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Problem updating weblink


I'm trying to update the LinkType of a WebLink. According to the results of a DescribeSObject call for WebLink, LinkType is an updateable field. I'm trying to change the type from url to sControl. Here's the XML request that's being sent:

  <update xmlns="">
      <ns5:type xmlns:ns5="">WebLink</ns5:type>
      <ns6:fieldsToNull xmlns:ns6="">Url</ns6:fieldsToNull>
      <ns7:Id xmlns:ns7="">00b30000000j3FFAAY</ns7:Id>
      <LinkType xmlns="">sControl</LinkType>
      <ScontrolId xmlns="">01N300000000H1yEAE</ScontrolId>

The response shows no errors:

  <updateResponse xmlns="">
      <errors xsi:nil="true" />

But when I query the WebLink, I see that the LinkType wasn't updated. The s-control ID was set properly and the URL was cleared, but the LinkType is still url.

<records xmlns:sf="" xsi:type="sf:sObject">
  <sf:Url xsi:nil="true" />
  <sf:Name>Customer Connection Leads Console (dev)</sf:Name>

What am I doing wrong here? Why isn't the LinkType updating properly? And since it isn't updating, why don't I get an error message?

I considered deleting the weblink and adding a new one with the same name and correct link type, but that would remove the link from users' page layouts, which isn't good.


=> Darla