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Icon or picture status Alerts!

I am looking for a way to include a field to indicate the status of an case using a picture instead of text. For example, if its a high profile case there needs to be a icon alert that shows up to really make it clear. Also, the managers want to be able to choose which icon is displayed.
Whats the best way to go about configuring hard to miss alerts at the case level?
You could try a custom formula field (Text) that uses the IMAGE function to display images depending on the value of another field (using CASE or IF).  Go to Help and Training and search on IMAGE, there are a varitey of examples and resources you may find useful.

Thanks so much I did that and it worked exactly how i wanted. For reference, this is the condition statement I set up for my formula text field:


IF( ISPICKVAL(Priority , "high") , IMAGE("", "High Priority"
),IF( ISPICKVAL(Priority , "Medium") , IMAGE("", "Medium Priority"
) ,IF( ISPICKVAL(Priority , "Low") , null,null)))