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Mobile-view of users who registered but never logged in to SFDC via mobile after the registration



Is it possible to create a view/report of users who registered but never logged in to salesforce via mobile devices after mobile registration. I need this data to evaluate my organization's mobile deployment efforts.



Thank you in advance


In response to your question I tried creating a User based report but didn't get the necessary data on which report could be built.

So my next step was to create a "Report Type" to get the necessary data over which I could build the report, I was able to create the custom report based on "User" but could not get all the field required.

Hence the next option is to display the output you need via developing a visual force page.

The following is the query you need:-


Select u.UserPermissionsMobileUser, u.LastLoginDate From User u where u.UserPermissionsMobileUser=true and u.LastLoginDate!=''

You can do it through javascript:-

<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
function changeDivTextColor(turnover_2010_vs_2009_%)
document.getElementById('div1').style.color = 'red';
document.getElementById('div1').style.color = 'green';
Alternatively in the controller you can have a property say "Textcolor" which changes depending upon the value of
turnover 2010- turnover 2009 if less than zero set color to "red" else
set it to "green"
In the visual force page set the div as follows:-
<div style='color:{!Textcolor}'>
and re-render the div for the change to be reflected.


Did this answer your question? If not, let me know what didn't work, or if so, please mark it solved.