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Navigate from Contact to account on click of a button



i want to make a button on contact , on click of that button i want to navigate to detail page of the related account.


Has anybody worked on similar functionality , please let me know.


Thanks in advance


Best Answer chosen by Admin (Salesforce Developers) 
Isnt the account name field on the contact a link to the account detail page?

All Answers


Hi Ritika,


You can write an On-Click Javascript or on S-Control which will be executed on the Button click.


You can specify a re-direct link where the related account ID will be specified, so that you are re-directed to the appropriate page.




Hi Ritika,


Why do you need this button? There is already a link on the Contact that takes you directly to the Account detail page.


If you want a custom button, make it a URL with the following syntax:




But again, I think this is redundant to the existing link, unless I'm missing something.


Hope that helps,



thanks for your reply .


Can you provide me with a sample code with similar s-control, since i am new to s-control.




Isnt the account name field on the contact a link to the account detail page?
This was selected as the best answer