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Dev 401 Training Feedback

Hi I am fairly new to salesforce as we just rolled it out this year. I just completed the Dev 401 training class and I was wondering what other people who took this class thought of the class, the trainer and the materials they give you.


I'll start. The trainer I had was excellent very knowledgeable and had excellent presentation skills. The books however that are supplied I assume by Salesforce are terrible. I mean I could have put these things together. The took the training deck slide presentation and put 2 slides per page. This is something I would expect from a company that has no money or clue how to put together training. I am not a huge fan of Microsoft but at least the books they give you can be used as a reference guide. For $4,000 the books should be 100 times better than a slide deck. 


The work book on the other hand is useful but does not make up for the main student guide book.


Overall the class is not worth the $4,000 they charge for it. I was very disappointed with the materials and expect better from Salesforce.








you are right .. microsoft have all the step and with printscreen..

would you like to share that dev401 student guide notes with me. I am also new in this..

my e-mail id,  and my skype ID aakashking


hope you dont mind to share your SF developer notes with me. just scan hardcopy and make softcopy 


you both forgot about yours traning notes.try to read lot of online material avialable in documentation section.

Please don't request a scanned copy of the material. They may be horrible, but they are copyrighted.
Chris RauchChris Rauch


Let me introduce myself.  I run the Salesforce Worldwide Training & Certification Delivery team.

I was very concerned to hear you felt you didn't receive value for money from the course you recently attended.  To that end I would welcome the opportunity to hear first hand more about your experiences.

The quality of our training and the experience our customers have is of utmost importance to me and my team.

Would you be available to discuss on the phone?

If so then please drop me an email ( and I will contact you




Chris Rauch

Senior Director, Worldwide Training & Certification,