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Having trouble writing Cross Object Trigger

Hello All,


I am new to writing Apex and am having trouble writing a trigger. I have two Objects 1) Standard Account Object and 2) Sales Reps custom Object.   I am attempting to have the trigger update all accounts in which a certain field (SalesRep#) matches the custom object field (rep Id).  On the custom object the Owner can change of the rep id. On the standard Object field there is a trigger in place that will update an account correctly once it is edited but not if the Sales rep object changes. I pretty much just need the trigger to fire to update those accounts so the second trigger can fire. But another issue i will have is updating all records which already exist and have this issue currently.


this is what i wrote but does nothing


trigger  SalesRepID on SRID__C  (before insert, before update){

  List<String> SRIDS = New List<String>();

  for(SRID__c S :{
    if(S.Name != null){

  List<Account> AcctList = [SELECT Id  FROM Account WHERE SLS_1__C in :SRIDS];
    for(integer i = 0 ; i < AcctList.size(); i++){
     AcctList[i].SLS_1__c = '0???';

  update AcctList;