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SAXException.... childRelationships ???

this is the trace:

SFDCRouter::describeSample() -> Exception:; nested exception is:
        org.xml.sax.SAXException: Invalid element in com.sforce.soap.enterprise.DescribeSObjectResult - childRelationships

This is the actual Java method:

private DescribeSObjectResult SFDCDescribe(String obj) {
  try {

   DescribeSObjectResult dso = this.binding.describeSObject("" + obj + "");
   if (! (dso == null)) {
    return dso;

  } catch (UnexpectedErrorFault uef) {

   super.Error("SFDCRouter::describeSample() --> Unexpected Error Fault:", uef.getExceptionMessage());

  } catch (Exception ex) {

   super.Error("SFDCRouter::describeSample() -> Exception:", ex.getMessage());

  return null;


Any help would be ap[preciated....

I'd guess you changed the endpoint version you're making requests against without updating to the new WSDL. Now the API is returning elements your proxy object know's nothing about, and that's causing the error.