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Custom Object



I am seeing a custom object used in an Apex class. But i am not able to locate the custom in the custom object list of in the installed packages. Is there a way to search for custom objects in the org?




Try in Set-up --> Installed Packages --> Select the package you installed.


It will display the list of all components installed as part of package including the custom Objects




Alternatively you may want to check for the objects:-

in the "Setup" Under --> App Setup--> Create --> Objects



Did this answer your question? If not, let me know what didn't work, or if so, please mark it solved.


I tried both the options and it is not listed in those locations.




Try Workbench or Apex Explorer


In Workbench, go to Query --> SOQL Query and you will see a dropdown list of all objects in your org. If you dont see it there, i am guessing its not present in your org. Maybe you are referrning to a temporary object in Apex code. Paste your code and will look and let you know


Workbench Link

