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Stage history?

The objects (my example is Opportunity) have  a stage history that can be enabled by checking the "enable Opportunity field history". it says "This page allows you to select the fields you want to track on the Opportunity History related list. Whenever a user modifies any of the fields selected below, the old and new field values are added to the History related list as well as the date, time, nature of the change, and user making the change. Note that multi-select picklist and large text field values are tracked as edited; their old and new field values are not recorded."


but even i if i deselect one of the fields to be tracked  in here , and modify that particular field in the opportunity page it still tracks it in the stage histoty. why is this?



Ideally if you have  have unchecked the field from the list of being tracked it should stop tracking. Did you save the changes after unchecking the field which you no longer want to be tracked.

But yes if you are talking about the old tracked value they will remain, but it should stop tracking new changes.


ya i did save . and it still tracks  those changes i unchecked!


plz reply




By Default, Opportunity Stage field is tracked.





whats d point den to give such a option?




Some fields in Opportunity object are tracked by default, since those fields are the essentials of an opportunity.


For eg. Probability, Expected Revenue, Stage, Closed Date, Amount etc..




In opportunity object stage history does not govern by checking stage field. It doesn't matter whether you enable field history or not, stage history will show up on the page. If you don't want to show up on the page just remove it from the pagelayout.


You can also track opportunity history by enabling opportunity field history and by checking fields listed there. Apart from the other fields e.g. Account Name, Close Date, Amount,  you can start tracking stage by checking the checkbox and stop tracking it by unchecking the checkbox. This tracking is different and shows up under Opportunity field history.  For an example if you change Stage from Perception Analysis to Proposal/Price Quote. The entry will showup on two places one under Opportunity field history and another under stage history. If you uncheck stage checkbox, it will showup only under stage history.


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