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Sandeep TechAffinitySandeep TechAffinity 

Aura component and Aura Toast message Not working in Partner Community page.!

Hi Guys,

I have created an Aura component and Toast message which is completely working in salesforce org but it is not working in the Partner community even though it is visible in the partner community. The component will be fired and refreshed automatically after the record is saved, but in Partner community, i need to refresh the page everytime. can you anyone help me.

SwethaSwetha (Salesforce Developers) 
HI Sandeep,
Can you share the code snippet I can use to replicate this behavior?

In a similar scenario from the past, ,separate page variations were used for partner users and so they were not able to see them.

Sandeep TechAffinitySandeep TechAffinity
Hi Swetha,

Do you want me to share include Apex controller or else only aura snippet?

Thank you,