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Access permission option is only Read/Write on opportunity / account teams



I am trying to give only read permission to few of the members of account teams or opportunity teams but the only value available in Access dropdown is "Read/Write"


How do i give only read permissions in this case

Best Answer chosen by Admin (Salesforce Developers) 



Adding members in Opportunity Team or Account Team is slightly a different task which is not recommended to do it directly in the UI.


It needs to done either by data loading or apex code in developer console fist in Opportunity or Account and then in respective Share table.


First Part : Inserting Users in Account Team or Oppty Team


1. Select Id, AccountId, UserId, TeamMemberRole, AccountAccessLevel (possible values are READ or EDIT) FROM AccountTeamMember

2. Select Id, OpportunityId, UserId, TeamMemberRole, OpportunityAccessLevel FROM OpportunityTeamMember



Second Part: Inserting Users in AccountShare or Oppty Share table


1. Select Id, AccountId, UserOrGroupId, AccountAccessLevel, OpportunityAccessLevel (possible values are READ or EDIT), CaseAccessLevel(give NONE), ContactAccessLevel(give NONE) FROM AccountShare

2. Select Id, OpportunityId, UserOrGroupId, OpportunityAccessLevel FROM OpportunityShare



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Adding members in Opportunity Team or Account Team is slightly a different task which is not recommended to do it directly in the UI.


It needs to done either by data loading or apex code in developer console fist in Opportunity or Account and then in respective Share table.


First Part : Inserting Users in Account Team or Oppty Team


1. Select Id, AccountId, UserId, TeamMemberRole, AccountAccessLevel (possible values are READ or EDIT) FROM AccountTeamMember

2. Select Id, OpportunityId, UserId, TeamMemberRole, OpportunityAccessLevel FROM OpportunityTeamMember



Second Part: Inserting Users in AccountShare or Oppty Share table


1. Select Id, AccountId, UserOrGroupId, AccountAccessLevel, OpportunityAccessLevel (possible values are READ or EDIT), CaseAccessLevel(give NONE), ContactAccessLevel(give NONE) FROM AccountShare

2. Select Id, OpportunityId, UserOrGroupId, OpportunityAccessLevel FROM OpportunityShare



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This was selected as the best answer

Thanks Bharathi!!



I am trying to achieve the same thing here but it tells me that the field AccountAccessLevel is not editable. 

Also for this, would you happen to know if we can do this based on Profile level; meaning the System Administrator can add or edit the AccountTeam but the other profiles are only allowed to view them. Please let me know if this is possible.


Much Thanks,
