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Org got locked, need help!!!

Hi All,


i'm facing a wierd scenario... my account object contains around 2 to 3 million records... i fired a soql query on this object for getting the total number of records, and it has been running for the past two hours... my org has been locked since that time and i'm not able to make any code changes now... is there any way to forcefully stop the execution of the soql query and release the org from the locked state? its ok even if i dont have the query result, but i just want my org to be unlocked... please help...




Have you tried logging in through some other system? It seems that your system got hanged or something.


yes, it was some problem with the system itself... my soql got completed, and still the org was in locked state... we raised an issue with the salesforce support, and they resolved it.. apparenlty the issue occured not because of the query, but something else (i'm still not sure what it was)...


thanks pradeep...