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Migrate clob data into Salesforce

Hi, does anyone know how to migrate clob field data in other system into Salesforce? The clob field data may contain more than  32,768 characters. 

Best Answer chosen by Admin (Salesforce Developers) 

Hi RongzhongHuang,

You must be aware that "TextArea(Long) and TsxrArea(Rich) are the ones meant for huge data storage in salesforce but your requirement is in excess of 32,768 characters. You can use notes and attachments to store the huge data their limit being 5MB.

  • Text Area (Long)--Allows users to enter up to 32,768 characters that display on separate lines similar to a Description field. You can set the length of this field type to a lower limit, if desired. Any length from 256 to 32,768characters is allowed. Note that every time you press Enter within a long text area field, a linebreak and a return character are added to the text. These two characters count toward the 32,768 character limit. This data type is not available for activities or products on opportunities. Only the first 254 characters in a rich text area or a long text area is displayed in a report.
  • Text Area (Rich)--With the use of a toolbar, users can format the field content and add images and hyperlinks. The toolbar allows the user to undo, redo, bold, italicize, underline, strike-out, add a hyperlink, upload or link to an image, modify alignment, add a numbered or non-numbered list, indent, and outdent. The maximum field size is 32,768 characters, inclusive of all the formatting and HTML tags. Only the first 254 characters in a rich text area or a long text area is displayed in a report. The maximum size for uploaded images is 1MB. Only gif, jpeg and png file types are supported. For more information, see Using Rich Text Area Fields.

Did this answer your question? If not, let me know what didn't work, or if so, please mark it solved.

All Answers


Hi RongzhongHuang,

You must be aware that "TextArea(Long) and TsxrArea(Rich) are the ones meant for huge data storage in salesforce but your requirement is in excess of 32,768 characters. You can use notes and attachments to store the huge data their limit being 5MB.

  • Text Area (Long)--Allows users to enter up to 32,768 characters that display on separate lines similar to a Description field. You can set the length of this field type to a lower limit, if desired. Any length from 256 to 32,768characters is allowed. Note that every time you press Enter within a long text area field, a linebreak and a return character are added to the text. These two characters count toward the 32,768 character limit. This data type is not available for activities or products on opportunities. Only the first 254 characters in a rich text area or a long text area is displayed in a report.
  • Text Area (Rich)--With the use of a toolbar, users can format the field content and add images and hyperlinks. The toolbar allows the user to undo, redo, bold, italicize, underline, strike-out, add a hyperlink, upload or link to an image, modify alignment, add a numbered or non-numbered list, indent, and outdent. The maximum field size is 32,768 characters, inclusive of all the formatting and HTML tags. Only the first 254 characters in a rich text area or a long text area is displayed in a report. The maximum size for uploaded images is 1MB. Only gif, jpeg and png file types are supported. For more information, see Using Rich Text Area Fields.

Did this answer your question? If not, let me know what didn't work, or if so, please mark it solved.

This was selected as the best answer



Hi ,


In your comments, you mentioned that Notes can be used to store more than 32,768 characters. But I can't see Notes related list in Case object.




There must be a related list by the name "Notes & Attachments". Check if its added to the page layout. Do let me know what you find. 


No, I can only see "Attachment" related list in the Case layouts. I know normally you should have "Notes and Attachment" related list in other objects


And also the body field in Note object is textarea type which can store up to 32,000 characters, not limit to 5MB


Attachments has the limit of 5MB


yes, attachment has the limit of 5MB. But attachment is not good for migration. right? 





If you could convert the huge data into text files it could serve your purpose.