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Coral RacingCoral Racing 

Formula Help with updating a field when another field ischanged Today()


I have a custom field CAB_Outcome__c and I am wanting to somehow report when this field is no longer blank and is changed today ()?  I am then wanting this to check another custom field using a workflow and uncheck if CAB_Outcome__c is changed but not today()?

Hope that makes sense?  All ideas welcome

Many Thanks

Coral RacingCoral Racing

I have figured this out - I created a date field and then a workflow to update the date field to TODAY() when the custom field ISCHANGED
Manuel Jiménez GonzálezManuel Jiménez González
You can created two fields, one date field to save when CAB_Outcome__c  is changed CAB_Outcome_Day_c  , another formula fields to check this (If(AND(CAB_Outcome__c  , CAB_Outcome_Day_c  =Today())
Coral RacingCoral Racing
Hi Manuel

Thanks for you input.  I am unsure though why I need the formula field though?  Is this a check field? I was just going to run the report based on CAB_Outcome_Day_c as it should change every time CAB_Outcome__c  is changed on another date?
Manuel Jiménez GonzálezManuel Jiménez González
Oh, ok! i think you need a check formula field to see in the record detail if the 
CAB_Outcome__c   was changed and if was today, if is only for a report you probabily only need the 
CAB_Outcome_Day_c .

Best regards
Coral RacingCoral Racing
Thanks for the clarification.