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Alexander SlabbertAlexander Slabbert 

Is there anyway to set a variable "from" email address in flows, without creating multiple email alerts and Org wide addesses

I have a scheduled based flow that picks up new onboarding accounts in a specific stage. It creates a task for account owner, but I want to automatically email specific contacts on the account from the account owner. How do I set emails to semd to account.contacts without creating multiple email alerts? I am on Sales Cloud Unlimited
Arun Kumar 1141Arun Kumar 1141
Hello Alexander,

The procedures listed below can be used to change the "from" email address dynamically without producing several email notifications or organization-wide addresses:

a) Make a Custom Field: To begin, make a custom field on the object that will be the source of the flow. The email address you want to use as the "from" address will be saved in this box.

b) Update the Custom Field: Enter the required email address into the custom field before starting the flow. Depending on your needs, you may accomplish this using workflow rules, process builder, or Apex triggers.

c) Using the Get Records or Fast Lookup actions in your flow, you may access the custom field and obtain the value that is kept there. By doing this, you'll be able to dynamically access the email address you wish to use as the "from" address.

d) Once you obtain the appropriate email address from the custom field, you can use it as a formula variable or merge field in the "from" address field of the Send Email action.

Alexander SlabbertAlexander Slabbert
Thanks Arun

Further question.
1-If I created a formula field on the contact, that pulls that email address from the account, Would flow be able to pull email address from a formula field on the contact (saved as text) ??
2-I take it that I need to use Send email action and NOT email alerts then?
falver nookfalver nook
Yes, it is possible to set a variable "from" email address in flows without creating multiple email alerts and organization-wide addresses. For instance, let's say you want to set the "from" email address to "". You can achieve this by utilizing a custom setting or custom metadata type in your Salesforce org to store the desired "from" email address, such as tierkrematorium-balingen ( Within your flow, you can retrieve the value from the custom setting or custom metadata type and assign it to a flow variable. This flow variable can then be used as the "from" email address when sending email alerts. By following this approach, you can dynamically set the "from" email address without the need for creating multiple email alerts or organization-wide addresses.