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Linda Gatson 7Linda Gatson 7 

CVS number format not saving correctly

Hi! I'm trying to use data loader to update the number of employees field to 10 - 50 but it comes in as Oct-50! Upon opening the CSV file I see that is indeed what is in that column. I've tried using every format I can think of to get the column to stay formatted, but after saving, I open to check and the numbers are right back to Oct-50 or even worse nonsense.
James LoghryJames Loghry
Ha. I feel your pain.  This is a wonderful Microsoft Excel "feature".  Here's a Stack Overflow post on how to get your text column to format appropriately instead of automatically adjusting as a date:

The gist is that you want to format your columns as text values rather than date values, and it tends to vary based on the version of Office and Excel you have.

My gut feeling though is that your CSV file is actually correct, but when you open it up in Excel for the first time, it auto adjusts it to the date format (super annoying I know)