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Mini Page Layout at Home Tab

Hi Everyone,


I was wondering if someone could help me on the following requirement.


I have a "Task" Related List at the Home Tab.  Some record´s information listed under the "Task" section do have the mini paye layout functionality enabled so when I do hover on the "Follow up" subject information I can see the related information in a mini page console view.  There is another field named "Related To" and I would like to have the information there displayed as it happens with the "Follow up" field. 

I can view the mini page layout console when I display the task record, but I need to have this console displayed from the Home Tab, without needing to open the task record.  Is that feasible?


Thank you! :)




No, you can't set the mini page layout for Relatedto field on home tab.


Did this answer your question? If not, let me know what didn't work, or if so, please mark it solved. 



Thanks for your answer :)