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Web to lead form problems

I have integrated the web to lead form in our organisation's Joomla website, but having a few issues with the form online and hope someone can advise :) 


  1. I can’t change the formatting without losing the integration through to – i.e. can’t add spaces between the category title and the answer box – it’s pretty ugly at the moment. 

  2. The multi-select boxes only show one option at a time when live in the website only a single line is visible as where it should show 4/5 options as it does in the article view on the administration side

    see both above issues at
  3. Also I need to add in some code for the spam protection – as not sure where to start - does it matter if in javascript or php?

thanks to anyone that can help!

SFclouds Technologies Pvt LtdSFclouds Technologies Pvt Ltd



we have analysed your problem and can correct it. Please revert with your contact details at to provide you technical assistance



Mats ErikssonMats Eriksson
This sounds like a html programming issue rather than a Salesforce problem. I don't know how much control you have over the html side of your form but it's rather easy to change that crappy format. I put the fields and their labels in a two (or more) column table to left align both the labels and the input fields. While you can't change the NAME of the field you can change the field label to a better name Your multi select boxes must have in the source code a statement like: rows="1". If you change that to rows="5" or something similar you'd be fine on that since the multi select works on your form. You just have to scroll a lot and ctrl+click to multi select. Anti spamming? You'd probably have to do some javascript form validation to weed out mis typing or bad email addresses and such but if you would like to avoid bots to fill in your form you might have to go the CAPTCHA way ( /Mats

thanks Mats, it is a coding issue with the multiselect however there is no "size" or "rows" code in the salesforce generated web-to-lead code and when i tried adding some it didn't have any affect... therefore i guess this is an issues within the joomla template... the search continues.


i will try the text boxes to see if this is works...



Mats ErikssonMats Eriksson
Then try to add a rows parameter and see what happens, e.g. Rows="5" between opening tag and closing tag. I don't think it is possible to show exactly here because the board will "eat" any html tags or at least the brackets. But see this attempt to show a normal textarea field: OPENING BRACKET textarea tabindex="22" cols="75" rows="5" name="IncidentDescription__c">
Mats ErikssonMats Eriksson
No the attempt to show you got messed up... /Mats