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Deactivate flows in a beta package by apex

Using the following code I am able to deactivate a flow via code in any org, but if I use the same code in an org where a package has been installed. although you can still manually deactivate the flow, the code no longer works

Http h = new Http();
        HttpRequest req = new HttpRequest();
        req.setHeader('Authorization', 'OAuth ' + '{!$Credential.OAuthToken}');
req.setHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json');
req.setEndpoint('callout:Connect_to_this_org/services/data/v43.0/tooling/sobjects/FlowDefinition/<<flow id>>');
String reqMsg = '{"Metadata": {"activeVersionNumber": 0}}';
HttpResponse res = h.send(req);
system.debug('## res1 ' + res.getbody());
InzamamulInzamamul (Salesforce Developers) 
Hello Steven,

I would request you to please confirm if the package is a managed package or not where you are trying to use the code to deactivate the flow so that I can help you more?

And If you are using on a managed package then I would suggest you to please check the below article:

Thank You!
Its still a beta package but even for a release I believe you can manually deactivate flows so wouldnt think that should cause an issue.
the thing that is strange is the same code used in a normal org works perfectly fine
I have solved my own issue. The code to use is very similar to the above. All that is required is to enter a # at the end of the Flow id
Http h = new Http();
        HttpRequest req = new HttpRequest();
        req.setHeader('Authorization', 'OAuth ' + '{!$Credential.OAuthToken}');
req.setHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json');
req.setEndpoint('callout:Connect_to_this_org/services/data/v43.0/tooling/sobjects/FlowDefinition/<<flow id>>#');
String reqMsg = '{"Metadata": {"activeVersionNumber": 0}}';
HttpResponse res = h.send(req);
system.debug('## res1 ' + res.getbody());

This will work even if you have a managed package and have installed the package in an org. With a bit more work you can mass deactivate Flows