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Error in custom email PDF button (with javascript)

I have a custom button on a custom object that executes some javascript which calls a web service method and populates parameters to call the EmailAuthor link in SF. In sandbox it is working just fine and the code I cannot see any difference. The problem is when I click the button in production I get the following message:


The value of the "p3_lkid" parameter contains a character that is not allowed or the value exceeds the maximum allowed length


This is the code of the button:



var docId = sforce.apex.execute("SalesDoc_PDFAttachment","getSalesDoc_PDFDocument", {salesDoc_ID:"{!SCRB_SalesOrder__c.Id}",pAttID:"{!SCRB_SalesOrder__c.Active_PDF_Attachment_ID__c}" });




I cannot see any errors and when the link is executed the values populated into the url are:



retURL= the id of the custom record

p2_lkid= the contact to send the email to

p3_lkid= the id of the custom record

doc_id= the ID value of the SF document returned by the web service method.


Can anyone spot where this is failing?

Best Answer chosen by Admin (Salesforce Developers) 

I have found the problem and wnated to share it here so it may help someone else someday:


The problem was that the production custom object did not have the Allow Activities checkbox checked and therefore would not allow the sending of email and saving into a task.


The solution was simply to check the checkox and save the custom object definition and the button started working again.