function readOnly(count){ }
Starting November 20, the site will be set to read-only. On December 4, 2023,
forum discussions will move to the Trailblazer Community.
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Jeff D.ax366Jeff D.ax366 

BrainEngine Developer Workbench - Enterprise Edition Beta

The BrainEngine team is looking for beta testers for their new Enterprise Edition of its Developer Workbench.

This new edition brings multiple new features:

  • Database Migration Assistant - Is a tool for migrating databases in MS Access, MSSQL and Oracle to objects.
  • HTML based Rich Text (WYSIWYG) Editor - Create, Edit and deploy Visualforce Pages with absolute ease and precision. The integrated tools empower web developers to develop standards-based web documents, quickly and easily.
  • Visual SOQL query builder - Allows developers to build complex SOQL queries via an intuitive visual query building interface easily.
  • Interactive Data Analysis - Provide an interactive decision support system that allows developers to explore their data in an innovative and unique way.

To sign up for the beta email: