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Felix QuinonesFelix Quinones 


Hello Everyone,
I'm creating a two flows to pass information from the Stripe Salesforce Connector to the contact and the opportunity object, respectively. The contact object is providing the following error. can someone help me to troubleshoot? 

Error element Create_a_Contact (FlowRecordCreate).
This error occurred when the flow tried to create records: CANNOT_INSERT_UPDATE_ACTIVATE_ENTITY: npsp.TDTM_Contact: execution of BeforeInsert caused by: System.NoDataFoundException: Encryption Key Unavailable: The encryption key number 1 used to encrypt this data was deleted. Contact your administrator to get access to the data. (System Code). You can look up ExceptionCode values in the SOAP API Developer Guide.

Flow Details
Flow API Name: Create_a_Contact_from_Customer_Person_in_STRIPE
Type: Autolaunched Flow
Version: 4
Status: Active
Org: Xiente (00D7g000000H78j)

Flow Interview Details
Interview Label: Create a Contact from Customer in STRIPE 10/2/2023, 2:42 AM
Interview GUID: 9724061435764f6df7ec666bd2618aef0e524a-5e36
Current User: Felix Quinones (0054x0000019wxh)
Start time: 10/2/2023, 2:42 AM
Duration: 0 seconds

How the Interview Started
This path runs asynchronously after the original transaction for the triggering record is successfully committed.
Felix Quinones (0054x0000019wxh) started the flow interview.
API Version for Running the Flow: 58
Some of this flow's variables were set when the interview started.
$Record = stripeGC__Stripe_Event__c (a1V7g000001oAHzEAM)

STRIPEGC__V01_CASTCUSTOMER (APEX): Create Contact Object
requestBody = {!$Record.stripeGC__Request_Body__c} ({"type":"customer.created","request":{"idempotency_key":"b753c2f3-ed87-4812-92db-0278c4e4e7dd","id":"req_qfYBsmlz3AxsmW"},"pending_webhooks":1,"livemode":false,"data":{"object":{"test_clock":null,"tax_exempt":"none","shipping":{"phone":"","name":"Benito Santos","address":{"state":"PA","postal_code":"19123","line2":"","line1":"171 Diamante Calle","country":"US","city":"Philadelphia"}},"preferred_locales":[],"phone":null,"next_invoice_sequence":1,"name":"Benito Santos","metadata":{},"livemode":false,"invoice_settings":{"rendering_options":null,"footer":null,"default_payment_method":null,"custom_fields":null},"invoice_prefix":"FE186119","email":"","discount":null,"description":"THis is an example","delinquent":false,"default_source":null,"currency":null,"created":1696226131,"balance":0,"address":{"state":"PA","postal_code":"19123","line2":"","line1":"171 Diamante Calle","country":"US","city":"Philadelphia"},"object":"customer","id":"cus_Ok9PtATlWmgW9j"}},"created":1696226131,"api_version":"2022-11-15","object":"event","id":"evt_1Nwf6OL3g4suNTxU9Xkp4IVV"})
metadata (Metadata : (Error rendering: stripeGC.Metadata))
subscriptions (null)
livemode (false)
sources (null)
testClock (null)
description (THis is an example)
discount (null)
taxIds (null)
balance (0)
shipping (Shipping : (Error rendering: stripeGC.Shipping))
invoicePrefix (FE186119)
delinquent (false)
cashBalance (null)
r_object (customer)
id (cus_Ok9PtATlWmgW9j)
r_currency (null)
email (
nextInvoiceSequence (1)
invoiceCreditBalance (null)
address (Address : (Error rendering: stripeGC.Address))
taxExempt (none)
created (1,696,226,131)
tax (null)
preferredLocales ([])
phone (null)
invoiceSettings (InvoiceSettingCustomerSetting : (Error rendering: stripeGC.InvoiceSettingCustomerSetting))
name (Benito Santos)
defaultSource (null)

CREATE RECORDS: Create a Contact
Create one Contact record where:
Email = {!} (
FirstName = {!FirstName} (Benito)
HomePhone = {!} (null)
LastName = {!LastName} (Santos)
MailingCity = {!} (Philadelphia)
MailingCountry = {!} (US)
MailingPostalCode = {!Create_Contact_Object.address.postalCode} (19123)
MailingState = {!Create_Contact_Object.address.state} (PA)
MailingStreet = {!Create_Contact_Object.address.line1} (171 Diamante Calle)
MobilePhone = {!} (null)
RecordTypeId = 0124x000000uBaaAAE
npe01__PreferredPhone__c = Mobile
npe01__Preferred_Email__c = Personal
Failed to create record.

Error Occurred: This error occurred when the flow tried to create records: CANNOT_INSERT_UPDATE_ACTIVATE_ENTITY: npsp.TDTM_Contact: execution of BeforeInsert caused by: System.NoDataFoundException: Encryption Key Unavailable: The encryption key number 1 used to encrypt this data was deleted. Contact your administrator to get access to the data. (System Code). You can look up ExceptionCode values in the SOAP API Developer Guide.

Salesforce Error ID: 2072553734-436631 (-653010637)