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Mapping custom fields from account to contract (multi-select picklist and long text)

I desperately need to map some custom fields from the Account to a Contract.  How would I go about writing this code?  I can't find anyone who is doing this, but I'm sure it can be done, if someone can help me with the code, or and idea outside of the box!  Please help!!!!!


I also need help with mapping long text from account to contract as well.  Please advise.


You can map account fields by using formula fields. For an example to map long text field from account use

Account.long_text__c. This will solve your purpose.


Did this answer your question? If not, let me know what didn't work, or if so, please mark it solved.


I tried it and received this error: Error: You referenced an unsupported field type called "Long Text Area" using the following field: business_model__c


What now?