entry should be Subscriber__c.
I was then able to edit Cancelled Subscribers and the Predicted Tenure, explanation, etc. were automatically put into the Cancelled Subscriber's Tenure fields. Did you run through that checklist I posted on April 10?
Marite FerreroMarite Ferrero
HI Shubham,
Aimee encountered the same error you encountered but she passed the challenge anyway even with the error.
Shubham Shah 21Shubham Shah 21
Hi Marite,

i am getting the error message as Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
We can't confirm the recommendation was published to the Subscriber object. Confirm you completed this step and selected the correct Salesforce custom object. 

Although the object value in the Einstein write back custom setting records is already Subscriber__c. 

Shubham shah
Marite FerreroMarite Ferrero
Hi Shubham,

1. The trickiest part of this exercise is the Prediction ID. Are you sure you set it up correctly?
Is your writeback's Tenure / Prediction Definition ID showing the same ID as shown when you look at the URL of your Prediction Name?
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2. Did you use a clean dev / trailhead playground for this superbadge? Or is it merged with another dev or trailhead playground? If it is merged, then that could be a problem.
Shubham Shah 21Shubham Shah 21
Hi Marite,

To implement Einstein analytics used new org as given in the links from the trailhead and if this is due to merging issue then how will i solve it.
i see no issue over my predication model id as it is 1OR2x000000XaCNGA0 from the url and pasted the same in the custom setting record in einstein write back.

Here is the record detail of the custom setting records as well.

Name       Record ID                Object                Outcome Field Name      Prediction Definition Id       Prescription Field Name    Created Date
Tenure     a032x000004c5L0   Subscriber__c   Tenure_Outcome__c       1OR2x000000XaCNGA0   Tenure_Prescription__c      5/14/2020

Shubham Shah
Marite FerreroMarite Ferrero
Hi Shubham,

I was helping Amit when I noticed that he his dev was a 'merged' dev playground. I advised him to create a new dev and that cleared up his problem.

You can try the same IF you are using a 'merged' dev. You do not need to redo the previous challenges. You can create a new dev (make sure that you do not merge it with another dev or trailhead playground) and just start with the current challenge that isn't passing.
Leandro PalmaLeandro Palma
Hi all, I'm stuck in step #2, 
Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
We can't confirm the binding syntax for the Churn Tenure chart. Check that toggle widget selections are updating the Churn Tenure chart. Confirm the binding is using the correct step.

But I'm not able to found where create the step...

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Please, someone are able to help me?
Marite Ferrero 29Marite Ferrero 29
Hi Leandro,

You still need to do this (per requirements):
4. Add a toggle widget above the Churn Tenure chart.
5. Add  Tenure Length as the display label.
6. Add the following custom definition to the widget.
Tenure Length (Display)     Length of Tenure (Value)
High Risk                            1 to 12 months
Medium Risk                       13 to 24 months
Low Risk                             25 to 36 months 
7. Bind the Tenure Length toggle widget to the Churn Tenure chart and have it filter the Tenure field. Your solution should look similar to the example below.

You can take a look at this:

It will guide you on what to do. You can then compare your work to what's already been posted in this message thread (i.e. Tenure Length and binding)
Tushar sardaTushar sarda
can someone please help me with challenge 2 I am using below query, however it it keeps loading the query not sure whats the issue. challenge 2 churn by tenure

q = load "Beattie_Subs";
q = filter q by {{row(Tenure_Length.selection, [0], [\"min\",\"max\"]).asRange(\"Tenure\")}};
q_B = filter q by 'Churn' == "Yes";
result = group q by all full, q_B by all;
result = foreach result generate (count(q_B)/ count(q))*100 as 'churnRate';
Leandro PalmaLeandro Palma
Hi @Marite Ferrero, this is my issue, I'm not able to add Toggle widget above my chart
Pratheep Kumar RadhakrishnanPratheep Kumar Radhakrishnan
Hello Leandro,
Not sure what you mean by unable to add toggle widget above my chart. You just need to push the exisintg chart down by holding the shift key and add the toggle widget just above it, as per the below screenshot ! 

Adding toggle

Leandro PalmaLeandro Palma
Hi Pratheep
That is my issue, in my Developer Edition, I'm not able to see this widge

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Pratheep Kumar RadhakrishnanPratheep Kumar Radhakrishnan
Hello Marite,
Can I request your help as a similar issue was fixed already in this thread through your guidance. Am referring to the same issue that was faced by Jill Heiremans 44 on April 19, 2020. 

My JSON for Tenure Length and Churn Tenure looks like below,

"steps": {
            "Tenure_Length_1": {
                "broadcastFacet": true,
                "columns": {},
                "label": "Tenure Length",
                "selectMode": "single",
                "type": "staticflex",
                "values": [
                        "display": "High Risk",
                        "value": "1 to 12 months",
                        "min": 1,
                        "max": 12
                        "display": "Medium Risk",
                        "value": "13 to 24 months",
                        "min": 13,
                        "max": 24
                        "display": "Low Risk",
                        "value": "25 to 36 months",
                        "min": 25,
                        "max": 36
                "numbers": [],
                "strings": [],
                "groups": []
            "Churn_Tenure_1": {
                "broadcastFacet": true,
                "groups": [],
                "label": "Churn Tenure",
                "numbers": [],
                "query": "q = load \"Beattie_Subs\";\nq = filter q by {{row(Tenure_Length_1.selection,[0],[\"min\",\"max\"]).asRange (\"Tenure\")}};\nq_B = filter q by 'Churn' == \"Yes\";\nresult = group q by all full, q_B by all;\nresult = foreach result generate (count(q_B) / count(q))*100 as 'churnRate';",
                "receiveFacetSource": {
                    "mode": "all",
                    "steps": []

I toggle still doesn’t work and I get the below error as well as Jill received. I double checked the query name and they look correct. Am not sure where am going wrong. Please can you guide me. Thanks in advance.

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Pratheep Kumar RadhakrishnanPratheep Kumar Radhakrishnan
Hello Leandro,

I get it ! This is a browser issue. Un-zoom your browser and set it to 80% zoom you'll see it :) 
Leandro PalmaLeandro Palma
Tks for help, so easy to solve, but I'm not get attention on brower zoom

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Pratheep Kumar RadhakrishnanPratheep Kumar Radhakrishnan
No worries ! Am glad you fixed it. 
Now am waiting for inupts (for the the issue i detailed above) from Marite/Jill/LinThaw or even you if complete step 2  !
Marite Ferrero 29Marite Ferrero 29
HI Pratheep,

When you say your toggle still does not work - 
1. Can you save your work (dashboard).
2. then click on the 'eye' to preview your dashboard.
3. once you are in preview mode, can you click on High Risk; then Medium Risk; then Low Risk?
What numbers do you see in the chart below the toggle? Or do you get an error?
Pratheep Kumar RadhakrishnanPratheep Kumar Radhakrishnan
Hello Marite,
It worked atlast ! Thanks a ton.
May be, i didnt click on the 'eye' one last time :)  Ill now proceed ahead with the next challenge. 
But before that i wanna take a moment to appreciate the help you are providing to all.
You ROCK !
Marite Ferrero 29Marite Ferrero 29
HI Tushar,

Yes your QUERY will keep on loading with this line:
q = filter q by {{row(Tenure_Length.selection, [0], [\"min\",\"max\"]).asRange(\"Tenure\")}};

You want to revise this line to:
q = filter q by 'Tenure' >= 0 && 'Tenure' <= 100;

Save that query.

Then, to deploy your bind - you need to click on the chart (not the toggle). Then on the right-hand panel, click on ADVANCED EDITOR.
Then click on the QUERY which is right next to WIDGET.
You will deploy your binding here. You will see :

"query": "q = load \"Beattie_Subs\";\nq = filter q by....

revise the filter q by to this (see the bolded text - that's the binding):

"query": "q = load \"Beattie_Subs\";\nq = filter q by {{row(Tenure_Length_1.selection,[0],[\"min\",\"max\"]).asRange (\"Tenure\")}};\nq_B = filter q by 'Churn' == \"Yes\";\nresult = group q by all full, q_B by all;\nresult = foreach result generate (count(q_B) / count(q))*100 as 'churnRate';",
Tushar sardaTushar sarda

@marite @pradeep Thanks for your help. My toggle isn't working. not sure whats the issue. can you please have a look. when I click on the toggle to edit I get an error. I think I am missing something. Also please find my Json for the toggle. do I have to also edit this JSON?

enable to edit the toggleon the right side of the query do i hv to make any changes?


Please find my Tenure lenght JSON below,

"broadcastFacet": true,
"columns": {},
"label": "Tenure Length",
"selectMode": "singlerequired",
"type": "staticflex",
"values": [
"display": "High Risk",
"value": "1 to 12 months",
"min": 1,
"max": 12
"display": "Medium Risk",
"value": "13 to 24 months",
"min": 13,
"max": 24
"display": "Low Risk",
"value": "25 to 36 months",
"min": 25,
"max": 36
"numbers": [],
"strings": [],
"groups": []


Also when I add custom query what should be data type for value column i think it should be number 


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Thanks, Tushar

Marite Ferrero 29Marite Ferrero 29
Hi Tushar,
You can find the answer in my May 6, 2020 post to Ben. Just do a find for : "Hey Ben," in this thread.
Pratheep Kumar RadhakrishnanPratheep Kumar Radhakrishnan
Hello Marite,

Am facing the same issue as Amit Agarwal. I read the entire thread and I see Amit’s issue was abruptly stopped on May 15 - no updates after that from Amit and neither from you on that issue.

Now that even am in the same stage, I need your help to fix it.

I also read your thread on May 18, 2020 about ‘merged’ dev and am afraid, I didn’t understand it ? Just to clarify from my side, am using the below developer org for these changes. Do you see any issues in using this ? Please suggest. Thanks in advance.

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Marite Ferrero 29Marite Ferrero 29
Hi Pratheep,

I helped Amit offline. His dev org was merged with another one of his dev. I advised him to create a new dev. Was your trailhead / dev created specifically for this superbadge? 

What error are you getting when you check the challenge step? Can you take a snapshot?
Pratheep Kumar RadhakrishnanPratheep Kumar Radhakrishnan
Hello Marite,
Am using this Dev org only for EA courses and superbadges. I get the below error while checking the challenge,

"Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
We can't confirm the Subscriber Revenue chart is filtering by the Tenure Length toggle. Confirm there's a binding that filters attrition costs displayed in the reference line"

My JSON is similar to Amit's and i did all the steps exactly like how you mentioned above. I did save and viewed the dashboard and to me it works as expected but i couldnt pass this step due to the before mentioned error !

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Marite Ferrero 29Marite Ferrero 29
Hi Pratheep,

You should use a unique dev for each superbadge. If your dev was used prior to this superbadge, then I advise you to create a new Einstein Analytics Developer Edition (DE) specifically only for this superbadge. You don't need to redo challenge 1. You can start with challenge 2 on a new dev.
Derina Nunes 7Derina Nunes 7
Hello ,
I have completed step 2 according to the given requirements. But I am still getting the below error:

We can't confirm the binding syntax for the Churn Tenure chart. Check that toggle widget selections are updating the Churn Tenure chart. Confirm the binding is using the correct step.
Close errors

Can someone help me solve this?
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Marite Ferrero 29Marite Ferrero 29
HI Derina,
This could be due to the label and names you used. Can you please:
1. go on to edit mode on your dashboard
2. click any empty cell in your dashboard to display the right hand panel
3. take a snapshot of your right hand panel and post it here.
Tushar Sarda 2Tushar Sarda 2
@Marite I am getting below error after binding 

binding dint work some issues in the chart i think
Marite Ferrero 29Marite Ferrero 29
Hi Tushar,
Can you click on the down arrow of you Tenure Length and then click 'Preview'; then take a snapshot of what you see?
It should look like this (the value column isn't needed but the min, max columns are needed).User-added image
Tushar Sarda 2Tushar Sarda 2
I think @marite the issue looks like in chart query, but it runs fine. 
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Marite Ferrero 29Marite Ferrero 29
Hi Tushar,
Make sure that you did the binding correctly. click on the chart; then click 'Advanced Editor'; then click on Query.
You can copy and paste your QUERY here so I can see if it's correct. 
Tushar Sarda 2Tushar Sarda 2

@marite it worked not sure what was the issue. 

In the tenure length I changed second column name from tenure length to Display and I unchecked broadcast selections as facets on tenure length
toggle query. and that was the issue I think. Thanks so much for your help. Now time for challenge 3 will bug you again :)))

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Pratheep Kumar RadhakrishnanPratheep Kumar Radhakrishnan
Hello Marite,
I have completed all the challenges and eaned the superbadge ! Thanks a ton for your help. You are doing a tremendous job here helping others to climb the ladder.
Marite Ferrero 29Marite Ferrero 29
Hi Pratheep, you're welcome and I'm glad you earned the Superbadge. I have a lot of free time nowaways because of COVID lockdown. I'm also preparing to take the Salesforce Certified Einstein Analytics and Discovery Consultant (SP20) Exam.
Derina Nunes 7Derina Nunes 7
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Here are the screen shots.Can you please help me 
Derina Nunes 7Derina Nunes 7
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@Marite .I figured it out .I went through the labels and realised the tenure length API  was incorrect .
Thank you for your help
Marite Ferrero 29Marite Ferrero 29
Hi Derina,
I'm glad you cleared your issue.
Tushar sardaTushar sarda

@Marite I am getting below error while doing challenge 3


We can't confirm the Subscriber Revenue chart is filtering by the Tenure Length toggle. Confirm there's a binding that filters attrition costs displayed in the reference line.I have added reference line, not sure how to bind between toggleUser-added image

Marite FerreroMarite Ferrero
Hi Tushar,

Did you check my May 7, 2020 post which start out with this?  Do a find of "You need to create a Subscriber Revenue Query".
1. You need to create a Subscriber Revenue Query.

Can you click on an empty spot in your dashboard and take a snapshot of your screen which also shows the right hand panel?

Tushar sardaTushar sarda
@marite thanks so much:)))) I missed the binding now it works :)) next challenge now.
Aviinandaan DuttaAviinandaan Dutta
Completed the Superbadge! Much thanks to Marite and Peter for all the guidance.
Himanshu B 10Himanshu B 10
I'm on step 2..when I try to run query, it goes into infinite loop..below is my query...i have created a toggle as well.

q = load "Beattie_Subs";
filter q by {{row(Tenure_Length_1.selection,[0],[\"min\", \"max\"]).asRange (\"Tenure\")}};
q_B = filter q by 'Churn' == "Yes";
result = group q by all full, q_B by all;
result = foreach result generate (count(q_B) / count(q))*100 as 'churnRate';

Can anyone help?
nisha arjunan 6nisha arjunan 6
Stuck with the challenge 1 . Someone please help on the error.

My graph is starting from 2016-4 instead of 2013 .
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q = load "Beattie_Subs";

Subscribers = group q by ('Subscription_Date__c_Year', 'Subscription_Date__c_Quarter');
Subscribers = foreach Subscribers generate 'Subscription_Date__c_Year' + "-" + 'Subscription_Date__c_Quarter' as 'ActivityDate_Year-ActivityDate_Quarter', count() as 'Current Quarter Subscribers';

Churns = group q by ('Churn_Date__c_Year', 'Churn_Date__c_Quarter');
Churns = foreach Churns generate 'Churn_Date__c_Year' + "-" + 'Churn_Date__c_Quarter' as 'ActivityDate_Year-ActivityDate_Quarter', count() as 'Current Quarter Churns';

Result = group Subscribers by 'ActivityDate_Year-ActivityDate_Quarter' full, Churns by 'ActivityDate_Year-ActivityDate_Quarter';
Result = foreach Result generate coalesce(Subscribers.'ActivityDate_Year-ActivityDate_Quarter', Churns.'ActivityDate_Year-ActivityDate_Quarter') as 'ActivityDate_Year-ActivityDate_Quarter', sum(Subscribers.'Current Quarter Subscribers') as 'Current Quarter Subscribers', sum(Churns.'Current Quarter Churns') as 'Current Quarter Churns';

Result = group Result by ('ActivityDate_Year-ActivityDate_Quarter', 'Current Quarter Subscribers', 'Current Quarter Churns');
Result = foreach Result generate 'ActivityDate_Year-ActivityDate_Quarter', sum('Current Quarter Subscribers') as 'Current Quarter Subscribers', 'Current Quarter Churns', sum('Current Quarter Subscribers') over ([..-1] partition by all order by 'ActivityDate_Year-ActivityDate_Quarter') - coalesce(sum('Current Quarter Churns') over ([-1..-1] partition by all order by 'ActivityDate_Year-ActivityDate_Quarter'),0) as 'Previous Quarter Subscribers';

Result = foreach Result generate 'ActivityDate_Year-ActivityDate_Quarter', 'Current Quarter Churns'/(coalesce('Previous Quarter Subscribers',0) + coalesce('Current Quarter Subscribers',0)) as 'Churn Rate';

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Please assist on the above error
Marite FerreroMarite Ferrero
Hi Himanshu,

Yes it will go into a look because of the binding you've entered directly into the Query.

Please look at my post to Tushar dated May 19, 2020. Do a find on "Yes your QUERY will keep on loading with this line"
Marite Ferrero 36Marite Ferrero 36
Hi Nisha,
Your SaQL is missing the cogroup of the Subscribers and Churns.

SaQL should first be to generate the Subscribers; then Churns (or vice-versa)

Then; you need to:
1. cogroup the Subs with the Churns
2. then do a coalesce
nisha arjunan 6nisha arjunan 6
Hi Marite,

Thank you for the replay.

The below query is also not working in my case:

q = load "Beattie_Subs";

cancel = group q by ('Churn_Date__c_Year', 'Churn_Date__c_Quarter');
cancel = foreach cancel generate cancel.'Churn_Date__c_Year' + "~~~" + cancel.'Churn_Date__c_Quarter' as 'ActivityDate_Year~~~ActivityDate_Quarter', count() as 'New Quarter Cancellations';

cancel = group cancel by ('ActivityDate_Year~~~ActivityDate_Quarter');
cancel = foreach cancel generate cancel.'ActivityDate_Year~~~ActivityDate_Quarter' as 'ActivityDate_Year~~~ActivityDate_Quarter', coalesce(sum(cancel.'New Quarter Cancellations'),0) as 'New Quarter Cancellations', coalesce(sum(sum('New Quarter Cancellations')) over ([-1 .. -1] partition by all order by ('ActivityDate_Year~~~ActivityDate_Quarter')),0) as 'Previous Quarter Cancellations';

sub = group q by ('Subscription_Date__c_Year', 'Subscription_Date__c_Quarter');
sub = foreach sub generate sub.'Subscription_Date__c_Year' + "~~~" + sub.'Subscription_Date__c_Quarter' as 'ActivityDate_Year~~~ActivityDate_Quarter', count() as 'New Quarter Subcribers';

sub = group sub by ('ActivityDate_Year~~~ActivityDate_Quarter');
sub = foreach sub generate sub.'ActivityDate_Year~~~ActivityDate_Quarter' as 'ActivityDate_Year~~~ActivityDate_Quarter', coalesce(sum(sub.'New Quarter Subcribers'),0) as 'New Quarter Subcribers', coalesce(sum(sum('New Quarter Subcribers')) over ([.. 0] partition by all order by ('ActivityDate_Year~~~ActivityDate_Quarter')),0) as 'Previous Quarter Subcribers';

result = cogroup sub by 'ActivityDate_Year~~~ActivityDate_Quarter' full, cancel by 'ActivityDate_Year~~~ActivityDate_Quarter';
result = foreach result generate coalesce(sub.'ActivityDate_Year~~~ActivityDate_Quarter', cancel.'ActivityDate_Year~~~ActivityDate_Quarter') as 'ActivityDate_Year~~~ActivityDate_Quarter', sum(cancel.'New Quarter Cancellations')/(sum(sub.'New Quarter Subcribers') + sum(sub.'Previous Quarter Subcribers') - sum(cancel.'Previous Quarter Cancellations')) * 100 as 'Churn Rate';
Marite Ferrero 36Marite Ferrero 36
Hi NIsha,
This works. Please compare yours:

q = load "Beattie_Subs";

cancel = group q by ('Churn_Date_Year', 'Churn_Date_Quarter');
cancel = foreach cancel generate cancel.'Churn_Date_Year' + "~~~" + cancel.'Churn_Date_Quarter' as 'ActivityDate_Year~~~ActivityDate_Quarter', count() as 'New Quarter Cancels';

cancel = group cancel by ('ActivityDate_Year~~~ActivityDate_Quarter');
cancel = foreach cancel generate cancel.'ActivityDate_Year~~~ActivityDate_Quarter' as 'ActivityDate_Year~~~ActivityDate_Quarter', coalesce(sum(cancel.'New Quarter Cancels'),0) as 'New Quarter Cancels', coalesce(sum(sum('New Quarter Cancels')) over ([-1..-1] partition by all order by ('ActivityDate_Year~~~ActivityDate_Quarter')),0) as 'Previous Quarter Cancels';

sub = group q by ('Subscription_Date_Year', 'Subscription_Date_Quarter');

sub = foreach sub generate sub.'Subscription_Date_Year' + "~~~" + sub.'Subscription_Date_Quarter' as 'ActivityDate_Year~~~ActivityDate_Quarter', count() as 'New Quarter Subs';

sub = group sub by ('ActivityDate_Year~~~ActivityDate_Quarter');

sub = foreach sub generate sub.'ActivityDate_Year~~~ActivityDate_Quarter' as 'ActivityDate_Year~~~ActivityDate_Quarter', coalesce(sum(sub.'New Quarter Subs'),0) as 'New Quarter Subs', coalesce(sum(sum('New Quarter Subs')) over ([-1..0] partition by all order by ('ActivityDate_Year~~~ActivityDate_Quarter')),0) as 'Previous Quarter Subs';

result = cogroup sub by 'ActivityDate_Year~~~ActivityDate_Quarter' full, cancel by 'ActivityDate_Year~~~ActivityDate_Quarter';

result = foreach result generate coalesce(sub.'ActivityDate_Year~~~ActivityDate_Quarter', cancel.'ActivityDate_Year~~~ActivityDate_Quarter') as 'ActivityDate_Year~~~ActivityDate_Quarter', sum(cancel.'New Quarter Cancels')/(sum(sub.'New Quarter Subs') + sum(sub.'Previous Quarter Subs') - sum(cancel.'Previous Quarter Cancels')) as 'Churn Rate';
Nisha arjunan 13Nisha arjunan 13
Hi Marite,

Thank You for the response.

I figured out the issue.
Created a new org and  done everything once again and it worked.

The changes that I made.
1) Instaed of using the browser 'Microsoft Edge' used Chrome for development.
2) Uploaded the Beattie Subs.csv  file directly into a dataset rather than through the dataflow.

I thought of sharing it, since if some one is stuck with the first step, this will be helpful for them :)

With Regards,
Marite FerreroMarite Ferrero
Hi Nisha, I'm glad you figured it out. cheers.
Pavan Nandan 31Pavan Nandan 31
Hi All,

I have Stucked in challange 2

I have created the tresure length like this
Tresure Length

and my Query/json is like below:
"Tenure_Lenght_1": {
"broadcastFacet": true,
"columns": {
"min": {
"type": "string"
"max": {
"type": "string"
"value": {
"type": "string"
"Display": {
"type": "string"
"label": "Tenure Lenght",
"selectMode": "single",
"type": "staticflex",
"values": [
"Display": "High Risk",
"min": 1,
"max": 12,
"value": "1 to 12 months"
"Display": "Medium Risk",
"min": 13,
"max": 24,
"value": "13 to 24 months"
"Display": "Low Risk",
"min": 25,
"max": 36,
"value": "25 to 36 months"

have tried with the query  :

q = load "Beattie_Subs"; filter q by {{row(Tenure_Length_1.selection,[0],[\"min\",\"max\"]).asRange (\"Tenure\")}};q_B = filter q by 'Churn' == "Yes"; result = group q by all full, q_B by all; result = foreach result generate (count(q_B) / count(q))*100 as 'churnRate';

but it's not returning and also not showing an error , it look like it's loading but i waited for 30-40 mins it's not returning with results . Still showing it's loading. 

Please helpme here! Thanks in advance!
Marite FerreroMarite Ferrero
Hi Pavan,
Check out your label/name of Tenure_Lenght in your JSON. 
Your query uses Tenure_Length

You just transposed "gth" - "ght"
Pavan Nandan 31Pavan Nandan 31
Hi Marte,

Thankyou for your response, I have chnaged the label.Still same issue
Marite FerreroMarite Ferrero
Hi Pavan,
When you write your query, you should not write it with the binding : " {{row(Tenure_Length_1.selection,[0],[\"min\",\"max\"]).asRange (\"Tenure\")}}". Adding the binding right away will cause it to 'loop' as the query cannot run on unknown variables.

Please read my post to Tushar on May 19, 2020.
Pavan Nandan 31Pavan Nandan 31
Hi Marite,

I have done in that way i.e i have added the Query in the dashboard json also, but toggles are not working.
Pavan Nandan 31Pavan Nandan 31
Hi Marite,

The Above post by you solved my issue.Thankyou very much.
Gabriel Infante 8Gabriel Infante 8
Hi Marite,

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I have this issue here where I cannot see the Create A Step button on the right panel, just the Create Query function.
I need to create steps in order to create the Length of Tenure.

Any help?
Marite Ferrero 36Marite Ferrero 36
Hi Gabriel,

Click on 'Create Query' (see right hand panel); then this will pop-up. Look at the bottom for "Create Custom Query' and this will enable you to create a static Query.

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Gabriel Infante 8Gabriel Infante 8
Hi Marite Ferrero,

Just passed the Step #2 of the superbadge. I want to express my sincere appreciation to you. You are a rockstar!

Thank you,
Gabriel Infante 8Gabriel Infante 8
Your post to Ben on May 6, 2020 was really helpful.
Purnima Jothikrishnan 2Purnima Jothikrishnan 2
If anyone faces the trigger issue ,please check if the prediction id is populated properly on the Custom settings. Either its empty or wrong. Once i corrected it worked well for me.
Pratheep Kumar RadhakrishnanPratheep Kumar Radhakrishnan
Hello Marite/All,
Can you suggest any links/reference materials/Qizlet etc., for preparing for the Einstein Analytics and Discovery Consultant (SP20) exam? I know most of us have completed the super badges and preparing for the exam. Thanks in advance.
Marite FerreroMarite Ferrero
The video series of Salesforce Einstein Analytics and Discovery by Ziad Fayed -  mentioned by Daniel in his blog were helpful: as well as Daniel's advice, tips and pointers.

Kelsey Shannon also organised the review path quite nicely:

A few in-depth explanation from Rikke Hovegaard : for example about Bindings; timeseries, etc. 

Doing the 2 superbadges for Einstein Analytics will definitely help. 

Let's not pretend that quizlets and sets of 'questions' in the internet do not exist. They do not have the right answers though. Even if you try these, it will not guarantee that it will allow you to pass the test unless you find out and UNDERSTAND the answers and explanation for yourselves. 
I prepared for a couple of months and very intensely the last month and I made sure to UNDERSTAND the how and why's; based my review path on Kelsey's and Daniel's advice.

I have a specific gripe about the questions related to Einstein Discovery. The questions often show more than 1 plausible answer and I felt were quite subjective (all depends on how you want to get on with your Client and work with the client to help them understand their data and limitations).  

I passed the test but I did not pass it with flying colours. The Einstein Discovery (which is 19% of the total exam) pulled down my overall score - and I really put a lot of time and effort into studying Einstein Discovery. There just isn't sufficient material on it and like I said - I feel that answers were subjective. And of course, Salesforce will not show which specific answers were wrong.

If you are taking the online exam, make sure that you go to the bathroom before you take the test and do not drink a lot of liquid before the test. There was no way for me to communicate to the proctor that my bladder was bursting and so I had to submit the exam despite having another 35 - 40 minutes to go to review with a fine tooth comb.
Pratheep Kumar RadhakrishnanPratheep Kumar Radhakrishnan
Firstly, congratulations on clearing the exam. Secondly, thanks a lot for posting a detailed response. This would definitely help me and all others who are preparing hard to clear the exam.  

I would encourage others as well (who have cleared the exam already) to publish the reference materials/links/videos etc., that you used for the exam preparation.  

Let’s all succeed by helping one another !
Tani Long 3Tani Long 3
I have made it to the end of Challenge # 3 and recieved this error on the verification:

There was an unhandled exception. Please reference ID: LXUYZBXH. Error: Restforce::ResponseError. Message: 550: Value [include] for field [Receive Facet Source - Mode] can't be downgraded to API version 44.0.

Looking for some advice on how to proceed on this challenge..
Marite FerreroMarite Ferrero
Hi Tani,

Can you describe here what you did for faceting and binding for Challenge 3?
Usually the 550 errors are resolved by using a new and clean trailhead/dev instance. 
balaji manikandan 6balaji manikandan 6
Einstein Analytics and Discovery Insights Specialist.
Step 5.
Error : We can't confirm 'Predicted Tenure' was selected as the story outcome. Confirm your story's recommendation is 'Predicted Tenure' and your story outcome field is 'Predicted Tenure'..
any help on these,
Marite Ferrero 36Marite Ferrero 36
Hi Balaji,

This challenge has been revised and it is a lot easier. No need to do the Apex Trigger or the process builder. What I think could be your issue is when you deployed your model.  Did you name your Prediction Name and Story Outcome field as 'Predicted Tenure'?  The Story Outcome is defined in the step before this 'confirm your deployment setting'.

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Martin Prosser 7Martin Prosser 7
I found the previous incarnation of step 5 relatively ok to setup and get working (it's all relative I guess), but when I came to check the challenge, I discovered that step five had changed. Now it seems insanely impossible. No matter what fields I select for the model, the challenge says I've not got the correct set. I see from other posts/videos that the previous challenge wasn't bothered about what fields were used in the model (e.g. it would accept Name!). I've watched the various official Salesforce videos on this. I don't want the answer, but can anyone provide some clues (different to the cryptic clue step 5 provides)?
Marite FerreroMarite Ferrero
Hi Martin,
Perhaps you got caught between the switch from old to new version of the challenge?
From what I can tell the new version checks if you have removed variables that could cause data leaks.
The new version also specifically instructs and checks that you have included contract and payment method.
Maybe you can do step 5 using a new dev instance?
Marite FerreroMarite Ferrero
data leakage
Martin Prosser 7Martin Prosser 7
Ok, I take that back. Step five is easier (if you don't follow the instructions). Out of desperation, instead of creating the story in manual mode, I decided to let Einstein choose the fields for me. It selected Name, it used Subscription Date as-is (i.e. no day/month analysis). All these things are counter to what the official Salesforce material tell us to do, but the challenge accepted the model I created from it.
Marite FerreroMarite Ferrero
The new version also says to choose 'manual'. I did the old version and also tried the new version. The new version does not have the Writeback.
Martin Prosser 7Martin Prosser 7
I initially used manual mode as per instructions. And I would remove Name because name should not be a predictor (and/or could easily break the 100 values limit), and I would use Subscription Date by month (and see a pattern). I checked with/without Modem, I checked many other inter-dependencies, etc. But each time my model creation would be rejected.

Apparently the exam can include a question relating to the steps for Writeback, so knowledge of its steps can be useful.
Marite FerreroMarite Ferrero
What error does it show you upon model creation?
With my try of the new version, I checked only these 4 variables: subscription date (using month as the trend); payment method; contract; and modem.
There was only 1 question related to writeback in the exam.
Anivesh Muppa 6Anivesh Muppa 6
Hi All,
I am left one last Challenge in Einstein Analytics and Discovery Insights Specialist Superbadge.
The thing is i'm getting Error "Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
We did not find the correct field level security for the Predicted Tenure field." eventhough i have given access to my profile (Read-only). No luck even after giving access to all the profiles.
Can anyone provide your valuable solutions !.

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Marite FerreroMarite Ferrero
Hi Anivesh,
Field Security for Predicted_Tenure cannot be read only because Discovery needs to put a value in it. You need to select VISIBLE (top checkbox just to be sure).
Navaneetha Nataraj 24Navaneetha Nataraj 24

It looks like I am missing something while mapping the fields. I have choosen only the 4 fields as decribed above in one of the posts. what could be the problem here?

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Marite FerreroMarite Ferrero
Hi Navaneetha,
Please go here and look
Ashley Campisano 8Ashley Campisano 8

While working on step 5, when I try to add the Einstein Predictions card to the Subscriber page, "Predicted Tenure" does not show up when I go to search for it in Prediction on the right hand side of the screen. Is there a permission that I am missing?

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The Prediction shows up properly in the Einstein Prediction Builder:

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Thanks for your help!
Taras MandzakTaras Mandzak
Hi Anivesh,
I got "We did not find the correct field level security for the Predicted Tenure field." error message when forgot to add "Predicted Tenure" field to "All Subscribers" list view. Please check.
Ahmed Djallel BOUISRIAhmed Djallel BOUISRI
Hello all,

@Navaneetha Nataraj 24, don't overthink it too much, i spent a lot of time trying out models by manually selecting and reselecting predicting variables with different strategies (chosing variables with highest correlation, lowest correlation ..) then ended up trying the automatic selection which ended up the working model, although it choosed 'Account Number' as a predicting variable ... which is complete nonsense. The final model includes the following variables (Subscription Date, Modem Age, Postal Code, Name, Account Number, Region, Payment Method, Contract, Online Security, Tech Support, Online Backup, Internet Service).

@Taras Mandzak, you need to go to the Subscriber Object in the Object Manager, then Fields and relationships, then click the Predicted Tenure field and set Field Level Security to Visible for your profile (which should be System Administrator).

Hope thes helps,
Good luck.
Thamana BhatiaThamana Bhatia
Hi everyone,

According to new challenge for step 5 ?

If completed can anyone please provide the steps fore new challenge.

Thanks in advance.
Thamana BhatiaThamana Bhatia
Hi Ahmed Djallel BOUISRI,

@Ahmed Djallel BOUISRI can you please tell the steps to complete challenge 5
Ahmed Djallel BOUISRIAhmed Djallel BOUISRI
  1. Create the Einstein Discovery Story from the model
    • Select Maximize Tenure as story goal, Insight & Predictions as story type
    • Include the following variables in manual mode : Subscription Date, Modem Age, Postal Code, Name, Account Number, Region, Payment Method, Contract, Online Security, Tech Support, Online Backup, Internet Service
  2. Deploy the Prediction
    • Go to the model reated from the story, and select Deploy Model
    • Name the prediction as 'Predicted Tenure'
    • Connect the predictionto the Subscriber Object
    • Leave the mapping as is (All fields should be mapped)
    • Create a new prediction field and name it as 'Predicted Tenure'
    • Ignore Monitor Model Accuracy
    • Select Contract and Payment Method as Action Variables (if you can't see all the variables, zoom out with your browser)
  3. Add Einstein Prediction Lightning Card to Subscriber Record Lightning Page
    • Using the Lightning App Builder, Create a Record Page named 'Default' for the Subscriber Object
    • Choose Clone Salesforce Default Page and select Grouped View Default
    • Drag and drop the Einstein Predictions Lightning Component into the Right Side Panel and choose 'Predicted Tenure'
    • Activate the page and assign it as Org Default for the Desktop
  4. Add Prediction field to Subscriber List View
    • Using Object Manager, set the Field Level Security to 'Visible' for your profile (should be System Admin)
    • Create a new List View and name it 'All Subscribers'
    • Include: Subscriber Name, Predicted Tenure and any other fields you wish to show up and save the list view
And you should be all set,
good luck.
Marite Ferrero 44Marite Ferrero 44
One would think that they can just read and follow the instructions stated in the challenge and other resources.
Ahmed Djallel BOUISRIAhmed Djallel BOUISRI
Well, they could and they should, but how are they going to read this :
Review all the fields used in the story and create a new story version by removing any fields which might be contributing to data leakage.
and this :
Review any date field(s) used in the model. Should you be including the year? Consider any new records that will be scored with this model. Will the predictive model know how to handle the year? Consider focusing on “day of week” or “month of year”.
and understand that they should include : Subscription Date as it is no "day of week" or "month of year", Postal Code, Name and Account Number and considering them not contributing to data leakage ?!
Marite Ferrero 36Marite Ferrero 36
That's all part of the learning and challenge. If you can track where to read about data leakage, then everyone can too. I have answered a lot of questions in this thread but I mostly helped people who at least try to do the challenge the best way they can.
Ahmed Djallel BOUISRIAhmed Djallel BOUISRI
That's more of a twisted logic than a challenge or learning. Sometimes you achieve the results required by the challenge, but Trailhead expect something else from you, and you spend hours and days figuring out the problem whitout a clue in the error message, so i believe this is a waste of time and an unnecessary frustration. I didn't share the solution where the instructions are perfectly clear in the challenge, but where they aren't i prefere to save people's time and energy for more productive tasks.
Saon Das 6Saon Das 6
@Ahmed Djallel BOUISRI 
Thanks for your suggestion. No need to overthink. Last challenge is straight forward, need to follow the instructions as it is then would be able to clear it.

Challenge 5:
Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
We can't confirm 'Predicted Tenure' was selected as the story outcome. Confirm your story's recommendation is 'Predicted Tenure' and your story outcome field is 'Predicted Tenure'.

can any one help me.......................
Khaja AmeenuddinKhaja Ameenuddin
Hi All, Any help is apprecited.............stuck on Step 5

Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
We can't confirm 'Predicted Tenure' was selected as the story outcome. Confirm your story's recommendation is 'Predicted Tenure' and your story outcome field is 'Predicted Tenure'.
Ron SteelmanRon Steelman
Seriously annoyed with Challenge 5.  I did everything as outlined but I still get the error: 
Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
We can't confirm you mapped the correct fields on the Tenure model. Check the model fields, make sure to avoid using fields that may cause data leakage, and try again.

I reviewed all of the data and removed everything that appeared as data leakage and deployed the model.  I get the error.  I've found 2-3 different people who have listed out what fields they selected or didn't select and deployed the model (and just re-deployed to the already created Predicted Tenure).  I get the error.

I've tried Subscription Date as-is, with the week selected, with the both selected, and with both the week and month selected. After each change, I Deploy the model and select the already created Predicted Tenure.

I've also deleted the Story, made it again, and tried various field suggestions.  I've done the Manual and the Automatic creation of the Story.  No dice.

  1. Subscription Date (no changes)
  2. Modem Age
  3. Name
  4. Account Number
  5. Postal Code
  6. Payment Method
  7. Contract
  8. Online Security
  9. Tech Support
  10. Online Backup
  11. Internet Service

It is very frustrating to be stuck at this point as I am sure the other areas are all correct for this Challenge.  I'm truly at a loss on what I could do differently.
Marite Ferrero 36Marite Ferrero 36
@Ron Steelamn
I've seen this happen when the DEV instance is MERGED with other dev instances. You might want to start with a new DEV instances and go directly to Challenge 5 - then use Ahmed Djallel BOUISRI's step by step.
Make sure that you do not merge the new DEV instance with your main DEV or other DEV instances that you are using.
Piyush Mehta 6Piyush Mehta 6
Challenge 5 indeed is a little vexing ... the set of Fields that worked for me in manual mode when setting up the story are:
Subscription Date, Modem Age, Postal Code, Region, Payment Method, Contract, Online Security, Tech Support, Online Backup, Internet Service

A prior list that did not pass the trail check (see error message below) is:
Subscription Date, Modem Age, Postal Code, Region, Payment Method, Contract

To that end, the below error message is very generic and the emphasis in this csae is on simply "... Check the model fields" and not so much about "... fields that may cause data leakage ...
"We can't confirm you mapped the correct fields on the Tenure model. Check the model fields, make sure to avoid using fields that may cause data leakage, and try again."
Velma McConnell 18Velma McConnell 18
@Ron Steelman I am having the same issues as you and nothing I do seems to satisify this step. Did you ever pass it?

@Mareite, I created  a whole new dev org and followed the exact steps outlined and I'm still getting the same data leakage error. This is terribly frustrating!
Kenneth Jones 13Kenneth Jones 13
I am having trouble with completing step 5. I have opened a case with salesforce but, as they are in another time zone, it is taking some time to get close to some what of a solutuion. I was able to create the story, the model, the object, and list view but, i get the following error:
"Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
We can't confirm 'Predicted Tenure' was selected as the story outcome. Confirm your story's recommendation is 'Predicted Tenure' and your story outcome field is 'Predicted Tenure'."
I had named my first model Predicted tenure but, that resulted in the error message about not being able to confirm selected action variables. The salesforce representitive sugested that I change the name to "Tenure". Once I did that I started to recive the afformentioned error. 

If anyone has any insights or suggestions it would be greatly appreciated. 

Thank you in advance 
José Carlos FernándezJosé Carlos Fernández

@Ahmed Djallel BOUISRI  Please help me, where is supposed to be the Subscriber Tab? I can't see it. I belive that it should be inside the Sales. 

I'm really stuck, I don't know where do I have to create the list view "All subscribers" 

Frieder MorgensternFrieder Morgenstern

Could anybody help me on Challenge 2:
my Code is working well, I can Toggle and Filtering will happen.


But I get the error when wanting to verificate:

Error Message

Here is my query:"query": "q = load \"Beattie_Subs\";\nq = filter q by {{row(static_1.selection, [0], [\"min\", \"max\"]).asRange(\"Tenure\")}};\nq_A = filter q by 'Churn' == \"Yes\";\nresult = group q by all full, q_A by all;\nresult = foreach result generate sum(q_A.'Tenure') as 'churnedSubscribers', sum(q.'Tenure') as 'TotalNumberOfSubscribers';\nresult = foreach result generate 'churnedSubscribers', 'TotalNumberOfSubscribers', churnedSubscribers / TotalNumberOfSubscribers as 'C';"


Please help me with this :)

Abhishek Rajput 48Abhishek Rajput 48
Same Problem ...
my Code is working well, I can Toggle and Filtering is working as expected.
But I get the error when wanting to verification
User-added image:
and this is my Tenure Length Step
User-added image
and this is my tenure chart query
q = load \"Beattie_Subs\";\r\nq = filter q by {{row(Tenure_Length_2.selection,[0],[\"Min\",\"Max\"]).asRange(\"Tenure\")}}; \r\nq_B = filter q by 'Churn' == \"Yes\";\r\nresult = group q by all full, q_B by all;\r\nresult = foreach result generate( count(q_B) / count(q)) * 100 as 'churnRate';"

Please help me in resolving this...
Thanks in advance !!!!!!!!
Harshvardhan Patil 1Harshvardhan Patil 1
Hi All,
I'm little bit confused about the tenature length for step 2. Created following query but, not able to get proper results.
q = load "Beattie_Subs";
q = filter q by date('Subscription_Date_Year', 'Subscription_Date_Month', 'Subscription_Date_Day') in [dateRange([2019,11,1], [2020,10,31])];
q_a= filter q by 'Churn'=="Yes";
result= group q by all, q_a by all;
result= foreach result generate count(q_a)/count(q) as 'A';
User-added image
please guide me for the filter I've to use for line 2 :)
Loïc BillouLoïc Billou
@Piyush, I also struggled with the following error for challenge #5 : 

" We can't confirm you mapped the correct fields on the Tenure model. Make sure you only have one model under your prediction, check the model fields, avoid using fields that may cause data leakage, and try again. "

The error isn't very clear not helps you get to a solution.

The following fields list works :
  • Subscription Date,
  • Modem Age,
  • Postal Code,
  • Region,
  • Payment Method,
  • Contract,
  • Online Security,
  • Tech Support,
  • Online Backup,
  • Internet Service

Pallavi BhisadePallavi Bhisade
Hi All,
I am stuck on CRM Analytics and Einstein Discovery Insights Specialist Superbadge step 5.
Can anyone help with the step. In Deploy Einstein Discovery Prediction, create a new Prediction Field and label it as Predicted Tenure. How to create the field as I am not getting then option in Deploy Model. 
aqib fazalaqib fazal
Hello Gurus, 

I need your help regarding Power BI and DAX Forumulas ( I wanna ask, is there any training or course where I can get latest and updated knowledge to expand my analuytical thinking?
Mudassir Ali 47Mudassir Ali 47
@Pallavi Bhisade,
I came across the same issue. were you able to figure out a solution?
shilpee sharmashilpee sharma
@Mudassir you can create a custom field in model manager >> select your model >> on the rignt side of the screen locate settings >> locate "Automated Prediction Writeback" >> select create a prediction field option and setup the custom field.
Hope that helps...
Leonardo Santana 2Leonardo Santana 2

Hello guys, 


I'm still stuck on the step 1, I getting the error below:
User-added image

And there is my code and graphic.
User-added image

q = load "Beattie_Subs";

Subscribers = group q by ('Subscription_Date_Year', 'Subscription_Date_Quarter');
Subscribers = foreach Subscribers generate 'Subscription_Date_Year' + "-" + 'Subscription_Date_Quarter' as 'ActivityDate_Year-ActivityDate_Quarter', count() as 'Current Quarter Subscribers';

Churns = group q by ('Churn_Date_Year', 'Churn_Date_Quarter');
Churns = foreach Churns generate 'Churn_Date_Year' + "-" + 'Churn_Date_Quarter' as 'ActivityDate_Year-ActivityDate_Quarter', count() as 'Current Quarter Churns';

Result = group Subscribers by 'ActivityDate_Year-ActivityDate_Quarter' full, Churns by 'ActivityDate_Year-ActivityDate_Quarter';
Result = foreach Result generate coalesce(Subscribers.'ActivityDate_Year-ActivityDate_Quarter', Churns.'ActivityDate_Year-ActivityDate_Quarter') as 'ActivityDate_Year-ActivityDate_Quarter', sum(Subscribers.'Current Quarter Subscribers') as 'Current Quarter Subscribers', sum(Churns.'Current Quarter Churns') as 'Current Quarter Churns';

Result = group Result by ('ActivityDate_Year-ActivityDate_Quarter', 'Current Quarter Subscribers', 'Current Quarter Churns');
Result = foreach Result generate 'ActivityDate_Year-ActivityDate_Quarter', sum('Current Quarter Subscribers') as 'Current Quarter Subscribers', 'Current Quarter Churns', sum('Current Quarter Subscribers') over ([..-1] partition by all order by 'ActivityDate_Year-ActivityDate_Quarter') - coalesce(sum('Current Quarter Churns') over ([-1..-1] partition by all order by 'ActivityDate_Year-ActivityDate_Quarter'),0) as 'Previous Quarter Subscribers';

Result = foreach Result generate 'ActivityDate_Year-ActivityDate_Quarter', 'Current Quarter Churns'/(coalesce('Previous Quarter Subscribers',0) + coalesce('Current Quarter Subscribers',0)) as 'Churn Rate';

If someone knows and can explain how i can finish it, it would be really helpfull and gratefull.





Ritesh Gupta 144Ritesh Gupta 144
Hi Felipe Luque, Can you help me to reslove I am getting error in 6 challenge 

We can't confirm you mapped the correct fields on the Tenure model. Make sure you only have one model under your prediction, check the model fields, avoid using fields that may cause data leakage, and try again.