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Auto-populate Account based on Contact in Custom Object

Hi everyone,

I working with the conference management app provided by Salesforce on the Appexchange. (

I am trying to make some modifications to the Attendee Role object. What I would like to do, ideally, is that when a user selects an attendee, really a contact (via the contact lookup), I want it to automatically select the account that corresponds to that contact.

The reason I want to add this functionality is so that the conferences will show up under a related list in both the contact and account page layouts.

I have been struggling with this for a little while - hopefully someone can help me out.

-- Matt
I am looking exactly for the same thing. Does anyone know?
Jonathan Meltzer 8Jonathan Meltzer 8
I am looking to do this in the Case window.  If the tech chooses a Contact name, it will find the account for that contact and populate the lookup with it.