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Early dev' page creation question

Apologies for the total newbie status.


I've landed a position where I'm being asked to do things with Salesforce when I've never used it before.. <sigh>


When looking at an (single) Opporunity page there's  a section entitled  Amount (Billing | Payment)
Which shows various Amounts and percentages, and *two* amounts paid. 


We often receive multiple payments and I've been asked if I can't adjust this section so that it has the payments listed horizontaly, similar to the Contact Roles, showing existing payments. 

Hopefully all this with a button to enable addition payments. 
I'm thinking I may need to make a new object or several, one for the page layout, an object, or set of fields premade to catch the additional payments..?
Sorry .. I realise this is a doozie of a question and I'll be lucky not to get beaten up on the playground.

Hope someone has some tips.. I'm reading what I can but I'm drowning a bit.



Message Edited by DeeR on 11-29-2009 03:22 PM
Message Edited by DeeR on 11-29-2009 03:24 PM
Message Edited by DeeR on 11-29-2009 03:25 PM
Best Answer chosen by Admin (Salesforce Developers) 

OK.. I believe it's bad form to reply to your own post, although I've been wrong before, but I figured this one out, <blush>.
Made and object called it Payments, added all the fields, summed it up etc, all good.
Bit I'm sweating on now is transfering all the old data from the previous set of fields into my new payment fields...
More praying to the code guru (Linus maybe..?  :)