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SessionId in Header, how to set value in java?


I want to set the sessionId value in the header of the Upsert operation

with the value i just got from the Login operation.


I am new in java, i don't know how to get the value to set it again in the header  




this is the my generated java code:


 * This file was generated by LANSA Integrator SOAP Agent Wizard
package com.marktselect.service.soap ;

public class SalesForceAgent_EnterpriceService implements com.lansa.jsm.service.SOAPAgentHandler

        Operation - login

    public final void setOperation_LOGIN ()

        Operation Request - login

    public final void prepareRequest_LOGIN ( com.lansa.jsm.service.SOAPAgentRequest request ) throws Exception
        request.prepareParameter ( "USERNAME", java.lang.String.class, false, false ) ;
        request.prepareParameter ( "PASSWORD", java.lang.String.class, false, false ) ;

        Operation Parameter - login

    public final void setParameter_LOGIN_USERNAME ( com.lansa.jsm.service.SOAPAgentParameter parameter, com.lansa.jsm.service.SOAPAgentBind bind ) throws Exception
        parameter.setEntity ( bind.getFieldValue ( "MSLOGUSR" ), null, null ) ;

        Operation Parameter - login

    public final void setParameter_LOGIN_PASSWORD ( com.lansa.jsm.service.SOAPAgentParameter parameter, com.lansa.jsm.service.SOAPAgentBind bind ) throws Exception
        parameter.setEntity ( bind.getFieldValue ( "MSLOGPWD" ), null, null ) ;

        Operation Response - login

    public final void prepareResponse_LOGIN ( com.lansa.jsm.service.SOAPAgentResponse response ) throws Exception
        response.prepareFragment ( new String[] { "LOGIN" }, com.sforce.soap.enterprise.LoginResult.class, false, true, null ) ;
        response.prepareFragment ( new String[] { "LOGIN", "USERINFO" }, com.sforce.soap.enterprise.GetUserInfoResult.class, false, true, "getUserInfo" ) ;

        Operation Fragment - login

    public final void getFragment_LOGIN_LOGIN ( com.lansa.jsm.service.SOAPAgentResponseFragment fragment, com.lansa.jsm.service.SOAPAgentBind bind ) throws Exception
        bind.setFieldValue ( "URLSERVER", fragment.getEntity ( "metadataServerUrl", null ) ) ;
        bind.setFieldValue ( "PWEXPIRED", fragment.getEntity ( "passwordExpired", null ) ) ;
        bind.setFieldValue ( "SANDBOX", fragment.getEntity ( "sandbox", null ) ) ;
        bind.setFieldValue ( "SERVERURL", fragment.getEntity ( "serverUrl", null ) ) ;
        bind.setFieldValue ( "SESSIONID", fragment.getEntity ( "sessionId", null ) ) ;
        bind.setFieldValue ( "USERID", fragment.getEntity ( "userId", null ) ) ;

        Operation Fragment - login

    public final void getFragment_LOGIN_USERINFO ( com.lansa.jsm.service.SOAPAgentResponseFragment fragment, com.lansa.jsm.service.SOAPAgentBind bind ) throws Exception
        bind.setFieldValue ( "ACCMODE", fragment.getEntity ( "accessibilityMode", null ) ) ;
        bind.setFieldValue ( "CURSYMBOL", fragment.getEntity ( "currencySymbol", null ) ) ;
        bind.setFieldValue ( "ORGISOCOD", fragment.getEntity ( "orgDefaultCurrencyIsoCode", null ) ) ;
        bind.setFieldValue ( "PERSACC", fragment.getEntity ( "orgHasPersonAccounts", null ) ) ;
        bind.setFieldValue ( "ORGID", fragment.getEntity ( "organizationId", null ) ) ;
        bind.setFieldValue ( "ORGMLTCUR", fragment.getEntity ( "organizationMultiCurrency", null ) ) ;
        bind.setFieldValue ( "MSBEDRNM", fragment.getEntity ( "organizationName", null ) ) ;
        bind.setFieldValue ( "MSPROFILE", fragment.getEntity ( "profileId", null ) ) ;
        bind.setFieldValue ( "ROLEID", fragment.getEntity ( "roleId", null ) ) ;
        bind.setFieldValue ( "DEFCURCOD", fragment.getEntity ( "userDefaultCurrencyIsoCode", null ) ) ;
        bind.setFieldValue ( "MSEMAIL", fragment.getEntity ( "userEmail", null ) ) ;
        bind.setFieldValue ( "MSFULLNM", fragment.getEntity ( "userFullName", null ) ) ;
        bind.setFieldValue ( "MSUSRID", fragment.getEntity ( "userId", null ) ) ;
        bind.setFieldValue ( "USERLANG", fragment.getEntity ( "userLanguage", null ) ) ;
        bind.setFieldValue ( "USERLOCAL", fragment.getEntity ( "userLocale", null ) ) ;
        bind.setFieldValue ( "USRNAME", fragment.getEntity ( "userName", null ) ) ;
        bind.setFieldValue ( "TIMEZONE", fragment.getEntity ( "userTimeZone", null ) ) ;
        bind.setFieldValue ( "MSUSRTYPE", fragment.getEntity ( "userType", null ) ) ;
        bind.setFieldValue ( "UISKIN", fragment.getEntity ( "userUiSkin", null ) ) ;

        Operation Return - login

    public final void getReturnParameter_LOGIN ( com.lansa.jsm.service.SOAPAgentResponse response, com.lansa.jsm.service.SOAPAgentBind bind ) throws Exception

        Operation Call - login

    public final com.lansa.jsm.service.SOAPAgentResponse callOperation_LOGIN ( com.lansa.jsm.service.SOAPAgentRequest request, String user, String password, String url ) throws Exception
        com.sforce.soap.enterprise.SforceServiceLocator locator = new com.sforce.soap.enterprise.SforceServiceLocator () ;

        String endPoint = locator.getSoapAddress () ;

        if ( url != null )
            endPoint = url ;

        com.sforce.soap.enterprise.SoapBindingStub stub = (com.sforce.soap.enterprise.SoapBindingStub)locator.getSoap ( new ( endPoint ) ) ;

        if ( user != null && password != null )
            stub.setUsername ( user ) ;

            stub.setPassword ( password ) ;


    Add SOAP header


org.apache.axis.message.SOAPHeaderElement elementHead = new org.apache.axis.message.SOAPHeaderElement ("", "SessionHeader");

javax.xml.soap.SOAPElement elementsessionId = elementHead.addChildElement ( "sessionId" ) ;

elementsessionId.addTextNode ( "HOW DO I GET THE SESSIONID IN HERE?" );

stub.setHeader ( elementHead ) ;



   End SOAP header

        request.traceStub ( stub ) ;

        return new com.lansa.jsm.service.SOAPAgentResponse ( stub.login( request.getParameterValueString ( "USERNAME" ), request.getParameterValueString ( "PASSWORD" ) ) ) ;

        Operation - upsert

    public final void setOperation_UPSERT ()

        Operation Request - upsert

    public final void prepareRequest_UPSERT ( com.lansa.jsm.service.SOAPAgentRequest request ) throws Exception
        request.prepareParameter ( "EXTERNALIDFIELDNAME", java.lang.String.class, false, false ) ;
        request.prepareParameter ( "SOBJECTS", com.sforce.soap.enterprise.sobject.SObject.class, true, true ) ;
        request.prepareFragment ( "SOBJECTS", new String[] { "UPSERTOBJ" }, com.sforce.soap.enterprise.sobject.SObject.class, true, true, null ) ;
        request.prepareList ( "SOBJECTS", new String[] { "UPSERTOBJ", "OBJNAME" }, java.lang.String.class, true, false, "setFieldsToNull" ) ;

        Operation Parameter - upsert

    public final void setParameter_UPSERT_EXTERNALIDFIELDNAME ( com.lansa.jsm.service.SOAPAgentParameter parameter,







this is the my generated message i sent:



<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
- <soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="">
- <soapenv:Header>
- <SessionHeader soapenv:actor="" soapenv:mustUnderstand="0">
  <sessionId>HOW DO I GET THE SESSIONID IN HERE?</sessionId>
- <soapenv:Body>
- <upsert xmlns="">
- <sObjects>
  <ns1:fieldsToNull xmlns:ns1="">34</ns1:fieldsToNull>
  <ns2:Id xmlns:ns2="">11111</ns2:Id>

Best Answer chosen by Admin (Salesforce Developers) 

Lansa users says: The Web Service API (WSDL) uses non-industry standard methods for defining the parameters for their web service operations

they mean the headers....



But as i know .. with almost  every language you can define and set the headerfields you want.... but NOT with LANSA Integrator ......


So this is really MY problem with which you can not help me.... 


Our  temp. solution is to GET upsert data from the external webservice instead of POSTING upsertdata to salesforce, this way i don't have to set any headerfield whatsoever...


Until the world regards!

All Answers


It says it fairly in black and white in the Java sample included in the login call docs:


  binding._setProperty(Stub.ENDPOINT_ADDRESS_PROPERTY, loginResult.getServerUrl());

// Create a new session header object
// add the session ID returned from the login
_SessionHeader sh = new _SessionHeader();
// Set the session header for subsequent call authentication
binding.setHeader(new SforceServiceLocator().getServiceName().getNamespaceURI(),
"SessionHeader", sh);



when i use that code i get an error saying:


cannot resolve symbol : class _SessionHeader




When you generated the classes from the WSDL, did you get anything that looks like that at least?  You should have some kind of class that looks like SessionHeader into which you put the sessionId.


I can not see that information... i am using the Integrator from Lansa ....


I think you don't know that program language...


I am busy contacting them so ... let this question rest.. until later ....sorry

the SessionId is returned from the Login call 9 (as part of the LoginResult structure), you'll need to ask the Lansa folks how you access that.

Lansa users says: The Web Service API (WSDL) uses non-industry standard methods for defining the parameters for their web service operations

they mean the headers....



But as i know .. with almost  every language you can define and set the headerfields you want.... but NOT with LANSA Integrator ......


So this is really MY problem with which you can not help me.... 


Our  temp. solution is to GET upsert data from the external webservice instead of POSTING upsertdata to salesforce, this way i don't have to set any headerfield whatsoever...


Until the world regards!

This was selected as the best answer
angel fekhangel fekh
I have the same error , but I have not the class " SoapBindingStub " because I use the salesforce version of " Partner" . here is my code

SforceService service = new SforceService();
        LoginResult lr = service.getSoap().login(tLogin(),Password() + Token());
        String sessionId = lr.getSessionId();
        WS_Service ws_Service = new WS_Service();
        WS_ManagementPortType ws_Management = ws_Service.getWS005OpportunityManagement();
        com.sforce.soap.schemas._.SessionHeader sessionHeader = new com.sforce.soap.schemas._..SessionHeader();
        result =  ws_Management.manageClosure(dataObject, sessionHeader, null, null);

any Solution ?