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Rafael Lessa BarretoRafael Lessa Barreto 

LWR Build Your Own Template notification center

Is there any workaround for the missing component to have a notification bell in the Build Your Own LWR template?
PriyaPriya (Salesforce Developers) 
Hi Rafael,

Can you kindly elaborate the requirement?

Rafael Lessa BarretoRafael Lessa Barreto
Salesforce Experience Cloud Site has a template Build Your Own (LWR). This template runs only LW components meaning we can't use Aura components. However, Salesforce does not have a LWC component for the bell notifications(only aura). We are building a community using this template and one of our requirements is to have the bell notification. Thanks!
mukkesh reddy 4mukkesh reddy 4

Hi Rafael,

UNFORTUNATELY,.. there is no work around.

Instead use Build Your Own (Aura) and add all the lightning web components you need. For Bell icon / notification... create an AURA component with below code in component file. Rest of the Aura component's files.. just leave them blank.

<aura:component implements="forceCommunity:availableForAllPageTypes" access="global" >


Now, add this component wherever you want and you should see a notification bell.

Naresh T 37Naresh T 37
Hi Rafeal,
Have you got the solutions for the above issue?