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Batch Update

Is there a sample written in Java for making batch inserts?

I need to make lots of batch creates of both Account and Contact records, and anything that I can do to make it faster is going to help me immensely.






Hi kevincar,

Um, are you using 2.0 or 2.5?  Soap or xml-rpc?  If doing SOAP 2.5 all calls are batch.  If SOAP 2.0, I believe there is a batch sample on the site (if it's been removed I'll send you the old ones).  If doing xml-rpc, I think there may be a thread on this topic.


>Hi kevincar,

>Um, are you using 2.0 or 2.5?  Soap or xml-rpc?  If doing SOAP 2.5 all calls are batch.  If

>SOAP 2.0, I believe there is a batch sample on the site (if it's been removed I'll send

>you the old ones).  If doing xml-rpc, I think there may be a thread on this topic.

Hi Dave,

I wasn't able to find these examples, so if U could either point out the link to me, or send them to my email address that would be cool.

Thanx again,




Hi kevincar,

Here is an API 2.0 .java file that demonstrates all api calls, including batch.