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Girbson Bijou 8Girbson Bijou 8 

display visual force page externally based on Filter/search

I have a custom object callled Container__c with a child called Articles_Containers__r where Item_Distributed__c in his turn the the child of Articles_Containers__r.   I want to search / filter data and display the  visualforce page externally on my website based on information provided for the Container__r object. When the user goes one  the website page he should provide the Invoice__c , Name,  Bill_of_Lading__c,  and PO__c of  a Container__c to access the VF mached with the provided information.   Actually i am able to diplay the result on the VF page inside of saleforce trough a button on the page layout(picture attached).  Please let me know all the the steps i have to follow. 
My controller
public class ContainerTrackerController
    public Container__c container {get;set;}
    public Map<String,List<Item_Distributed__c>> itemDistributed{get;set;}
    String containerId;
    public ContainerTrackerController()
        container = new Container__c();
        itemDistributed = new Map<String,List<Item_Distributed__c>>();
            containerId = ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id');
           container = [SELECT Id,Name,DR__c, PO__c,Arrived_Date__c, Invoice__c, Pkl__c, Description__c, Container__c.Provenance__c, Percent_Distributed__c, Bill_of_Lading__c, Size_in_feet__c, Seal_No__c, 
                         (SELECT Id,Name,Prod__c,Number__c,Number_Distributed__c,Available__c,UM__c, Pending__c, Percentagedistributed__c, Lot_Number__c FROM Articles_Containers__r)
                         FROM Container__c WHERE  Id =:containerId];

            if(container != null)
                Set<Id> articleContainersId = new Set<Id>();
                    for(Articles_Containers__c art :container.Articles_Containers__r)
                        itemDistributed.put(art.Id, new List<Item_Distributed__c>());
                List<Item_Distributed__c> lstItemDistributed = new List<Item_Distributed__c>();
                lstItemDistributed = [SELECT Id, Name,Product__c,Quantity__c,Delivery__c,Productt__c, Beneficiary__c, Date__c , Delivery__r.Beneficiaire__r.Beneficiary_ID__c, Delivery__r.Beneficiaire__r.Class__c, Delivery__r.Beneficiaire__r.Departement__c, Delivery__r.Beneficiaire__r.Type, Delivery__r.Beneficiaire__r.New_ID__c 
                                      FROM Item_Distributed__c WHERE  Del_Status__c='Delivered'AND Product__c IN :articleContainersId];
                    for(Item_Distributed__c item :lstItemDistributed)
        catch(Exception e)

the VF Page

<apex:page showHeader="false" sidebar="false"  standardStylesheets="false" Controller="ContainerReportController"  applyBodyTag="false" >
        <style type="text/css" media="print">
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    <div class="head">        
        <div class="col logo">
            <apex:image url="{!$Resource.LogoFFP}" width="140" height="60"/>
        <div class ="col name"> 
                FOOD FOR THE POOR
                14, Mapou Rte. Nationale #1, Cap Haitien, Haiti <br/>
   <h3> {!Container.Name} : DETAILED DISTRIBUTION REPORT </h3>
   <div class="firstBlock" > 
        <div class ="SubfirstBlock">
                <b>Description   :</b> {!Container.Description__c}
                 <b>Packing List Number  :</b>    {!Container.Pkl__c}

                <b>Invoice    :</b> {!Container.Invoice__c}

                 <b>PO   :</b>    {!Container.PO__c}

                <b>Seal :</b> {!Container.Seal_No__c}
        <div class ="SubfirstBlock">
                <b>Arrival Date :</b> <apex:outputtext value="{0, date, long}">
        <apex:param value="{!Container.Arrived_Date__c}"></apex:param>
                <b>Provenance    :</b> {!Container.Provenance__c}
                <b>Size in Feet   :</b> {!Container.Size_in_feet__c}
                <b>Bill Of Lading    :</b> {!Container.Bill_of_Lading__c}
                 <b>Overall Distribution :</b>    {!COntainer.Percent_Distributed__c} %

      <table style="width:100%;border-collapse: collapse;">
                  <td> <b>CODE </b></td>
                  <td> <b>ITEM </b></td>
                  <td> <b>UoM </b></td>
                  <td> <b>#RECEIVED </b></td>
                  <td> <b>#DISTR. </b></td>
                  <td> <b>BALANCE</b></td>
                  <td> <b>#PENDING</b></td>
                  <td> <b>%DISTR.</b></td>
          <apex:repeat value="{!container.Articles_Containers__r}" var="article">
                  <td style="background:#000080;color:white;"><b>{!article.Name}</b></td>
                  <td style="background:#000080;color:white;"><b>{!article.Prod__c}</b></td>
                  <td style="background:#000080;color:white;"><b>{!article.UM__c}</b></td>
                  <td style="background:#000080;color:white;"><b>{!article.Number__c}</b></td>
                  <td style="background:#000080;color:white;"><b>{!article.Number_Distributed__c}</b></td>
                  <td style="background:#000080;color:white;"><b>{!article.Available__c}</b></td>
                  <td style="background:#000080;color:white;"><b>{!article.Pending__c}</b></td>
                  <td style="background:#000080;color:white;"><b>{!article.Percentagedistributed__c} %</b></td>
                   <td> <b> Deliv. Item Code </b></td>
                   <td> <b> Beneficiary</b></td>
                   <td> <b> #Given</b></td>
                   <td> <b> Date</b></td>
                   <td> <b> Del.Number</b></td>
              <apex:repeat value="{!itemDistributed[article.Id]}" var="item">
                     <td> <apex:outputtext value="{0, date, medium}">
                     <apex:param value="{!item.Date__c}"></apex:param>
                     </apex:outputtext> <br/></td>
                      <td><apex:outputField value="{!item.Delivery__c}"/></td>

the visualforce page with results i want access outside of salesforce