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Damien BellDamien Bell 

Is it possible to have the Last updated field date/time updated by chatter comment

Hello all,

The "last modified date time"

Last Modified By <employee>, 12/20/2018 8:18 AM

Att present I have been able to make it so that the field is updated with the latest date / time on chatter POST by using a process(below)  -- but I can't seem to get it to work with chatter comments. 

The process workflow that I use for chatter post to update the field is: 
Feed Item -> New Update to Chatter Post -> Last Chatter Feed TimeStamp

Record: FeedItem.ParentID(Case)
formula NOW()


Is there a way to do something similar for chatter COMMENTS, as that is how my team (and my entire org for that matter) generally communicate on a case?


SandhyaSandhya (Salesforce Developers) 

select the Feed Item Object, then "When the Record is Created" with no criteria

Refer below thread.
Please mark it as solved if my reply was helpful. It will make it available for other as the proper solution.
Best Regards
Damien BellDamien Bell
Hi Sandhya -- that works for the time of the chatter post, I need to get the time of the chatter COMMENT, which is not a part of the feedItem.
