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Creating a meeting request? Help needed.

I have been asked to set up meeting requests and adding them to contact and lead activities related lists. Can anyone help me to get started on this?


Thank you!

Best Answer chosen by Admin (Salesforce Developers) 

Go to the page layout editor (either Contact or Lead)

Go to the Open Activities related list and press the wrench to update properties for that related list

Expand the "Buttons" section

Check the Box next to the "New Meeting Request" option.


Please note that this question refers to "Cloud Scheduler", the feature released in Summer '10 NOT the standard Salesforce Task/Event functionality.

All Answers




To insert an event/Meeting request, you can make use of the below sample code.


Event e = new Event();
e.subject = 'Salesforce meeting';
e.Location = 'Bangalore';
e.Whoid = Id of the contact/lead;
e.startDatetime = startDateTime.;

e.EndDateTime = EndDateTime;

insert e;


To associate the Event with Account or other objects specify, WhatId.


Hope this helps.





Go to the page layout editor (either Contact or Lead)

Go to the Open Activities related list and press the wrench to update properties for that related list

Expand the "Buttons" section

Check the Box next to the "New Meeting Request" option.


Please note that this question refers to "Cloud Scheduler", the feature released in Summer '10 NOT the standard Salesforce Task/Event functionality.

This was selected as the best answer