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Issue deploying to a new environment

I am having some difficulty figuring out what I am seeing after I deploy to a new environment using the Eclipse tool.


For my test, I deployed a new object to an existing environment.  The deployment went through with no errors.  When I used the deploy tool a second time to deploy the same code to the same environment I was suprised to see that the deployment package indicated that I needed to overwrite the object that I had just finished deploying. 


I compared the objects in the two environments and they are identical right down to the same file length.  Does anyone have any idea why the tool thinks I need to overwrite the object?


This single object was an experiment because I am trying to understand this behavior when I deploy objects from one environmetn to another.  My thought is that I can generate a second deployment package after I do the original deployment and quickly understand which Salesforce entities may have had deletions made.



It's actually simpler than what you're thinking.  The Deploy to Server wizard shows the object as "Overwrite" because it already exists in your target organization.  It's not that the tool thinks you need to overwrite it.  It merely gives you the option to do so.

Well I thought that might be the case Jon (nice to chat with you again).  However, I don't get the overwrite on all of the members in the package, just on some of them - that's what made me think that somehow the deployment wizard though there was a difference.


Thanks for the update.


Hmm, I'll have to take a closer look and get back to you.


Is your project connecting to a specific Package in your organizations?


In my development organization I have defined an unmanaged package.  When I get ready to deploy to the test environment, I pull the full package to my PC.  I do the deploy from that environment to the test environment. 




Jon, I need to clarify.  In the IDE deployment wizard, I do see Overwrite for all of the existing files, objects, pages, components etc.  Most of them are displayed in grey  but some are displayed in yellow.  I interpreted the grey to mean 'No Change' and the yellow to mean there is a change.  If I have misunderstood this please let me know.




I have the same issue. Can you confirm that the Yellow "overwrite" is completely random (for that is what it appears to be for me) but strangely static to certain files? Or is this in fact a bug in the Eclipse integration?


I still have this problem.  If the color is grey, the files really are the same.  If it is green, it really is a new file.  But if the file is yellow, then Eclipse thinks the files are different.  It appears that the difference could be spaces or tabs.  I use a file compare utility (DiffDog from Altovia) to really determine if the files differ in substance.