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a Custom text box that displays same info for case and contact

I need to create a custom text box that would display the same information for a case and account.
That is: If I enter text into a field on the account field and would then create a new case for that account, that text would already be populated with the information entered to the contact that the case belongs to.
I would also like to have the same relationship with the account.
Thus if I make a note on the account level, then that note would appear on every contact and case under that account.
Is this possible, and if yes how would I do it because I spent at least a couple of hours trying to figure that out without any success.
To do this you will need to create a related table.  You don't want the note content to be in more than one record (If it gets changed on account, how do you propagate that change to contact and case?).  Once you create a new custom object to hold the note, you can create relationships between the custom object and the contact, account and case objects to display this note.

That's the only reasonable approach that I can see.