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Need help with UserInfo.getSessionID()



I am using UserInfo.getSessionID() method in a trigger to figure out if the trigger was called within a

specif user context (see code below).


So, In a cotroller class, I store the session information in  a custom setting variable. In trigger code, I compare the stored sessionID with userInfo.getSessionID().


The issue is that I am getting different Session ID in the trigger code for the same user/session.


I don't understand how the sessionID could be different fro the same user in different place of the application.


I would appreicate any help in solving this problem.





Note: In the following trigger code, the if statement allways evalute to FALSE as SessionID__c never macthes with UserInfo.getSessionID().



trigger CreateSubEntity on Entity__c (after insert) {

Entity__c e =[0];

   Config1__c[] configs = [select id, name,SessionID__c,
                            parentID__c  from config1__c where SetupOwnerId = :UserInfo.getUserId()];
    if ((configs.size() >= 1)
         && (configs[0].parentID__c != '')
         &&(configs[0].SessionID__c == UserInfo.getSessionID())) {
       Sub_Entity__c aSubEntity = new Sub_Entity__c();
       aSubEntity.ParentEntity__c = configs[0].parentID__c;
       aSubEntity.child__c =;
       insert aSubEntity;






Another observation: I created  a custom formula field for a custom object. The formula field includes a call to GETSESSIONID() function.


When i print that field to a debug log  file in a apex class and a trigger -- I get completely different values for the same field -- i.e, the output for apex class is completely different from out from the trigger.


I am trying to figure out user/session context in a trigger. I thought by storing userID and SessionID I should be able solve this problem. However, if userInfo.getSessionID() returns difffert values in trigger for the same user and in the same session -- not sure how I what to do. I have tried many different options and so far, no luck.


I would appreciate any help.









As you've found out, you can infer nothing useful from sessionId. Why isn't just userId enough ?


I need the sessionID as the same user may invoke the trigger from a different entry point like the data-loader.  Since the context object is not cleaned up after a insert operation, any request coming outside the UI (data loader or any other program by the same user) will cause problem. So, why is not the context getting cleaned up – although I can handle cleaning up the context in most cases – I have no control when the user click on the browser back button or simply navigates away from to a different tab


The Problem I am trying to solve is to be able to create a Tree structure – for example (Entity --> (Sub) Entity).  One of the requirements is that I can’t use any custom VisualForce page for creating new  Entity; it would be  really easy if I write custom page and write custom save and save_new methods.


Ideal solution: Overwrite save and save_new.  Save can be implemented by using saveURL and passing the parent-entity ID (saveURL gives you newID – which is child ID). However, save_new_url, there is no newID; So, I can’t  don anything about save_new – so, I am out of luck.


Alternate Solution (not so good):  Setup a session context for the user (parented, sessionID, userID); write a trigger for the object (Entity). If the trigger get’s executed in the user/session context – establish the parent child relationship.  Problem: Doesn’t work if sessonID is used.


As I have mentioned before, all I want to do is to create child object within the context of a parent object. I have parentID. when a child is being created, I just have to create a new entry in the junction table and establish parent-child relationship.