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Chatter Unfollow application test class error out


We installed Chatter Unfollow app and it’s started to cause issues. Test classes fail and block us from deploying  changes to production. Here is the ant error output


Test failure, method: chttrunfollow.UnfollowTests.testRemoveDelayBatchJobFromQueue 
-- System.AssertException: Assertion Failed: Expected: 0, Actual: 4 stack (chttrunfollow)External entry point Test failure, method: chttrunfollow.UnfollowTests.verifyDelayScheduler
-- System.StringException: Invalid parameter value for parameter "id". stack (chttrunfollow) External entry point Test failure, method: chttrunfollow.UnfollowTests.verifyUnfollowQueueEmptiesProperly
-- System.AssertException: Assertion Failed: Expected: 0, Actual: 2 stack (chttrunfollow) External entry point Test failure, method: chttrunfollow.UnfollowTests2.verifyReportingJobDetailsDelay
-- System.AssertException: Assertion Failed: Expected: 0, Actual: 2 stack (chttrunfollow) External entry point



Any ideas?

Thank you





If you have enough code coverage, i would just comment out the system.assert statements in the failing test class and deploy it to production.




Can't .. Managed package


Thank you for the suggestion


If it is a managed package why dont you donwload and install in your prodcution directly instead of deploying from sandbox to production?




I am not moving the Chatter app, it is already installed and being used in Production.


Now, I am attempting move totaly unrelated code and when the tests are run the Chatter stuff fails and nothing can go 


aahh, got you. You can hardly do anything since it is a managed package. Is there any support available for that package? If so i would recommend you contacting them.


Not really. It's a Labs app. I'll try thier board


Thank you