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User is not able to modify a profile although he has access to that dashboard profile


I have given Read write access to a dashboard folder.
User with XYZ profile is included in the list of users who are allowed to modify the folder.

But a user in XYZ profile is not able to modify this dashboard.

More info. Dashboard is viewed as a 'Sandrine'.

what is the reason for the cause and also, how can i let user with profile XYZ modify a dashboard.

Best Answer chosen by Ab
Does the XYZ profile have the Create and Customize Dashboards permission?  Or have they been applied that permission via a permission set?

All Answers

Does the XYZ profile have the Create and Customize Dashboards permission?  Or have they been applied that permission via a permission set?
This was selected as the best answer
Jeet PadhyaJeet Padhya
Also check the license type of the users who
1. created the dashboard
2. Trying to modify the dashboard

If the dashboard was created by a user having a higher license type than the user trying to modify it, he/she would not be able to do so!