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Bill KoszewskiBill Koszewski 

What happens to Call Centers with Lightning?

My org presently uses OpenCTI and a Call Center.  According to the release notes, Call Centers are not supported in Lightning, and indeed, the Call Center functionality disappears from Setup when Lightning is enabled.  This makes sense, because it is unclear how or where an OpenCTI softphone would appear in the Lighting UI.

But, what is the plan for supporting soft phones / OpenCTI / Call Centers and Lightning in the same org?

It looks like we either give up our softphone functionality or enable Lightning, but not both...thats an upgrade blocker!
Becka DBecka D
As it exists today, you are correct. Anyone needing CTI will not be able to upgrade until a later release, when CTI becomes Lightning compatible (or maybe, vice versa...). You can however roll out the new UI via permission set or profile, so users not requiring CTI can get moved. Not sure if that solution will work for you though.
Balakrishna N 25Balakrishna N 25
Hi I found there is Call center and Softphone in Setting-->Personal Information--> Quick Find-->Callcenter

so I want to what is functionality it is for...I apriciate your valubale information
Matty BMatty B
Bill what did you find regarding this? have you gotten CTI (softphone) to show up in Lightning experience? This is a bit of a setback if we cannot have this right now...
Abdeltif NouqratAbdeltif Nouqrat
you have to create a lightning application as console application, which then can be launched from the app Setup menu.
May be that help allthough it is posted too late.

Kind regards.