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territory assignment rules

I have 2 Account Assignment Rules Defined in This Territory
if I active both of them, there will be no account assigned to the territory.
if I active only 1 of them, it works fine.
the rule is very simple. just city code equels certain number (there are a lot of numbers in one territory and no rules, so it needs to be added 1 by 1)
it seems one territory only accepts one rule....
But I want to run multiple rules in one territory without creating child territory. Does anyone know how to do it?
Best Answer chosen by Admin (Salesforce Developers) 


Territory rules are applied with an AND, so all conditions must be met. Obviously your accounts are only in one city code so the results are blank. Depending on the number of city codes you have you could to this in a single rule. Something like this


Field                                 Operator                         Value     

City Code                         Equals                            456,345,567


Use the comma in the value to separate multiple city codes. If you run out of space to add values use additional rows in the filter. Be sure to set the advanced filter to 1 OR 2 OR 3 OR,.... if you use more than one row.


Hope that helps,



All Answers



Territory rules are applied with an AND, so all conditions must be met. Obviously your accounts are only in one city code so the results are blank. Depending on the number of city codes you have you could to this in a single rule. Something like this


Field                                 Operator                         Value     

City Code                         Equals                            456,345,567


Use the comma in the value to separate multiple city codes. If you run out of space to add values use additional rows in the filter. Be sure to set the advanced filter to 1 OR 2 OR 3 OR,.... if you use more than one row.


Hope that helps,



This was selected as the best answer

Hi guys,


Where to find the Territory Assignment Rules? is it an optional feature?

I'm using UE.



Very Appreciate it for your reply.




There is an option just under "manager user" in setup which is called "Manage territory". Once you set up your territory , you can define rules to assign account into each territory....


Thank you jiforce.


Do you know how contact to enable this feature if i used Developer Edition?


