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describeSObject to get all fields problem


I'm using describeSObject to get a list of fields and then pass it to a query. I am using the following code, but it doesn't return all the fields (sometimes 225, 216 depending on string formatting) and my query fails. we have 238 fields in the contacts tab. Depending on how I format the string it forms different strings. Is there a limit I am not aware of?


sforce.DescribeSObjectResult res = binding.describeSObject( "Contact" );

for( int i=0; i < res.fields.Length-1; i++ )


expr += res.fields[i].name + ", ";


expr += res.fields[i-1].name;

qr = binding.query("select expr from Contact where Id = '" + contactid + "'");

help is appreciated.

Here's one of the C# functions I use to do something similiar...

public static string getFieldList(sForce.DescribeSObjectResult describe)
string ret = "";
foreach (sForce.Field fld in describe.fields)
if (ret.Length > 0)
ret += ", ";
ret +=;
return ret;

Give that a try and see how it goes.