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Hi there,
I apologise in advance for such a generic post.
I have been given the task of writing a SF application and have read the platform cookbook and worked through the Creating on demand apps tutorial so understand the basic concepts of SF development.  However, there seems to be so many ways to create applications I am struggling to understand which is the best technology to use and where to start! 
What I need to do is this:-
We have a website that has a bunch of webservices that expose various bits on information from our customers.  This is written in .NET, although that irrelivant I guess as they are just webservices afterall!
I need to create a SF application that takes SF client information, passes it to whichever webservice I want, get the information back and display it within out SF tab/page/app.
So basically its a mash-up of SF data and our data?  I am assuming I need to create S-Controls for the functions I need, and HTML pages within SF?  ANy ideas in the best practices for doing this?
Also, the user in SF will need to enter there username and password to pass to our webservice as ALL of our calls require this information.  I need a way for them to enter this and store it, much the same was the Google Adwords admin tab does.  How is this done?
Thanks very much
>I need to create a SF application that takes SF client information, passes it to whichever webservice
> I want, get the information back and display it within out SF tab/page/app.

Though I'm also a n00b, I am doing something similar using S-controls with JavaScript calls to execute an Apex class.  This class will use the objects in generated code from your web services' WSDLs to send whatever info you need to the web service and return the values (or some HTML output) back to the JavaScript to display. 

> Also, the user in SF will need to enter there username and password to pass to our webservice as 
> ALL of our calls require this information.  I need a way for them to enter this and store it, much the
> same was the Google Adwords admin tab does.  How is this done?

Just store this in a custom object (if everyone uses the same username/password) or as a custom field in the User object (if each person has their own.)  Or just install the Google Adwords app you mentioned and find out how SF stores it. :-)